
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Caption This 13

Please provide a caption for this photo [See below for details]
San Francisco, CA, March 2007 [Click to enlarge]

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco is a massive piece of engineering that's often eclipsed by the Golden Gate Bridge. More popularly known as The Bay Bridge, it doesn't have the heritage, the lore, the history of its crosstown rival. This is, of course, unfair. In any other city, I suspect this structure would be an icon instead of an afterthought.

So in the belief that anything can offer up a compelling perspective if we look hard enough, I walked over to the bridge and tried to capture it in ways that defied its in-the-shadows reputation.

Now that I've taken the shot, I'd like you to name it. It's called Caption This, and here's how you can make it happen:
Minerva posted the first suggestion, and it was a keeper - as well as this week's winner:
It was a while before the shopkeeper noticed that his new advert for a male stripper was attracting rather a lot of attention.
Minerva is, quite simply, the most courageously eloquent writer you'll ever meet in blogland. She's a mom, a cancer survivor, and an honest observer of life and all its brutal realities. Her site, A Woman of Many Parts, has become a must-read on my reading list. Please drop by and congratulate her for having a sharp eye (check out the box under the table) and a sharp wit.

Your turn: Come up with a title, a passage, a poem, a whatever, for the photo above. Come up with two, three, ten...however many you wish. Leave your submissions in a comment. I'll announce the winner next week. If you want to vote for someone else, or send a friend on by, feel free to spread the joy.


  1. I cant think of a caption but that's an awesome photo

  2. I name this caption 'Stairway to Heaven'
    Michele and I say hi Carmi!

  3. "It's a cliche, he thought, to assume that people jump to their death from bridges because they're depressed. People jump from bridges because they want to touch the moon. The death part is just a sad bonus."

    Great picture. I love that bridge. I love ALL bridges. They're so hopeful. In fact, last weekend I watched the Discovery Channel show about the bridge from Sweden to Denmark (I think those were the countries) TWICE.

  4. "As a pre-requisite for the End of Days, God begins to actualize the true purpose of the cosmos beginning with the Earth's moon whose original identity is that of a stupid-large pachinko ball."

  5. Bridge to the Moon.

    Thanks for the kind words at my blog, man. So, what are you doing out in San Fran? You've been taking great shots lately - way to go.


  6. The Moon Shines
    In Daylight
    Upon the Strings
    That bind humanity


    Michele sent me.

  7. After staring at it a bit, my right brain whispered, "Suspended Eye"

    I like Theo's verse, btw :)

  8. Hands outstretched to catch all the moonlight that comes its way each night, inviting, hopeful, and forever expectant.

    For, few things matter more than looking up for manna from heaven even if it is moonlight, else how will it bathe and be fresh for the dawn that breaks over the sea?

    Bridging hope.

    That's a lovely perspective you captured.

  9. At the risk of sounding "corn ball", this photo makes me think of the bridges architect / designers.

    In my mind there are certain types of people who "reach for the moon" in their chosen professions, and a person who can design a working bridge I think belongs in that category.

    Therefore I find this photo very appropriate.

  10. This is stupid but....have you ever been to Denny's restaurant???

    I saw this image and I immediately though of....


    it is on their menu...nice, huh? I am really not good at captions... the shot and THANKS for adding me to your blogroll! :)

    Have a great week Carmi!

  11. Actually, I am going to vote for Joels caption...

    Did I just disqualify myself? Oh well.

  12. I would call this "Prelude of a moonlit night."

    Michele sent me.

  13. I agree with pi. The first thing that I thought when I saw that was...a stairway to heaven...or to the moon.

    happy easter, carmi. thanks for stopping by earlier :)

  14. OOOHHHH. A high note.

  15. I'm voting for Theo. I stink at stuff like this.

  16. This is scary. My first thought before reading all of the other comments was, "Moon Over My Hammy." Of course, I didn't have the courage to post that until I read Anna's comment.

  17. I love San Francisco!

    It is my favorite US city outside of Chicago.

    The leading lines in this picture are fantastic, and the moon always looks so unique when photographed later in the day.

    What kind of camera do you use?

  18. You are by far one of the best photographers I know, my friend! What an amazing photo.

    Call me lazy... go ahead... I can take it! Miss Meliss gets my vote. I couldn't do any better than that! Thanks for the note, Carmi. I'll get back to you soon. Hope you've been well.

  19. Theo gets my vote! Michele said goodnight!

  20. An "uphill" climb

    (a la Gilligan's Island, you know)

  21. "to the moon, alice"

    beautiful shot :)

  22. Been very low Carmi but you choosing my caption has made my day..and this photograph is beautiful...

    Will go away and think...


  23. Alight in the sky

  24. I like Theo's for the poem entry.
    I like Anna's Moon over my Hammy for the funny caption.
    And I found a two word sentence in anil p's comment that pulled at the strings of my heart --- "bridging hope". You have a hard choice this week.

  25. I did enjoy Joel's poem & your photo just made me think of how amazing bridges are, those cables just look so thin, yet millions of people rely on them daily - maybe with the moon out during the day the photo is trying to say somethink like, "the strings that bind the cities that never sleep"


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