
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Branches on a foggy morning

Reaching out
London, ON, March 2008 [Click to enlarge]

The scene: Tuesday morning. I've just dropped the two munchkins off at school and have just begun the drive home. My head swirls with thoughts of the day ahead as I mentally pick through the work that awaits me on my home office desk. As I roll past the seminary, I silently remind myself that I've been meaning to take pictures of this very pastoral place for years. For some reason, however, I just haven't gotten around to it. Life gets in the way, I suppose.

But it's been a very foggy morning here, and as the sun begins to slowly burn through the murk, I decide that now's the time for me to take that picture. Or at least try. It doesn't seem to matter that a) I'm feeling like the shadowy bottom of my cranky old neighbor-lady's dungeon, b) the cold, damp air likely isn't good for my compromised state of health, c) I have a lot of work and life challenges to work through before the day is done, and d) the side of the road from which I'll need to shoot is an unbroken 20-foot-wide unplowed snowbank.

But those are just excuses. I have my camera with me this day - some people carry purses. I carry my camera bag. Because you just never know - so I decide on a whim that I can afford to take 8 minutes to capture the moment before Old Sol ruins it for good. Real life can wait for 8 minutes.

I feel like an idiot traipsing through the beyond-knee-deep snow, holding my camera up so students on the way to class at nearby King's College don't think I'm some sort of terrorist. I feel like an even bigger idiot as parents from the kids' school pass me and wave.

But photography isn't about what other people think. It's about being out there with your tools, feeling a moment that will be gone before you know it, enjoying a time when nothing else matters beyond trying to remember what it feels like to be truly alone and happy in your skin. I'm so glad I stopped and took the time.

Your turn: This image seems to have a lot of hidden meaning. What does it mean to you?


  1. First of all, the photo is beautiful.

    For me it represents coming out of the fog - sometimes in our lives we get all caught up in a situation (fog) and we have to figure out how to work our way out of it. The tree branches in the front represent coming out of the fog...or learning how to deal with the situation.

    Oh, I don't intend to miss a trip to Montreal...when I'm ready to go I'll be asking for great places to go and see...

  2. That is such a moody shot - I love it!

    I can just imagine you wading through the snow to get your shot. Us photographers are prone to getting funny looks aren't we? :)

    Michele sent me over this time and it's always a pleasure!

  3. I feel the same way you do sometimes in trying to take pictures without being intrusive or looking like an idiot. That is probably why I don't take enough. The picture to me says "tomorrow."

  4. First, let me state what goes through my mind each time I read one of your blog entries: your poetic prose (prosaic poetry?) never fails to impress upon me the power of words and how beautiful they can be in the right hands. Thank you for this corner of the 'net, Carmi.

    Now, the image. To me, it symbolizes exactly what you felt: the need to just stop and seize the moment. The urgency of life taking a temporary back seat to the beauty of nature and the world around us. How we don't truly see what's right in front of us until (and some people never do) we MAKE the time and take the opportunity to see, enjoy and preserve the sights, no matter how seemingly inconsequential they might be. That branch is part of a bigger tree but we're focused on the little things, through your creative eye. And your contribution to the very cliches that are rooted in good advice: stop and smell the roses, carpe diem, AND a picture is worth a thousand words.

    My thousand words are up. Just hadda comment. And express my thanks.

  5. I love the blue and lavendar and black... just a lovely rich image, Carmi. Always nice to see for those of us who don't get to take 8 minutes to wade through the powder. :)

    Michele sent me to marvel at this really lovely photo.

  6. The photo is well worth all the effort of traipsing through the snow. It reminds me of a Robert Frost poem.

  7. Carmi: I've long been a fan of your work. Upon first sight, this took me back to my first visit to Washington!

    Have a nice weekend!

  8. I am forever forgetting, or rather, ill prepared for those perfect moments. Fog.. particularly in this picture is almost like a comforting blanket to be tossed off and be ready to start the day.

  9. I like the shallow depth of field on this shot. Really makes you feel the cold.

  10. what a gorgeous shot.

    it envokes a feeling of peace for me. quite, still, peaceful.

