
Monday, October 09, 2006

Where Carmi becomes a podcaster

Last week, I was interviewed by Rob Snow from CFRA, a major news/talk radio station in Ottawa, Ontario. I've spoken with Mr. Snow on many occasions about all things tech, and this time out we spoke about the rumored Google buyout of YouTube. (I initially posted about it here.)

In addition to being our national capital, Ottawa is known as Silicon Valley North, Canada's version of a high-tech corridor. So when tech news hits the headlines, I often get called to chat with him because it's especially meaningful to CFRA's audience.

I've been looking for a better way to host audio content on my blog, and I think I may have found the answer in podcasting:
I've posted the interview from Friday, and will continue to upload more audio content as it hits the airwaves.

Your turn: I'd be interested to hear what you think - both about my somewhat experimental podcasting solution and about this interview. Can you hear everything OK? Does it demand any twiddling or fiddling on your end or is it fairly straightforward? Do I sound like a dork? As always, thank you so much for your feedback and support.

This just in (4:30 p.m.): It's official. Google will proceed with a $1.65 billion buyout of YouTube.


  1. Dig the podcast. You were not hard to hear, but certainly did not come in as clear as your interviewer, since you ewre on the phone. Great info about the potential deal. I should have you come over to my folks' house and tell them that YouTube does not involve downloading. They're always freaking out when I'm on their computer and saying, "You're not downloading, are you?" To get their tone of voice when they say that, replace "downloading" with "freebasing." They're very virus-phobic.
    Congrats on your new podcast, and happy Thanksgiving, I suppose. (Does your Thanksgiving always fall on our Columbus day?)

  2. Carmi, it sounded great! No problems at all. My only complaint is that there wasn't really an introduction. I always like to know who is talking. At first, I thought it was you and then I realized that you were on the phone. Very cool. And I dig the Canadian accents, by the way.

    I downloaded my very first podcasts last week, so this is fun to see within a blog. You are SO cutting edge. Thanks for taking us along with you!

    Michele sent me today. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you're enjoying a nice day with your family.

  3. 1.6 billion... yikes.
    But of course you're right... Google would spent way more trying to outmatch and surpass YouTube.
    Audio very clear. And you sound very fluid, a natural speaker.
    Here from Michele's of course.

    Oh, and I enjoyed that post at Karen's. :)


  4. you used the word "monetizable" I am impressed! so is michele - she would be so proud.
    pass the gravy please

  5. Any cranberry sauce at least? It's not Thanksgiving without the cranberry sauce, and the poker in the back shed ...

    Afternoon again Carmi! As before, Michele ushered me over. Good luck in any additional podcasts! I have the pod, but I rarely do the cast ...

  6. I'm not really very up with podcasting, and for some reason my connection is acting very slow this morning, so I will try later when it is up to its usual speed. We don't do Thanksgiving in New Zealand (if we did, I guess it would be six months away). Hope you have a great one, anyway. Hi from Michele's

  7. Didn't get to listen to the pod cast, just wanted to comment on the acquisition. Don't you think it was a totally rediculous amount of "funny money" (Dot Com v2 stocks) for a company whose business model is about to come under significant fire from News Corps, MySpace and (I'd wager) both MSFT and Apple/Disney?

  8. The podcast worked great!! No problems hearing it at all. The interview was great...and no you didn't sound like a dork! (since you asked)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I suppose I should comment on the whole Google aspect, but I'm not feeling very techie right now. Instead, I have two thoughts:

    First, you were very clear, very easy to understand (though I needed to turn my volume up). It must be my Minnesotan coming out, but you didn't have an accent to my ears. That surprised me a bit, to be honest. Listening carefully, I could detect some of the "northern" elements of your voice.

    Next, I love the photo you have on your podcast page. Carmi, you're a hottie! Your wife is lucky - a great heart and a great face. She got a great catch. If you need ammunition, you can tell her your blogging fans think so anyway :-)

    Oh, and speaking of photos, I posted one of me for my birthday over at my place.

  10. Thanks for dropping by Carmi, I replied to your comment. Quality podcast. It was important for Google to take over YouTube, because if someone else got there first, it would leave Google in the dust, missing out on all the traffic-ad-revenue you mentioned. Striking a deal with YT would not have given them the control and longterm confidence, but buying them makes dollar sense. I think you did a good job making it clear why this deal was the smart move for Google.


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