
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Caption This 77

Please caption this image
[Click here for instructions on how Caption This works]

London, ON, June 2008 [Click to enlarge]

Quick note from our sponsor:
Please click here if you're looking for the latest Thematic Photographic entry. We now resume our regularly-scheduled programming.

I've always had a certain affinity for cows. I can't quite explain why, but they just seem sweet. I even named my first car with a cow theme: Bessie the Mazda still evokes fond memories of university-age adventures.

Noah helped me take this picture on our kitchen table. About four seconds after I snapped this, he scooped it up and popped it into his mouth. The cynic in me knows he was only interested in the final, sweet prize. But I cherish the quiet moment with him all the same.

Your turn: Can you caption this photo? I hope you can. Wait, I know you can. Click on the Comments link below and have at it. Best pick gets posted next week. Bonus points to multiple-submitters and anyone who brings a friend along.

About last week's photo of two guys in front of a convenience store: I love slice-of-life photos, and obviously you do, too. We had a rich field of submissions this week. First, the honorable menschens:
  • Linda: "Tom and Joe lined up early to buy lotto tickets, never realizing it was a 24 hour store!"
  • Mojo: "Dude... you gonna eat that?" and "Could be worse... Could be rainin'." (Note from Carmi - yes, I encourage multiple entries.)
  • Carolyn: "Look man, i don't want to talk about your chances to win the Lotto until you put some pants on. You got the whitest legs i've ever seen."
  • Awareness: "Lost in suburbia."
  • John: "Dude, don't look now, but across the street? That dude with the camera just took our picture. You're not wanted for anything are ya?"
  • Barbie2be: "Misspent youth."
  • Killashandra: "Lookin' for Work."
  • Beverly: "What time does the bus stop here?"
  • Jean-Luc Picard: "You HAD to ask the guy at the counter what time the store closes, didn't you!"
  • Jacie: "You got any idea what day it is...?"
This week's nod goes to Erin for Waiting. It was a simple, stark moment that seemed to match her simple, stark caption. Please drop by her blog, Running at Large, to congratulate her - I'm certain you'll stick around to read her gently crafted observations of her family's life. Have fun with this week's caption!


  1. Brown cow? Not now!

    Udderly delicious.

    Cow, lick.

    (Stormy at the beach right now...taking a few minutes to skip through my reader :) ).

  2. Hmm Carmi this one's tricker than the last one that's for sure.
    So here goes
    "Milk Chocolate Delight"

  3. Do chocolate cows give chocolate milk?

    If a cow laughs, does milk come out of its nose?

  4. Hello Carmi,
    "Sweet cow of mine, moo, moo, moo. Chocolate never tastes so good. I've been inclined to believe it never would."
    Neil Diamond's cousin.
    P.S. I love Robin's "Udderly delicious."

  5. Carmi,
    Is it just me, or would a cow in a bikini look odd?

  6. Wow, how sweet brown cow!

    I never win anything! Thanks!

  7. I don't have a caption... but thanks for the yummy vision!

  8. Possibly what Noah was thinking during this photo session:

    I've never seen a chocolate cow
    I'd never think to beat one
    But I can tell you here and now
    I just can't wait to eat one!

  9. Possibly Carmi's thoughts during this photo session:

    Hey diddle diddle
    My kid who's so little
    This cow's going into my blog
    I'll snap quite a photo
    Till Noah eats todo**
    Perhaps I'll just stick with the dog....

    **todo = "all" in Spanish**

    (groaning yet?)

  10. Possible Debbie's thoughts during this photo session:

    Where oh where
    are my husband and son?
    I thought they were out on the lawn
    Instead they're inside
    Taking pictures of cows
    Now where has common sense gone?

    (Okay, I'll stop - really)

  11. Milk...chocolate.

    And the cow said, "I'd be hard pressed to make a better chocolate."

    In the mooood for chocolate.

    Sorry Carmi, I think I've milked this one for all it's worth ;)

  12. Hi, Carmi,

    Thanks for leaving a note. I've missed blogging and it's nice to see a familiar face. I didn't leave a post because I was trying to hard to be clever and think of a funny caption to your photo.

    All I could think of is it would be like a bull's pin-up COWlendar girl.

    Sad, I know... that's why I didn't post - yet!

  13. i'm not really good at captions but i'll give it a whirl..

    'this is udder nonsense!'

    i love reading everyone's captions and lissa.... your limericks started my morning with a chuckle!

    a fun post carmi.... have a great week.

  14. Thanks for the mention once again. Haven't managed to come up with a caption yet but thought this link was quite amusing

  15. Given my recent Sith themed pics, I came up with this somewhat obscure caption: "What Jabba would have preferred for Solo instead of Carbon freezing" :)

  16. Cow relief

    A palatable bovine bite

    Mammary morsel

  17. Personally, I'd caption it "Nostalgia", for plain old ordinary "cow" chocolate is the stuff childhood memories are made out of here in Israel, but a more fitting caption might be "Mmmmoooooooore chocolate please" ;-).

  18. The recipe called for brown butter, but I'm sure this isn't right.

  19. For reasons apparent, Hershey's eschews "anatomically correct" cow motif for new chocolate bar logo.

  20. Wow... I got nothin'.

    "Dooood... you gonna eat that?"

    Nothin'... told ya.

  21. hey diddle diddle, the cat tossed his fiddle and sat down to to some milk chocolate shaped like a cow.

  22. Cows...quietly taking over the world one bite at a time

  23. Well, at least they captured my best side. Oh, wait, I only have one side.


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