
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Caption This 62

Please caption this image
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Deerfield Beach, Florida
December 2007
[Click to embiggen]

Few things tick me off more than people who litter. That they can't take a couple of extra seconds to clean up after themselves speaks volumes about who they are. There's something to be said for those who respect the environment around them. And for those who don't.

So when I came across this forlorn water bottle on the beach, I thought it made an interesting comment on a number of levels. Now I'll turn things over to you to divine a caption or two. Hang on...

Your turn: Please caption this image. As always, assistance from friends and family members - even ones you despise - is welcome and encouraged. Submit as many captions as you wish. Winner will be announced next week. Click the Comment link below and have fun!

About last week's candle-lit scene: I don't want y'all to think I'm a wannabe-arsonist or something. But I really do love the soft glow of a candle's flame. As always, all six of my regular readers failed to disappoint, coming up with the following honorable menschens:
  • Judy: "This little light of mine....I'm gonna' let it shine.."
  • Steve: "Paraffinity" and "Light switch."
  • Robin: "Just add cake."
  • Awareness: "It only takes a spark to keep the fire burning...."
  • MissMeliss: ""
  • Sister AE: "Baruch ata adonai." (Note from Carmi: this is how Jewish blessings all begin. It means "Bless you, God"
  • Anne: "Friday Night Lights"
  • Tiel Aisha Ansari: "Post tech light bulbs"
And the winner is...MissMeliss for the evocative A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. Although this week's honorables mostly touched an emotional chord, Melissa's came closest to the story I think this picture is telling. If you're not already familiar with her work, click here to read her excellent blog and congratulate her.

For now, start churning on this week's picture and please return often to try your luck. I'll announce the winner next Sunday.


  1. Aw, thanks Carmi. You're so kind.
    Steve's submissions made me grin a lot, and I loved them all personally.

  2. What? No message?

    Water: 'Cause you can't live without it

    It's perfectly clear

    Guess what, I contain more bacteria than tap water does

    Drink Me

  3. Interesting, Carmi, when I saw the photo in my reader, I thought one thing; when I read your commentary, my entire perspective changed. Not here right now to offer comments (on the run), but my first thought (after READING not SEEING) is...

    Bottle up frustration

    I'll be back with more....

  4. Thanks for the menschen, Carmi! This one hasn't spokedn to me yet -but I may be back later.

  5. Instant thought:
    'Honey? Did you pick up the water bottle......?'

    Michele sent me to say hi, Carmi my dear :-)
    I'm a bit bemused by the fad for bottled water - tap water has always been good enough for me...
    I am puzzled by the people who stack their shopping trolleys (carts?) to the gunwhales with gallons of bottled water...

    And all those discarded plastic bottles - dear me.......


  6. Hi, Michele sent me over this time ... you know I'm not good at captioning - but, I have to agree about the littering!!!

  7. A cursed thirst.

    Parched abandonment

    Plastic apathy

    Set it free! For God's sake, set the water free!

    Carmi....I read a very interesting article today in the most recent New Yorker I think you may be interested in....heres the link to some of the article....I can't find the whole thing online, but I'm sure it's in there somewhere.

  8. I'm back. I'll call it:

    North American oasis.

  9. Abandonment issues

    Affluent apathy

    American Idol

    No, no, no! It's plant a TREE watch it grow!

    Watered down

    When you have too much money...

    Litter bugs me

  10. In The Shadow Of My Smile, I Drink

    I am so BAD at this...! OY!

    Oh well, at least I tried...lame though my attempt is...! (LOL)

    I appreciated your comment on my St Patrick's Day Post, Carmi....I like to Honor ALL the Holidays that have so mucg meaning for so many in the U.S. Like you, I am Hewish, but I don't think that ha anything to do with appreciating the things that have great meaning for other people, you know?
    I plan on wearing somethimg "green" on Mnday as a show of solidarity.....Green Beer? No. LOL!

    Michele sent me your way tonight, my dear...!

  11. Alone and abandoned it expired.

  12. Hey, where did all the people go?

  13. Hey ... come back ... don't leave me!

  14. Spring This

    Okay, perhaps a little crude or lame. It's late. Interesting to try to be creative on someone else's image.....


  15. Message in a bottle...

  16. Thirsty? Don't even think about it!

    Thought to ponder: Was I recycled in another life?

    Do you know how much backwash is in here?!!? Ewww gross!

    Tip me over and pour me out... please!!! Don't you see how dry it is out here!!

  17. I liked mismeliss' entry last week too! Thanks for the nod on mine.

    for this one...

    Water, water everywhere! Now where'd I leave my drink?


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