
Monday, January 16, 2017

Water frozen from above

Thanks, gravity
London, ON
December 2016
I thought I'd take one last kick at the Out the Window theme - follow this link home if you'd still like to share yours - before the new Thematic goes live tonight.

Icicles have always been a thing for me*. We've been lucky so far this winter, with crazily variable weather that's made them fairly common over the last few weeks. I've kept telling myself I should throw the "good" camera - as opposed to relying on my trusty-but-still-ultimately-limited smartphone - so that I'd be ready if the temperature gradients and light conditions made a quick out-the-window shoot feasible.

The conditions weren't exactly ideal, as the grey skies and dull light made it a bit of a tough sled. But in the end, I ended up with a series worth adding to the keeper pile, and a reminder that nature never loses the ability to blow us away. The mechanics of icicle formation may be well understood, but that doesn't make them any less amazing to the eye. Or the soul.

Enjoy the new week, folks!

Related entries:
More icy goodness, February 2007
Water in any form, January 2010
Frozen wonderland, lost to time, June 2012


  1. This winter we haven't, as yet, had frosts/snow or rain enough to produce such effects. They are always worth a shot out of the window.

  2. I love the steely-gray metallic look you captured here, Carmi. There was a terrific sheet of icicles hanging off a back entrance at work last week, and I brought my camera along with me to take a few pictures, but someone concerned about the extra load it was causing the porch roof to bear decided to knock it all down. I understood his reasoning but I still mourn the photograph that might have been.
    I'm hoping your next theme works with some shots I took today in our winter wonderland.


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