  11. Great shot! And that reminded me, I have to write a poem from the perspective of a treee.

    Your photo would fit in, If I do write it down. If you give me permission, I would like to use it with my verse. I would give you credits. That goes without saying.

    Timely visit. Michele did good by sending me now!

  12. I just LOVE blog spam. Don't you?


    Anyone else getting rained on by this fecal matter?

  13. Awesome.... for me, the photo says that even in the gloom and darkness, there's incredible beauty to be seen.

    Man...that would be a terrific book cover...

    Michele sent me tonight!

  14. Carmi - hello! I'm returning a visit to you! Thanks for stopping by yesterday! I love this photo. It's all mysterious and pensive and such. It reminds me of the weather around here lately, although we've been blessed with a bit of a thaw.

    Hope all is well. I just wanted to stop by and say hello!

  15. "Because you just never know," I carried my point-and-shoot in my purse yesterday. And I got so many shots I would've missed! You're an inspiration, Carmi.

  16. Michele sent me today.

    The picture and the story are conjuring up images from my Yellowstone trip. I was out Friday night, working on my scrapbook of the trip and I actually came home and dreamed about being back there. When I said that the trip changed me, I hadn't meant like that!

  17. I was here yesterday, but my comment didn't stick, it seems. I love your photo (as all of them). This says to me: things are not always what they seem.Wait a while, and you may see more clearly.

    Michele sent me this time.

  18. Actually, this reminds me of one of Gormley's current installation pieces at the White Cube.

  19. I try to always keep a camera with me...lately it's been my Sony. The poor Canon is feeling quite ignored! That's a lovely photo, of course, Carmi; I love a good fog shot! Thanks for walking through the snow for us :-)

    Hi, Michele sent me!

  20. [studies photo carefully]

    The word that springs to mind is..


    I love that photo - it's so deep....


    Michele sent me here before I begin peeling potatoes....


  21. I love fog. It's like a planetary version of the soft-filter, softening edges and making the world a gentler place.

    This picture feels magical to me. Almost, I can see breath suspended in air, swirling into the mist and joining it.

  22. Carmi, I finally wrote and posted it. I do not know if I did justice to your photo. It is raw and I might edit it. Or may be not.

    Please do check it out:

    numbing nirvana

    PS: Thanks again for letting me use the photo!

  23. Branches
    stretching to reach
    the power of your soul

    Reaching out
    for the kindness of your heart

    wanting to connect
    with the kindness in your eyes

    to seize the day
    and craving for you
    to stay

    Ps: Michele sent me

  24. It seems to be shrouded in mystery.....the unknown.

    Beautiful shot Carmi......

    Sleepy Hollow-like.

    Hope your week is a good one.


  25. Did you hear that? That was me inhaling sharply as my gaze settled upon this picture. It's beautiful and majestic. It's a reminder that if we look hard enough we can see beauty even when we're stuck in a fog.

  26. Almost, but not quite. You need sidewalk, or muck, to be able to smell fog.

  27. it's a beautiful image...dreamy and ephemeral!

  28. Peaceful

    I sat in my driveway last week in my pj's, robe, and slippers to take shots of our frosted grass early in the day. Looking foolish is just part of the fun. But when you get an amazing shot, you know it was worth it! LOVE this one, Carmi!

    Dianne - Bunny Trails

  29. I love this photo. It's gorgeous.

  30. Very nice! I love foggy mornings!

    And who cares what people think of you anyway? If you pay too much attention to what they may think, you'll get a bunch of boring shots.

    Glad you stopped by - How ya been doing anyway?

  31. Hi Carmi - Yes it's a beautiful and peaceful picture thank you so much for sharing it with us . I look every day to see what Carmi has for us on face book, thank you, take care.

  32. Hi Carmi - Yes it's a beautiful and peaceful picture thank you so much for sharing it with us . I look every day to see what Carmi has for us on face book, thank you, take care.

  33. Hi Carmi - Yes it's a beautiful and peaceful picture thank you so much for sharing it with us . I look every day to see what Carmi has for us on face book, thank you, take care.


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