
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Caption This 38

Please suggest a caption for this photo [See below for details]
Laval, Quebec, August 2007 [Click to enlarge]

I'll hold off on saying what this is and why I took it. The photo is abstract enough that I think you'll use plenty of creativity to come up with neat sayings/captions/titles for it.

I'll share background details on it after I announce the winner next Sunday.

Your turn: Caption this image. Do so more than once. Call your mother-in-law and ask her to do the same. Want to know how this crazy Caption This thing works? Click here.

About last week's image of a forlorn piece of driftwood: I loved this photo from the moment I first captured it on the beach in Grand Bend. It was our last visit of the season, the day before the kids went back to school, and I was feeling somewhat morose as I took it. I'm not good with endings, you see.

Thankfully, you all came through with wonderfully diverse suggestions. The brilliantly artistic Shane tapped into an icon of 1970s television with this caption:
This week on Mutual of Omaha's South Beach Kingdom. Marlin Perkins carefully sneaks up on the rare and dreaded driftwood crocodile, who has craftily submerged himself in hopes of obtaining a low-carb meal.
(Disclosure: I was always a huge Wild Kingdom fan!)

And because I suck at picking just one, honorable mentions go to these gems:
  • Morah Mommy (yes, she's my lovely wife): Creature from the black lagoon emerges from the deep, dark sea!
  • Deni: Lift the anchor and feel the wind
  • Jeremiah: A centurian of the past comes to protect his beach....
  • Marisa: I wish I wood knot get drifted from beech to beech
  • Bread Box: Driftwood, basking
  • Colleen: Stick in the mud
  • Linda: Nessy's been spotted
Have fun with this week's caption, and thanks again for making Caption This a highlight of my bloggish week.


  1. Anxious to clone himself into the ranks of immortality, Carmi tests his first prototype cloning device on his venetian blinds . . . tune in next week for Carmi's 2nd prototype device.


  2. One of these days I'm gonna win this darned competition....!!

    ok [studies photo hard]

    [pales slightly]

    'Bucket, please!!'

    Guess I won't be winning this week either...... :-(
    Any more vertigo sufferers amongst your readers?


  3. inside looking out...on acid or crack or something else psychodelic

  4. Venetian Blinded By the Light.

    Here from M.

  5. Not a caption, but this is what the pic inspired:

    The sound of the blinds flapping in the breeze woke her from a rare afternoon nap. She blinked her dry eyes, but the room around her refused to resolve into any kind of sense or order. Clumsy fingers reached out for her glasses on the night stand, found them, and managed to pick them up without knocking over the water glass in the process.

    The wire frames were cool against her temples, and the tinted plastic lenses could use a good cleaning, but did their job nevertheless.

    She stared through the half-open slats of the blinds, and watched as twilight gently wrapped itself around her city.

    This comment sponsored by Michele.

  6. "How a window blind looks when you're blind drunk!"

    Michele says "Hello!" :)

    Hope you're having a good weekend. Take care.

  7. oh, Nikki-Ann's was FUNNY!

    hmmm...I managed an honorable mention with my last caption...maybe I'll move up.

    "This what life looks like when you've lived with blinders on"

  8. How do you make a Venetian blind?--Ya poke him in the eye!

    Michele sent me to spew forth a lack of creativity...

  9. I knew I should have cleaned my glasses this morning.

  10. "Benjamin knew immediately that his Lasik eye surgery had not been successful!

    How's that? Michele sent me to play, Carmi!

  11. Hi Michele sent me.

    "Ugh...where are my f#*($ng glasses?"

  12. Michele sent me here to exercise the other side of my brain... at first I thought they looked like stacks of movie reels, then I looked closer and they appear to be blinds, maybe shot in a window for the botton you can see houses... Or maybe it's the collective movie reels from suburan families...

  13. Michele sent me here to exercise the other side of my brain... at first I thought they looked like stacks of movie reels, then I looked closer and they appear to be blinds, maybe shot in a window for the botton you can see houses... Or maybe it's the collective movie reels from suburan families...

  14. They look like flying CD's to me....floating in mid air. Heck if I know a caption yet...... will have to think about it and get back to you Carmi.

  15. Um...
    A view to a spill?


    Yeah. I suck at this. But I love coming here and playing anyway.

  16. In this post-modern world, the next setting for a Mario Brothers game has been determined to be the living room Venetian Blinds in the house of Carmi Levy, the famous technology commentator. Let Princess Buttercup be captured and the games begin.

    Michele sent me to see you!

  17. "Lines, lines, everywhere lines, talking to some people & taking my time, do this, don't do that can't you see the lines?"

  18. "The only sign that the streaking toddler has run past here is the swaying of the mini blinds in his wake."

    i just cant keep clothes on Indiana this week, sorry.

  19. Well, if there were a line of ants walking through... they would definitely be hollering "watch your step!"

  20. Wow! I was going to leave a caption, but I just read the ones you have to choose from Carmi....there are so many GREAT ones!!

    My biggest chuckle came from Kenju Judy!! Poor Benjamin.


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