
Sunday, December 07, 2008

Caption This 100

Please caption this image
[Click here for Caption This instructions]
Montreal, QC, December 2006

I'm generally not one for milestones, but I can't let the 100th Caption This entry go by without so much as a mention. It's been almost two years since a kind reader suggested I try a weekly caption feature. Since then, it's turned into a ritual of sorts for me, a chance to ponder just the right picture that will prompt just the right kind of reflection when someone drops in for a visit.

I've chosen this photo because it remains one of my favorites. We were attending a party in Montreal, a happy occasion that reconnected us with many members of our extended family. Our little man was thirsty, and decided he wanted to drink out of a water fountain. So off we went in search of one.

As he wiped his munchkin-face dry, he decided he liked how the water "was round". So as I stood in the middle of the hallway and explained how gravity worked on the stream of water, he asked me to take a picture of it "so Mommy wouldn't miss out." Who can refuse a request like that?

Your turn: Please suggest a caption for this photo. You may suggest as many as you wish. I'll announce the winner next Sunday, as we get started on our second century. For more background, and a peek at how this all began, please click here.

One more thing: All week long, we're celebrating shadows as part of Thematic Photographic. So if you haven't shared yours, please head over here and have at it.

So who won last week's Caption This? I thought you'd never ask. Stefan Lombard wins with the elegantly simple "Promise." Stefan is an exquisitely gifted photographer. His deft touch with a lens has influenced my own style, and you owe it to yourself to see his work. Not just once, but often. Please drop by his site and see for yourself.
  • Strange Pilgram: "Finding his song."
  • Dana: "Sing us a song, you're the Piano Man...."
  • SPwriter: "Composing himself."
  • Bob-kat: "Rhapsody in Blue."
  • Lissa: "Beautiful boy."
  • Thumper: "I'll write the songs that make the whole world sing..."
  • Robin: "Songs in the key of life."
  • Anita Doberman: "Musica."
  • Ann" "Music to my ears..."
  • MorahMommy: "How long can I play this before I annoy my brother!"
Thank you all for helping Caption This make it to this momentous milestone. Here's to the next 100, and the next, and...


  1. That is a super-cool pic, Carmi. It looks familiar, have you posted it before?

    A caption...


  2. "Fluid flight"

    Amazing photo - I'm going to have to try that myself - I love it.

    Here from Tanya, and glad I came - thank you.

  3. The alien tentacle solidified before my eyes. Next thing I know I'm waking up and had the strangest "aching" feeling...

  4. transparent snakes make really ,really good hunters.

    Bradley B.

  5. not a caption, but looks like the most amazing icicle to me :)

  6. Congratulations on quite a milestone, Carmi...I wasn't with you in the beginning, but I've been a fan for quite a while now. Thanks for giving us reason to see beyond the obvious.

    This photo, though I LOVE it and its simplicity, is TOUGH! Nothing comes easily and readily to mind; that probably means I'll be haunted by the image in days to come.

    Let's about--

    Thirst quencher


    Splash down


    Watered down

    Newton's other muse

    Forever Rosa

    (I'll be back :) )

  7. I love seeing water in flight! You captured it perfectly, Carmi!

  8. "Caption This" is 100? Really? It doesn't look a day over ninety. But congratulations on triple digits.

    A few captions for today's pic (a great pic, btw):

    Mouth watering.

    Streaming media.

    Life preserver.

    The fastest way to freeze water.


    Fountain of Eternal Youth.

    Drink and thrive.


    Slithery when wet.

    Chaos theory.

    Balloon fuel.

  9. Congratulations on the milestone and thanks for the honourable menshun :)

    Great shot. My caption is:

    "Frozen motion".

  10. That's one of those stories that just gives me goosebumps. I'm glad you little guy suggested it, 'cause otherwise the rest of us might have missed out too. This is a fascinating shot. Not just the rounded edges, but the little pinpoint reflections in the stream. Amazing.

    Oh, a caption? Hmmm...

    Does it really need one? Okay... "Fountain of Youth" fits the back story more than the actual image, but it's all I got.

  11. Fire and Ice. Cuz it looks like it's lit. Beautiful photo. And your son was wise to ask you to capture it.

  12. Congratulations Carmi....this is always one of my favourite bloggie activities and look forward to it every week.

    water ballet

    hold that fluid thought

    captured glance of the waterdance

  13. that is really incredible. It's almost hypnotic...

    i love it.

  14. What an amazing capture! Such a cool photo, Carmi!

    Caption: Fluid Motion

  15. Congrats on 100 Caption This. I think it was a Caption This that brought me to your blog for the first time. That was a very good day indeed!

    The stream of water is awesome! How about "Stream of Life"

  16. Wonderful photo. Congrats on 100!

    My caption:

    "Yup. Gravity still works."

  17. bridge of troubled water


    hip hop

    leaping liquid

  18. Hello Carmi!
    Wow 100! That's great!
    Love this photo.
    My captions are:

    "Fluid in motion."

    "River dance"

    "Dances with water."

    "Dancing water, hidden fountain"


  19. When ghosts pee.

  20. Awesome shot, Carmi. Water can be so tricky and you did an exceptional job of capturing this. Love it! :D

    Congrats on your 100th Caption This. :D

  21. Moment of Plenty.
    Tiny Waterfalls.
    Just for you.
    Sweetly Quenched.

    Thanks, that was fun. Wonderful, 100 captions! yay!

  22. I can certainly see why this image would be one of your favorites. Water is fascinating to photograph.


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