
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Caption This 12

It's up to you to name this photo [See below for details]
San Francisco, CA, March 2007 [Click to enlarge]

I captured this one in San Francisco's Chinatown earlier this week. I was captivated by the scene, as it's likely one that plays out with minor variations at every hour of every day. Some would call it a common, forgettable sight. I'd call it something else entirely.

But enough about what I think about this image. What matters is your opinion. That's right, it's time for you to get into the Caption This game. Here's the deal:
Speaking of last week's entry, the winner is...Em! His winning caption was:
Decision Landing.
If you haven't yet visited his site, Notes From My Corner, you're missing an inspirational view of life from a husband's and father's perspective. He'll make you think. Really.

Your turn: Come up with a caption for the picture above. Post it as a comment here. Post many captions, if you wish. Tell your friends - fame and wannabe-fortune await all who enter. It won't hurt. Promise.


  1. It was a while before the shopkeeper noticed that his new advert for a male stripper was attracting rather a lot of attention.

  2. Ready, aim...

    Michele sent me here.

  3. My caption for this one...

    I'm not gonna eat it! You eat it!!

  4. And thanks for the kind words! I'm excited to be a winner!! I love your "Caption This" photos.

  5. I wish I was better at this sort of thing. I'll come back if I think of one. Michele sent me.

  6. They seemed harmless enough...

    Angelina Jolie did what? And Jessica Simpson was kissing who? No Brad Pitt didnt?!?! Who's off Idol this week? Not Sanjaya? You're kidding?!?!

    Aaahhhh.....celebrity mags!

  7. i am truly evil:
    "How much is that doggie in the window?"

  8. Great 'caption this' thing going on here :)

    K, let's give it a try...

    "Can anyone translate this for me?"


    ps: michele sent me

  9. Hopeful dancers look for their names on the Chinatown Rockettes cast list.

  10. We've got the greens and the carrots. Now can we stretch to a few tomatoes?

    Michele says hi!

  11. Everyday Price Wars

    (I can hear them mumbling to one another, "Oh! I think he is charging way too much for that!" ... "Yes. Let's check out the market around the corner." ... "But you know that the place down the street is always cheaper!" And on and on...)

  12. "Does anyone know how to get inside?"

  13. "How much is the doggy in the window?"

    Congratulations on your Thinking Blogger award - well deserved! If someone hadn't already beaten me to it you would have been on my short list!

  14. Window shopping for sushi.

    I think the window shoppers are placing bets on a live libster fight.

    michele sent me over.


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