
Monday, July 21, 2008

Pretty in pink

Flamingo road
Palm Beach, FL, December 2007 [Click to embiggen]
Quick note: This week's Thematic Photographic theme, animals, is still looking for creative and fun submissions from...YOU! Click here to see what all the fuss is about.
I could have stood with my family all day at the railing, staring at a flock of these gorgeously colored birds. As tired as they were from walking in the sun all day, the kids probably would have stayed, too. But it was the end of a long afternoon and the park was about to close.

Looks like this lovely birdie was getting a head start on nap time.

Your turn: Why do adults seem to love zoos as much as kids do?

About the title: I grew up with Molly Ringwald movies and the Psychedelic Furs. I seem to have betrayed my coming-of-age-in-the-80s roots in this title. Sorry.


  1. I'll have some pics posted on Wednesday that fit this perfectly :) What an elegant shot!

  2. The title is entirely fitting. Very nice shot of the napping flamingo. I like the contrast of the bird and water. It's very fascinating that they can be so relaxed on a long "stick."

    Off to track down some animals to shoot (or locate those I've already shot). :D

  3. I, too, love zoos --- can't resist them. For me part of the draw is to see if I will be lucky enough to hear a lion roar, or watch an elephant play with those giant toys. Then there are the colors -- royal blue peacocks, white tigers, black panthers, golden marmosets, pink flamingoes. And the patterns on their fur/feathers/hides. Ok, so it is an artistic thing!

  4. That's a beautiful picture!! The title is perfect too.. now if you just find a group of five birds hanging out together early in the am you could title it 'The Breakfast Club' LOL ;)

  5. You mean to tell me you can find these things somewhere besides the lawn and garden department??

    Seriously though... the color in this shot is amazing. That must be one popular bird at the ... wherever flamingos would go to pick up chicks. (No pun intended, but I'll take credit anyway.)

  6. I am not religious, but at the zoo, I feel closer to a creator, if such exists. I see the animals without our human pretension and feel at peace.

  7. What an awesome photo!

  8. I think adults love the zoo as much as children because basically we don't want to lose the child within us...

    Did you know the flamingo gets its color from eating shrimp? One of my first graders told me that. She had learned it in kindergarten.

    I have a new animal photo up too.

  9. NEVER apologize for your 80s roots; it's sacrelige ;)

  10. I call that orange!

    Zoos bring out the child in all of us!

  11. I loved all of those movies!!! Had most of the lines memorized to that one and The Breakfast Club (how sad is that?!?!?)

    Love the color of this bird! It must have a really healthy diet of shrimp. The flamingos at our zoo here are not so pretty in pink... just lightly shaded.

    I think zoos have a wide appeal because it is never tiring to look at the diversity of the earth's creatures. God shows His amazing-ness with these creations!

  12. That flamingo is awesome. The color is so vivid. The gull is great too. Reminds me of the movie version of Johnathan Livingston Seagull.


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