
Monday, April 09, 2007

An in between moment, in glass

Empty glasses
San Francisco, CA, March 2007 [Click to embiggen]

Inspiration happens when you least expect it. Like after you've finished lunch and are heading with your travel group to the next event on the conference itinerary.

In this case, the stems caught my eye as we walked out of the restaurant. I composed this quickly before catching up with the rest of my colleagues. Over the next couple of days, they got used to my propensity to drop back momentarily to capture whatever it was that caught my eye as we went through the paces of our day.

I've taken to calling these my "in between moments." And I've learned that the most fascinating views of the world seem to present themselves while we're moving from one moment, one place to another. Maybe there's a broader lesson in that...I have to toss it around my head for a bit.

Your turn: What does an in between moment look like to you?


  1. When I visited NYC for the first time I became fascinated by the fire hydrants. They are all different; some are decorated, some polished, some bizarre. I found myself constantly looking out for the next one while my husband was looking at skyscrapers!

  2. Those in between moments are the best, as they allow you to relax from the everyday "me" stuff rattling around in your head and see life in a different perspective. It's the small insignificant things
    that make the best impact, and it takes a keen eye to capture that in a lens.

    I have to apologize for not coming over sooner, and thank you for stopping by at my blog last month. I'm usually very good about responding back to everyone, but allowed the month of March to lapse into a back seat due to renovations in my house, and work to pay for said renovations. I did want you to know that I have read through your blog, and enjoy your observations and photos. You have a great eye, and I wouldn't be surprised if someday I see a book about these. I will, of course, be the first in line to buy a copy.

  3. It is those in between moments that make you vacation away from the "me" life we get so wrapped up in. You are able to observe the smaller insignificant stuff and see it in a different perspective. In your case, you capture the moment beautifully through your lens, and your photos are a thousand words waiting to be spoken.

    I have to apologize for not coming over here sooner.... especially since you stopped by my blog last month during my house renovations. I try hard to keep up with blogging, but last month was an impossibility, and I made sure to keep you on the list of "to do" catch-ups when I got back into the swing of things.

    Take care, and I look forward to coming over here more often. To make sure I don't slip up again, I've linked you.

  4. Cool shot....Love the reflections, curves and lines.

  5. Carmi, the "in between moments"...the true bits of life!
    You have a knack for picking the highlights!

  6. thanx for visiting my blog, Carmi.......i am glad u did it , coz i love ur blog at first glance exaggerations!!!! For someone who has moved homes, schools, careers .....more often than not, in a very short span of life, those in-between moments are always filled with hope...........and what a beautiful pic.......:)
    I shall take some time now to visit the's always a pleasure to stumble upon a blog like urs :)

  7. in between moments are the grace notes in life.

    when your breath catches on the intake.

  8. Carmi, you've been tapped. Come over to see what for!

  9. The in-between moments are what it is all about...the anticipation is always (well most-always) greater than the realization.

  10. A very evoktive photo. I like the thought of your colleagues waiting for you while you snap photos.

  11. I like the inbetween moments - the moments that connect and link .... just liike the cracks inbetween the pavement blocks are more interesting than the blocks themselves...

  12. Looks like a grove of glasses. Great shot, I'm sure you'd be fun to shoot with.

    I think life itself is filled with "in between moments". I've read a quote that says something like, "We are never really living, but only hoping to live". So much of life is like that isn't it? Looking forward, hoping, dreaming. Dreams do come true sometimes, I guess we really need to find the magic where we are right now.

    There's an album titled "Between the Dreaming and the Coming True". I feel like I'm there a lot. But, I also am realizing more lately, that (As a song I know says) "Life Is Where You Are".

  13. I had to laugh when I saw cg's comment.... I too became fascinated with fire hydrants. Two reasons... no one else seems to notice them and a chance happening upon a hydrant painted bright Pepto Bismol pink and blue. This was such a strange looking thing, I just had to stop and click.

    I "embiggened" the picture and suddenly the reflections of all the other glasses appear in each individual glass. Almost a mirror within a mirror within a mirror phenomenon. Aside: how long do you think it will be before "embiggen" will become an entry in Webster's dictionary... soon I hope.


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