
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Study in chrome

Lighting the way
London, ON, June 2008 [Click to embiggen]
If you're visiting from Wordless Wednesday, welcome! This photo continue this week's Thematic Photographic theme, light. It's not too late to add your light-themed link. Click here to dive in. I'll post the new Thematic Photographic theme later tonight, just as soon as I recover from my Air Canada experience.
Parking lots continue to be fertile places for a guy with a few extra minutes on his hands and a camera hanging from his shoulder. Sometimes, I think I shoot pictures like this just to make complete strangers wonder what the heck I'm doing.

Quick hint: Look closely in the reflections...

Your turn:
Do you get stared at when you shoot photos? Do tell!


  1. You often get stared at when you take pictures of ceilings, floors, garbage pails, walls, chairs....the list can go on.

    I should know, I'm usually next to you smiling, like it's normal to be taking pictures of all these things. :-)

  2. Amazing clarity, and I love the way you're reflected both upside down and right side up.

    As for getting stared at, yup. I'm always tempted to make up wild stories about what I'm doing, but so far no one has actually asked.

  3. Hi Carmi, thanks for coming by and commenting - good to see you again...
    what a lovely photo...good to se you in it too - and the lady in the vest top?
    I'm curious to know more of you favourite words too

  4. It's not normal? *giggle*

    I like this interpretation of the "light" theme. Very cool shot. What model of car was it?


  5. Let them stare! You're creating great art here. (says the guy who spent an hour photographing fungus in his back yard)

    Painters and sculptors and the like... they create things that weren't there before. Photographers see -- and celebrate the things that are already there, but most people don't see.

    And therein lies the art.

  6. I didn't even need the hint.

    I see you, Carmi!

  7. nice shiny stuff. Love it!

    Happy WW!

  8. Chrome truly stands alone...I love that your wife gets the visual of you being photographed by the eyes of others while you snap away...I can picture that. ;)


    Goodness I'm pun-a-riffic today!

  9. Boy I wish the chrome on my car looked that nice. Good shot.

    And yes, I often get stared at when I am taking pictures. Oh well, such is the life of a freaky photo taker!

  10. The detail and clarity is beautiful! I love checking out the details in reflections. Always very fascinating.

    People staring? Yeah, quite often. But I think it just adds to the fun of photography. Takes them out of their own little world to try and figure out what on earth you're doing.

  11. Great shot, Carmi!

    I live in a tourist haven, so people walking around with cameras are common. But I sometimes get stared at when taking pictures of "normal" things.

  12. My favorite color is chrome!

  13. Hey Carmi! I've been AWOL on WW for a while but some things never change, like the quality of your photos!

    This is another great shot. Love the reflections in the chrome and how well you captured the shininess without blowing out the finish.

    Join me here if you can!

    Just Some Thoughts


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