
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Caption This 79

Please caption this image
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London, ON
July 2008
[Click to enlarge]
Before you get started: We're still accepting links for this week's Thematic Photographic challenge. Got a light-themed photo? Click here to give it a shot. Now, on with the show...
Fire is one of the most difficult things to shoot properly. It moves quickly. Its rapidly and unpredictably cycling levels of light make exposure a challenge. It's damn hot, which forces you to stand back and use longer focal lengths - which reduces depth of field and further worsens your focusing precision. I could go on, but you get the picture: It sucks to shoot this stuff.

Which is why we try in the first place, though. Because you learn more from a serious challenge than you do from an easier scenario. Steeper hills are more fun to climb, after all.

Your turn: Please give this photo an appropriate caption. As always, be as creative as you wish, and feel free to submit as many captions as you can handle. Click on the Comments link below and have at it. Not sure how Caption This works? Click here for instructions.

About last week's plane photo: I now view this photo with a bit of irony, as I take off for the other side of the continent early tomorrow morning. I'll be in San Francisco for a major tech vendor's global product launch (more on that later this week.) Then on Tuesday, I head back to the airport and fly back home. I won't be there long enough to adjust to the time change. But I'll bring my camera and will try to power-shoot for the couple of hours that I'll have to walk the streets.

This week's honorable menschens go to:
  • Barb: "The sky's the limit."
  • Jacie: "Err .. can we get a refund on the skywriting... that doesn't look anything like 'Happy Birthday'!"
  • Bob-kat: "Are we nearly there yet?"
  • BreadBox: "Parallel lines meet at infinity."
  • Sister AE: "Happy contrails to you!"
Uisce takes it with the delicious caption, "Tell me honestly, do these vapor tails make me look fat?" He's been one of the most erudite, cutting writers in blogdom ever since I can remember. Please visit his sit, Whiskey Talking, and congratulate him. And if you stick around and read a few entries, I'm sure you'll quickly become as hooked as I am.


  1. "I delete a blog post."


  2. When you play with fire, you get a smoking photo!

    Where there's fire...there's fire

    Up in flames

    Out of the frying pan...

    Fondue's muse

    (I was s l o w on the draw last week, so this week I'm not wasting time :). Have a safe trip...too bad you won't be there long enough for BlogHer antics!)

  3. Hello Carmi,
    "Good-bye Norma-Jean."

  4. "This stuff burned up our last two sticks! Now what do we do with it?" said one caveman to the other.

  5. Carmi,

    "Guess which one of the Fantastic Four was always showing off?"

    "On season 4 of The Apprentice, Donald Trump takes his catch phrase FAR too seriously!"


    P.S. Is this photo in homage to Hell Boy's opening weekiend?

  6. A few more to add...

    The heat of the moment


    I love the picture, wouldn't surprise me if a few more pop into my brain over the next few days.

  7. Insatiable....

    Too hot to handle...

    desire of fire...

  8. come on baby, light my fire.....

  9. Hell was just as gorgeous as Betty had hoped.

  10. flames of desire

    ooops looks like you were thinking too hard.

    dragon's breath

    we're cookin' tonight

  11. Hello Carmi,
    What an amazing photo, I love it!

    "The burning question."

    "The quest for fire ends."


    "Flash photography."

    "Carmi's inferno."

    "Smokey The Bear's nemisis."

    "Feeling hot, hot, hot!"

    "Some like it hot!"

    Okay, I'll stop for now.


  12. 1. firedancer

    2. boy scouts paid off

  13. Hands off!

    Ice's kryptonite

    Nightmares for Smokey

    Just add marshmallows

    Candle's light


  14. Hunka hunka burning blog

  15. Again... I have no real caption... I just hear the Olympic theme in my head. (Darn! Now I have to get rid of it!)

  16. "Ssssssssssssssmokin'!"
    (à la Jim Carrey in The Mask)


  17. sorry i've not been participating, but i'm back from holiday & ready to go :)

    I'll start off with:

    the flow of flames

  18. flamorphing aka flame morphing

  19. dancing flames in the dark

  20. A geological nebula that's descended from the heavens above, only to show us G-d's power and love.


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