
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Caption This 16

Please name this image [See below for details]
London, ON, April 2007 [Click for more power]

It's time once again for Caption This, a weekly feature here at Written Inc. where you get to name the picture (pause for a cheer. Good, now let's continue...) Haven't played before? Here's the deal:
Last week's winner was actually the first one to suggest a caption. Sophie wrote this:
The official San Francisco Fire Department frisbee
Sophie's got red hair, lives in Houston, and is still enjoying the newlywed newness. She writes wonderfully, too. Please drop by and congratulate her. I'm sure you'll stay for the literary dessert.

Your turn: Please suggest a caption for the powerful image above. Submit as often as you wish, and feel free to send your in-laws in for a go as well. Written Inc. welcomes all creative souls. I'll announce the winner next Sunday, along with the next caption in our endless series.


  1. Reason #1 why the lamp does not work.

  2. I'm not even going to try to come up with a smart caption - but they do look like two faces. Here from Michele's.

  3. I loved how you framed this....

    hhhmmmm....As a mom, I see that and think...

    "NFA....No FingerS Allowed"

    You would think that I have toddlers or something!

    I love the winning quote from last week too!

    Have a good day!

  4. Of course I know what I'm doing, honey. I can fix this.

  5. Hello,hope I am not intruding on this post. I am Bengbeng from Borneo. Just want to thank you for visiting my blog-ref:making grasshoppers from coconut leaves :)

  6. I really am no good at these, am I? [wry smile]

    OK, I'll try again......


    Michele sent me, my friend. The bruises are doing well :-)

  7. "Basic Home Perm - Simply Insert Fingers"

    Thanks for stopping by my site!

  8. Great shots lately, man.
    That little dog in the snow is a great one.


  9. "Give me a double shot of that juice!"

  10. My last hair dresser..

    I know I cant come up with anything good on such short notice..hehe

    thanks for dropping by..I will be here to visit again tommorw:)

  11. "Powered Pig Snouts"

    I must be in an animal mode...they look like the snouts of twin pigs - Ha!

  12. (sniff sniff) What's this? Something to eat? I'll take a lick, just to see how it tastes. Wow! That treat has a real buzz to it! (woof!)

  13. "fork and knife club"

    I was a lucky, bad kid.

  14. Long ways back to the power plant.

  15. Double Fork Holder.

    (Goes great with this nostril-cleaner I photographed.)

  16. "I've got the power" was first thing that came to my head & I think that was from a cartoon when I was growing up called Thundercats, but maybe I'm just making that all up.

  17. Double penetration?

    Please feel free to delete this comment- I would understand. lol

  18. jc took mine! :0

    let's see....... "my wife gave me an ultimatum....the computer or me...." :)

  19. Gotta be quick, BM Mama ;-)

    Get Plugged In!

  20. "Just Do It!" or "Power Up!?"

    They look different than the ones in this house... yes, I forgot... the electrician wired this house upside down...

    Memo to self... don't let the same electrician work on next house.

  21. Outlet below: Wanna get plugged?

    Outlet above: Yeah, but I get to be on top.


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