
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thematic Photographic 21 - Happy

Into the sky
London, ON, October 2008 [Click to embiggen]

Happy means different things to all of us, and as this week's Thematic Photographic theme, I'm hoping you'll explore the different forms it can take. It can be the obvious - a smiling face, perhaps - or the not-so-obvious. Whatever it is, please have fun with it.

Your turn: Post a happy-themed picture, then leave the link to it in a comment below. For full details on how Thematic Photographic works, please read on:
  • Every Wednesday evening, at precisely 7 o'clock Eastern, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...happy.
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.


  1. bada boom, bada bing!

    here's some happy.

  2. Sorry I've been AWOL lately but I've been traveling quite a bit for work. I'm over this one though.

    Unfortunately I'm heading out for another trip tomorrow but I'll have a couple of photos for "Happy" scheduled to post over the weekend.

    Thanks for this theme, Carmi!

  3. Here is my HAPPY!

  4. Hi! I have not participated in a while... but here I am now! (I am just sure someone is standing and cheering, no??? Ha ha!)

    Anyway... love this photo! The angle of it and the joy in swinging and childhood fun... perfect!


    Thanks for the "happy" you share with Thematic Photographic every week!

  5. Nice photo. Im actually new to taking pics. So If I can I will take one sometime. Im not a pro in the least LOL.Im still learning how to work the camera LOL.~~Becky

  6. Swinging definitely brings happiness around here! Love that shot.

    I posted my first happiness....I am sure I can find some more this week.

    Happy Wednesday!

  7. great theme!

    Something about someone swinging that makes me smile.

    Here's mine: Trouble Comes In Two's

  8. What a great photo! Thanks for your comments. Yes, indeed, I do believe I have some happy photos, but it won't be up tonight...too busy watching the Tampa Bay Rays trying to win theirfirst ever World Series game.

  9. voici ma proposition pour Heureux

  10. Beaches make me happy and here are a couple reasons why. I must say that through the TPs each week I have learned new techniques and taken creative "risks", resulting in some very fun (and not so bad) shots. So, even though I love the colors of the beach, I made these black and white --- and I like the effect!

  11. My daughter makes me happy (when she's not making me crazy). Enjoy her grinny giggle.

  12. nothing better than a bit of happy.

  13. I like the photo--reaching for the sky--and happiness is something we all need to taste occassionally

  14. What a wonderful pic. Shows the beauty of childhood! I'm not joining in just yet, but I may later. I've started 3 word thursdays so if you're interested, check out my site. have a great day

  15. Carmi, it's been far too long since I visited here so I've made amends and gone back through some posts I missed (though sadly I haven't time to comment on them all). As ever your pics are fantastic and I love how they give an insight into your life and who you are. Especially this one :)

    I really must try and join in on your ThemPhoto challenge sometime but for now I'm afraid I have precious little time for photography (which sucks!).

    While I'm here thanks for the visit and kind comment and gald you liked the new addition to my household :) You're quite right of course, a home should be full of life, whether it be children, pets or both :D.

  16. Hi Carmi...I can definitely do happy! Mine is up!


  18. Buenos dias! What a great theme. Carmi,I love your pic, because going on the swings as a kid, was one of my favorite activities. I remember being so excited and happy when I could finally push myself and go so high! I posted a few of my happy shots for this week @

  19. love the pic! so many happy memories associated with playgrounds and swings.

    there's a couple of "happy" pics HERE

    and, as far as the surviving teenage drivers just grit your teeth and hang on. we have 3 now...always an adventure! =D

  20. Love the photo. It's been a long, long time since I have been on a swing.

  21. *flipping through archives*... there's gotta be some happy happy joy joy 'round here somewhere.

    Too bad I was halfway to the rafters when Rod Brind'Amour was hoisting the Cup... that was happy made flesh!

  22. sweet! Love the "happy" colors in the image too :)
    and have i shared RL Stevenson's poem with you before....a happy swingy pic always reminds moi of the poem:

    How do you like to go up in a swing,
    Up in the air so blue?
    Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
    Ever a child can do!

    Up in the air and over the wall,
    Till I can see so wide,
    River and trees and cattle and all
    Over the countryside--

    Till I look down on the garden green,
    Down on the roof so brown--
    Up in the air I go flying again,
    Up in the air and down!

  23. hi carmi,

    from 'blur' to 'happy' is an interesting step. i'm facing a deadline but once finished, later tonight I hope, i'll be happy to join in.

    keep well,

    gord h.


  25. Great theme choice Carmi! Love the swing photo, amazing angle. How terrific that Moi posted the RL Stevenson poem, The Swing - it's a perfect fit. My mom loved Stevenson.

    Here are my happy photos.

  26. Hi Carmi,
    Swings are always sure to bring a smile. Such simple joy!

    We have been passing around sickness in our family, which is why I haven't participated much lately. But hopefully we'll get back on track, because Thematic Photographic makes me HAPPY!

    Here's mine:

  27. What an awesome photo prompt this week. My post can be seen here

    I will be back later to check out everyone's photo's after my movie.

  28. Isn't it funny how bright colours go hand-in-hand with happiness? Great shot, Carmi. I'll be chiming in later in the week.

  29. ok... I did it. Here are some happy pictures.

  30. Carmi, I've decided that this post applies to happy. Even though you can't see a face, it's the fact that she's holding it... I'll be back with more "happy" posts though. Great theme!

  31. Happy is a clean house!!

    Happy is being together as a family1

  32. I am so glad that the theme this week is Happy. I have been waiting for the right opportunity to post this picture, and I am so excited to share it! Thanks!!

  33. Another Happy post from me. This post is very dear to my heart.

  34. Mine is finally up ..... I have been busy ... :)

    ~Heather :)

  35. Love that photo. Here's my happy!

  36. I'm happy just looking at that.

    Here's something that made me happy yesterday:

    Bathtub Art


  38. Here's one:

  39. Happy is as happy does.

    Didn't Forrest Gump say that?


    Gord H.

  40. i'm finally up! i've got a LOT of catching up to do this week...behind on thematics and blog reading. lol

  41. I am so delinquent this week, but there's a reason. I spent several days trying to find a photograph that said "happy" to me in a unique way. Thinking all the time, "What makes me happy?" Then I thought about the events of last week and thought...
    Yeah, I Was Pretty Happy about that one.

    I really thought this one would be easier...

  42. Hola Carmi! I am so loving the birthday cake. I added one more happy installment. No matter my mood, these little critters always make me happy.

  43. one more (cuz you can never have to much "happy")

    Still Happy

  44. I'm slipping in one more "happy" TP with Bill Cosby.

  45. I need some happy this week.

    I was so tempted to put up snowy winter pictures because it makes me happy but I know I'm in the minority there.

    Here's my "Happy" entry:

  46. It's been strangely hectic for me these past few weeks (and I still can't point to anything and say, "I've been doing that" to explain my preoccupation!). But if it's not too late, I'd like to submit this post for the theme of Happy. If the kids don't look particularly happy in it, I'm sure the sweetness will make you happy when you look at them. Enjoy!



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