
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Kam Shing's iconic floor

Red and white, checked
Montreal, QC
January 2019
This photo originally shared on Instagram
When you look at the world through a funhouse lens, everything is fair game. A simple walk on a street, or, in this case, in the dimly lit basement corridor of a beloved restaurant that was just a short walk away from our apartment when we were first married, often sparks that little voice in my head that says, "Shoot".

After a brutal day facing brutal reality in a brutal hospital setting, this was the most comforting place we could imagine being. We sat around the table with equally beloved cousins, and debriefed the day that was and talked about what might lie ahead. The conversation obviously didn't fix what was still playing out a few blocks away, but it did cushion the shock, soften the edges, humanize the experience we were, and are, enduring.

In between the chatting and nibbling on fried rice, orange beef and Chinese vegetables (kindly save your kosher rant for another time), I got to have a little photographic fun with the red-checkered floor just at the bottom of the worn-down stairs.

Because that funhouse lens of mine never gets turned off, and is always ready to help me interpret the often-harsh world around me. It may not be a conventional means of navigating life, but I long ago gave up any pretense of conventionality.

Expect more weirdness like this over the next few days, weeks, and months, because all of this insanity is churning some deep-seated changes to my creative brain. And if you want to join me for Chinese along the way, there's always an extra seat at the table. We can even shoot the checkered floor together, if you wish.

#montreal #quebec #canada #kamshing #chinese #restaurant #resto #red #white #geometry #abstract #google #pixel2 #teampixel #jewish #general #hospital #jgh #life #universe #fortytwo #family #is #everything

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