
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Disposable

Montreal, QC, May 2008 [Click to embiggen]
About this photo: This week's Thematic Photographic theme is closeup. This picture continues our look at the macro world around us. Got a closeup perspective you'd like to share? I hope you'll pop on over here and join in the fun! Come back Wednesday evening for a new Thematic Photographic theme. The latest Caption This is here.
Your turn: Why are styrofoam cups still being made, anyway? Isn't this stuff supposed to be super-toxic?


  1. Whenever possible I use good old-fashioned glass.

  2. I seriously need to break out the camera book and figure out how to do macros!

    Tink *~*~*
    My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

  3. I actually got a second post done for this week's theme. You can see my little friend here.

  4. As usual Carmi, you cut right to the heart of the matter. Well done photo, and a well put message to go with it.

  5. Well, I forgot that I already put a comment here, but oh well. Before the TP closeup comes to a close I have one more of a 5-legged grasshopper. Gotta loves macros! Thanks for another fun week, Carmi.

  6. ;) Thank you for the ever sweet comments on my blog;) You are far more advanced then me on current affairs and politics;)

    Though I do get riled up about things I am passionate about!

    ;) you are sweet and cute!

  7. You have such a good eye. Happy WW:

  8. You have such a good eye. Happy WW:

  9. people are still buying and using them.. thats why companies still make them. If we unite and stop using it, i am sure there will be no more of this.. just my two cents.

  10. it seems like a lot of this world is disposable. I never would have thought to turn over a styrofoam cup and take is close up. I really need to start thinking outside the normal and ordinary!

  11. makes me think of my coffee when we go camping .. and the ashes in it.

  12. I agree. It's hard to believe they still make these cups. Makes me want to carry my own glass or stainless steel cup.

  13. Every time I have a styrofoam cup in my hand (which is rare these days, but does still occur) I have the irresistable urge to start carving patterns and initials on it with my fingernail.

  14. It would be nice to see that foam stuff disappear!

  15. I'm with you. Too much disposable going into landfills.

  16. I've been trying to use glass or ceramic dishes to avoid creating unnecessary waste. Sometimes the old-fashioned stuff is the best stuff.

  17. I totally agree. I hate it when I see Styrofoam -- we've known how bad it is all along...!

  18. great macro shot of a poisonous subject. :D

    Hello Kitty
    On the Lake

  19. I know I won't buy it and try to never use it

  20. Wow. A thought provoker... Love the title (and the pic).

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and for your kind comments!

  21. Wow! Great shot! I have no idea why styrofoam cups are still made - probably because people keep buying them, sadly.

  22. What a coworker scolded me JUST TODAY for heating the water for my coffee in a styrofoam cup (at least I reused the same one all the time, so I was ingesting toxins but not spoiling the environment with it) - but now I'm strictly using a spare stoneware mug from the cubby.

  23. you are absolutely right! since they are still being made - why are people still buying them??

  24. Thanks for your kind words about my photography.

    I cringe whenever styrofoam is my only option - especially when I have to put a hot liquid in it that's sure to soak up extra toxins. Bleh!

    I don't know if I left a comment back when you did your 100 things about you post - if not, I'll take the time now to say how interesting it was to read. Maybe someday I'll do one of my own...

  25. I'd like to see the styrofoam disappear!


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