
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Caption This 64

Please caption this image
[Click here for instructions on how Caption This works]

Dayton, Ohio, January 2008 [Click to embiggen]

I find it somewhat amazing how a substance that can be so noxious on one level can be so frighteningly beautiful on another.

Your turn: Please come up with a compelling caption for this image and share it in a comment. Feel free to repeat the process as often as you feel inspired. I'll announce the winner next Sunday.

About last week's photo of the smokey smokestack: Hmm, now that I think of it, I seem to be stuck on an environmental kick. I'm not sure why. Honorable menschens go to:
  • Catheroo: Smoking kills...the earth.
  • Robin: Where there's smoke, there's mire.
  • Judy: We all need to blow off steam now and then!
  • MissMeliss: Steamed.
  • Carolyn: Pipe dreams
  • Awareness: Crime of the century.
  • Terri: Smoking gun.
And the winner is...Alix, for Gone with the wind. Please visit her excellent blog, DC Days, to congratulate her. And don't forget to have fun with this week's image!


  1. "Study In Oil"

    (It looks like oil on a water puddle to me.)


  2. it looks like someone took the rainbow out of the sky and smashed it on the ground... so 'smashed rainbow' or something like that.. or maybe 'fallen rainbow'.. i don't know... feel free to move my idea around and make a comment.. i'm not quite getting it out of my head yet!

  3. Roy G Biv, City Slicker

    Somewhere over the rainbow...

    (Thanks for the mention, Carmi...with only one submission last week (I couldn't come up with ANYTHING I liked better than the one I submitted...) I thought I might've fallen through the cracks, since I'm usually so prolific.... I have a feeling I'll be back this week...just a quick check in for now).


    OOooo! And WAHOOO for Alix's win! Loved her submission and glad to see another buddy of mine cashing in ;).

  4. "Fractured rainbow"

    Thanks for the mention, Carmi!

  5. Hello Carmi!

    Pretty slick photography.

    P.S. Thank you for the mention!

  6. I have always loved the rainbow colours oil makes on water, even though it is so nasty...I'm not being inspired on a caption front but wanted to drop in and say hi :)

  7. Urban Rainbow.

    Also, I'm passing an "excellent blog" award on to you. :)

  8. To me it looks like a wild fire.

    So my caption would be " blazin"

  9. Joseph's oil coat of many colours

  10. oil's beautiful blue flames

  11. Congrats Alix. And thanks for the menshun, :)

    On this one I'll say:

    "Mother Earth in Grateful Dead concert attire"

  12. "Grounded Rainbow" came to mind first...

    "Toxic Rainbow" was next...

    "No pot o' gold... just asphalt" is my lame last try.

    Have a great week!

  13. Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I love your site and have been lurking for a while now but that was my first comment. I'll be back later with a caption.

  14. toxic attraction

    fatal attraction

    Texas Tea. (was thinking of the Beverley Hillbillies :)

  15. So far I have

    The beauty in the beast


    unnatural beauty

    but I'm still musing about rainbows so I may be back!

  16. Thanks for visiting and your kind words..

    I love your blog - you have some GREAT writing... I love the pic - i'D NAME IT "dARK sIDE OF tHE mOON."

  17. Caprion: "False Hope"

    Thanks for stopping by my blogs, I will be coming back here often!

  18. Slick moves

    Big Oil corporate logo

    Ersatz rainbow

    Diffraction film

    Edge effect

    Oilbird plumage

  19. Purple Haze

    Trash to Treasure

    Viscosity of Light

  20. This just in... Rainbow Brite found dead - Murky Dismal in custody...


  21. "So, this is what all the fuss is about?"

  22. Oil painting

    Post-disaster Promise

    Substance abuse

    Tears of a clown

    Covenant beauty

    Illusion of progress

  23. Burning in the blue fires of progress

  24. man made rainbow

    industrial rainbow

    gasoline alley

    kerosene refraction

    they don't mix


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