
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thematic Photographic 120 - Savour

Far from Montreal
Delray Beach, FL, December 2008

Montreal is known for many things, especially foods that became famous in the shadows of the mountain from which the city takes its name. Like so many local favorites, these foods rarely translate well in other places. A Montreal bagel, for example, is just a roll with a hole in it when you buy one in Toronto (I'll duck now...those GTA folks don't much like ex-Montrealers slagging their bagels. But still...)

Smoked meat follows a similar trajectory. Only in Montreal is it as good and memorable as a Mordecai Richler novel. It's not so much a taste thing as it is an experience one. So if you have a Montreal-style smoked meat sandwich in the middle of, say, the suburbs of London, it isn't quite as rich an experience even if the taste and texture are identical.

Which explains why, when I return to my hometown to visit family, a smoked meat sandwich is always on the agenda. I know these things are terribly unhealthy, but sometimes, you've just got to live a little.

Your turn: This entry launches our Thematic Photographic theme, "savour", for the coming week. (Many thanks to Kalei's Best Friend for suggesting it.) To participate, just pick a photo that supports the theme, post it you your blog or web site, then leave a comment here so folks know where to find it. Repeat as often as you wish. Please click here if you're new to the Thematic Photographic weekly-photo-sharing-nuttiness thing.

About this theme: "Savour" could be food-related. Or something else. Whatever you wish, actually. We savor life, after all, so don't be afraid to push the limits a little as you decide how to interpret this one. And as always, enjoy the process.


  1. Well, I learned something from u about the foods in Canada...very interesting... here is my take on the theme

  2. Ohhhhh... I've got one for this. Oh yeah. Just have to download the photo...

  3. Oh, my this looks super delicious! I wish I was more familiar with Montreal smoked meat.

    I'll have to counter with some good Langer's Pastrami!

  4. I thought that meat in the pic was some kind of chocolate biscuit. Must be wishful thinking on my part.

    Here's mine for now. (I may do another, more serious one later.)
    This one has one of my favorite pictures: The Adoration Of The Canines. :)

  5. Here's mine, another one that just came to me out of nowhere.

  6. well, unfortunately I don't have a picture of what I savour the most, time that is. I wish I had more to savour, but when I do WOOT.

  7. Just don't eat all the meat pictured! Here is my entry for this week, Link:

    I can't wait to devour/savour/enjoy/take pleasure in everyone's photos.

  8. That meat does look good, I'm glad I'm not a vegetarian!

    No food in mine.. Savouring the moment

  9. Oooh what a great theme, I seem to remember when I first started with your blog Carmi the theme was food or cake or something like that.

    Here is Mine

  10. just read paperbacks comment, I thought it was Cake too!!!!

  11. I thought I'd use the excuse to post another holiday photo. A surprising scene that I thought was related to this week's theme here

  12. ...i too...thought that was cake.
    was a little disappointed when i saw it was meat. not that i'm a vegetarian...i'm not...

    but it's kinda like taking a bite out of something that you expect to be sweet...but it 's frightfully sour...was like a shock to the system! ha!!

    but...ahhhh...smoked meat...that explains the pinkish-red tint...yum! savour it! :]

  13. Ah. I found my "savor" photo after visiting others' contributions. It's not just about food, is it?

    although if you like food:

  14. I'm a typical Canadian, you will see in my post. Plus the Canadian in me wanted to drop the u in savour.... LOL

  15. i will be sticking to edibles too
    here is mine

  16. Oh, well, I forgot to come post my link, ha ha but I'm here now. It's a bit out of the ordinary but you can find it here

  17. Wow - such great imagination coming with savouring life! Here is mine - a foodie contribution.

  18. Your photo reminds me of that meat dress that hung in the Art Gallery in Ottawa years ago!

    Love smoked meat....and you're right. Can't go to Montreal without a savoury taste of the good stuff.

    Here's my offering this week Carmi. I took the photo last night after I read your theme. My beautiful artist daughter.....


  19. What a great theme - it really gave me a lot of trouble deciding!
    And everyone has taken it in different, interesting directions..
    here's where mine went

  20. Dennis, I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)

  21. I'm surprised so many people thought it was chocolate cake. Maybe that's because I have a salt-tooth instead of a sweet-tooth and immediately thought "Mmmmm, corned beef & cabbage" when I saw the picture.

  22. Okay, here's a post with food in it now:

  23. A three day weekend is also something to savour. That magic moment on a Friday evening when work is done...
    photos here

  24. I confess it appeared like cake or other dessert to me at first too! It was from seeing crumbles sprinkled about I think!

  25. I said time is what I savor most, here is my photos to go with what I do savor.


  26. Oh, I like this theme alot...mine can be found here:

    Photographing food is almost better than eating it!

    -jo @

  27. Did my best with this one - think it just about qualifies!

    See it here

  28. Here is my link.

  29. I've got another "savour" photo up. Yum.

  30. here....they draw me in, like a right old sucker, every single year.
    And the smell...........


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