
Monday, August 10, 2015

Rice, steamed

Too pretty to eat
Laval, QC
July 2015
There's a reason that being a chef is considered to be part of the culinary arts, because choosing, preparing and presenting food is indeed a form of art.

Sadly, it's a form of art where the creation lasts mere minutes on the table before it's gone. When everyone has left the table and the noise has died down, all that's left of the artist's toil is a bunch of‎ dirty dishes and some faded memories.

Which largely explains why I often feel the need to remember the scene before it fades into history. If someone slaved over a particular dish, then wouldn't it make sense to freeze it in pixels so that others can enjoy it, as well? Well, I think so, hence this pic.

Looking at a picture and tucking in with a fork are widely divergent experiences, and I assure you that this rice ultimately tasted much better than this photo would suggest. But I'm glad I snapped it all the same, because it now serves as a reminder to slow down and enjoy the moment.

Your turn: What's on tap for your next meal?


  1. A real home cooked meal from my own stove of some form, fresh for dinner! We've been camping the last few days!

  2. I'm currently steaming rice and cleaning out my email as I make the switch to Google Inbox. I found a folder of comments from an old Blogger blog (Metrotronic). I was reminded of the kind and thoughtful comments that came from the author of Written Inc so I did a quick search and was happy to see a new post.

    I've invited over a good friend to see the new pad I moved in. We'll be grilling salmon that'll be served up along side steamed rice, and a tomato avocado salad. Dessert is grilled nectarines with goat cheese and honey white balsamic sauce.

    Its posts like these that focus on appreciating, discussing, and sharing the little pleasures in life that made me really appreciate your writing. A lot has changed over the now almost 9 years since I first read your blog, but thankfully your perspective on life and the way you share it with others hasn't.

  3. Karen: There's no place like home, and nothing like returning after being away to appreciate it. Enjoy!

  4. Nielson: What a wonderful surprise! You were one of the reasons why I stuck with blogging so early on. Without community, it was just words on a screen: Thanks to you, it became much more than that.


Please note that Written Inc. has been set up so that all comments must first be moderated before they go live on the blog. I apologize for the inconvenience, but this is to ensure bots and trolls don't muck up the works. If you have any difficulty leaving a comment here as a result, please feel free to email it to carmilevy AT gmail DOT com. Thank you for your understanding.