
Sunday, November 13, 2016

On kindness and Sandra Boynton

"True kindness is not a superficial and occasional thing - it is profound and essential, and requires vigilance."
Sandra Boynton
Sandra Boynton has been my favorite children's author since before we even had kids. If you haven't bounced around the room to Barnyard Dance or done emphatic farm animal impressions to Moo, Baa, La La La! then you've missed out on one of the elemental joys of literary life.

While she is a multitalented author whose work on the surface seems to be aimed at kids, it's the underlying message in everything she does that seems to grab adults, too, as she sears herself into their permanent memories.

And so it is that I woke up this morning to news that today, November 13, 2016, is World Kindness Day. We all know what kind of week this planet has had, and what kinds of weeks, months and years lay ahead. So her words stopped me dead in my tracks as I idly scrolled through my feeds on my iPad over breakfast.

They're words to live by, today and every day, and I hope they, too, go on to become permanent memories for us all.

Your turn: How do you share kindness?

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