
Saturday, June 20, 2015

On the divisions between us

"There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who divide everybody into two kinds of people and those who don't."
Neil deGrasse Tyson
In light of this week's massacre of 9 people at a Charleston, SC church, these words are especially resonant to me. If only we spent less time focusing on our differences and more time opening up to - and learning from - each other.

If only.


  1. I totally agree. If only. I really like this quote too!

  2. The more we throw away resources, use up water, kill the planet and keep people in poverty, this "other" will never go away.

  3. That is a great quote! So many divisions! Rich/poor; black/white; (or white/any other colour) them/us; my religion/your religion;

    And the most dangerous one? Them/us.

    If only, if only, we could all understand that there are human beings, we all have faults, we all have virtues. We all deserve respect.

    If only.


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