
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Choices

How much is that cookie in the window?
London, ON, October 2006
About this photo: This is the final picture in support of last week's Thematic Photographic theme, blur. On Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. ET (I know, I'm manic about time) I'll be posting the new TP theme. To give you a chance to churn on it, I'm disclosing it a little early. (Drum roll, please...) The upcoming TP theme is...HAPPY. See y'all Wed. night, right here.
Our kids inherited a lot of traits from me and my wife. One of them is the way they talk with their hands. And when Noah found himself in the coveted spot in front of the display case at the local Tim Hortons, he let his hands do the talking to ensure we brought home exactly what his little tummy wanted.

Your turn: Do you talk with your hands? As Seinfeld would ask, what's the deal with non-verbal communications?


  1. I don't talk with my hands much, but according to my wife I give many non-verbal cues through facial expression when I talk. Personally, I don't see it.

  2. Loved the pic of your sweet little guy! Choices indeed! Too many some times.
    Of course I "talk" with my hands, doesn't everybody??

  3. When I was a child, my parents went to a work-related function where my mother engaged in conversation with another guest. A man at the party watched her for a bit, then approached and grabbed her wildly-flailing hands. My mother, naturally, stopped mid-sentence and stared, somewhat taken aback. The man said, "I thought that would make you stop talking." He meant it in good fun, of course. I am more like Mark... my every thought and feeling can be read on my face. I do not play poker.

    Did your son get the cookie his hands were after?

    Happy WW!

  4. Carmi, to be honest if I didn't have hands - I doubt that I could talk!

    Talk with my hands all the time!

  5. If I couldn't use my hands I would explode!

    I love your little darling drooling over the goodies;)

    I know what I am doing for "Happy"! You prob could guess!

  6. More than some. Not as much as others. Big on facial expressions, though.

    Cute shot. :D

  7. As you well know, I talk with my hands. I think I would have difficulty talking without them.

    Our little guy definitely knows what he wants,,,and can bat those baby blues and wiggle his fingers to get it!

  8. Yes, I talk with my hands all the time. I often point in the direction of something I'm referring to, even if it's not in sight. Yeah, I know, weird.

  9. Mr. kenju used to talk with his hands all the time, and we all used to say that if we tied his hands back, he wouldn't be able to talk. Since the stroke, he doesn't do that so much. I wonder why?

  10. Happy WW! Eenie...meenie...minee... moe!

    I invite your blog readers to see something that I never imagined possible earlier this year ... Barack & Hillary kissing each other?!?

    peace, Villager

  11. Hahahah, I'm singing how much is that cookie in the window!!! LOL

    Happy WW!

  12. I just love this photo and your title. Such a wonderful capture of childhood innocence. Happy Wednesday ... POOF!

  13. Luv the photo!

    As for talking...I talk with my mouth, I talk with my body, I talk with my hands, and I am told that my facial expressions speak a thousand words (which I totally believe!)...

    Communication happens in so many different ways...

  14. Did he actually choose the low-fat cookies?

  15. I like this, it is a really expressive photo.

    happy ww!

  16. ur son looks so cute!:) and re: non verbal cues i guess everybody does that its our universal language like nodding is the same for everyone everywhere.

    happy ww!

  17. Well body language mostly is more useful than words I think :-)

  18. oh yes, I talk with my hands...

    and when the little guy grows up, he'll be asking, "how many calories?"

  19. Great shot. I love pictures of people being human...happy WW!

  20. YES! I do talk with my hands! :0) The picture was VERY cute!

  21. The non verbals in this picture surely are words speaking to us, aren't they. I hate choices like these. I always end up with buyer's remorse.

  22. Looks like he is thinking about the chocolate chip cookie -- taking his decision very seriously.

    I am blown away by the size of the croissants on the left.

    Great shot.

  23. Great photo - love the over-the-shoulder perspective. Quite a lot of choices he has. My husband and I both talk with our hands and many of our children do as well. Isn't it interesting the different traits our children inherit from us?

  24. Great shot! And low fat to boot!
    First time here, I'm going to take a look around.

  25. I don't think I could talk if I didn't use my hands. It helps get the words out...don't you think?
    Great shot for choices and your son.

  26. Here's hoping we never run out of great choices!

    I'm up and capturing wonder today. :)


  27. Hes a cutie and love the name.I dont ever talk with my hands but I think like Mark said up there I have expressions on my face that take place of the hand jestures.LOL!~~Becky~~Found you on a friends blog.Looks like an interesting page.

  28. I accidently hit my friend the other day when I was talking with my hands. :( I guess that will teach her to stand too close!

    That's a very cute picture. I'm so awful with choices when I have that many. I'm pretty sure I would have had to close my eyes and point.

  29. Without my hands I'd be speechless

  30. Very cute. I do talk with my hands, and so do my kids.

    My WW this week is a scan of some artwork by my 7-year-old.

  31. What a great photo! I didn't even notice the blurred hand initially. Just shows what a great shot it is.

  32. Cute! Thanks for sharing. Must go look for donuts now.

  33. i talk so much with my hands that they call me "theatrical" at work ;DDD

    the other day someone's laptop crashed and while communicating it to other colleagues i actually did a gesture with my hands like a plane crashing into the ground (without reallly thinking about it) did evoke a lot of laughter at my expense.....all in jest, of course :)

    and is he going for a "fat-free" choice already??? he's too young to like "fat free" stuff :)

    nice post, Carmi.

  34. Everyone in my family uses their hands to talk. For years I have teased my mother that the best way to "silence her" would be to hold her hands still. If she couldn't use them, I don't know if she could speak. ;)


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