
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Caption This 102

Please caption this image
[Click here for Caption This instructions]
Laval, QC
December 2006

I take a lot of pictures at night. The peacefulness appeals to me on a number of levels. Things seem to move more slowly after the sun goes down, and that lets me work at my own pace, to think things through and suck a little more enjoyment out of the moment.

The cynic in me also appreciates not having to answer the inevitable suggestions from people who feel compelled to play a game of photographic one upmanship every time I take my camera out of the bag. You've likely encountered them as well. They always know a better way to shoot a scene, and they're never afraid to let you know it. Funny how we never actually get to see their work. Anyway, they're usually tucked in by now, which frees me up to become one with my shutter release.

Your turn: I'm hoping you'll do two things for me. ONE - We're exploring quiet-themed pictures all week long for Thematic Photographic. Please click here to share your own contribution. TWO - Please come up with a caption for this silence-tinged photo. Here's how Caption This works.

About last week's bathroom-themed photo: I'll stop at nothing to coax a smile out of my kids. This photo does it to them every time. Thank you all for your great caption suggestions. Honorable menschens go to these fine folks:
  • Steve: "I'm flush out of great ideas."
  • Magiceye: "Learn to aim right!"
  • Wendster: "... no no no ... point it DOWN please."
  • Sara: "We aim to please, you aim too please."
  • Moi: "Toil-ette happens!"
MW takes it with "The second word to learn." I laughed myself silly at the irony, given that this quite likely was the second French word I ever picked up. Thankfully I built on that somewhat dubious foundation of language, and eventually became fluent. The Mystic Writer blog is a gorgeously crafted mixture of writing and photography. If you've ever wanted to see the world through the eyes of someone who can see with wonder, you must visit this site.


  1. Hello, NetChick sent me. I think I need another coffee before I attempt to caption that; it's too ominous!

  2. Nice blogging dude!

  3. m.c. escher, live in color


    time steps on

  4. Carmi, I don't know if you see it or not, but there is a bit of an optical illusion here. When I first looked I saw the stairs from the bottom looking up,then I looked away and saw the downward angle. So I call this "up side down". Very nice shot! It made me look twice!

  5. Oh do I ever relate to the well-intentioned one-uppers (I'm going to be charitable and assume their offerings are intended to be helpful). It is precisely for that reason that I do not shoot weddings except in very limited, very specific circumstances. Okay, that's not the only reason, but it is the chief one.

    The only real downside to night shooting is -- well you encountered it a couple of themes ago actually. Lurking about in the darkness with a camera sometimes attracts the wrong kind of attention, leading to a lot of questions I don't want to answer from people I don't especially want to talk to. I was just sure that my shot for the "In & Out" Shutterday theme (A bail bond office) was going to find me explaining myself to the authorities before I finally got the shot I wanted. Luckily I avoided any confrontations and got my shot.

    As for a caption... if I ever figure out why anybody'd put a No Parking sign on a staircase, maybe I'll have something for it. I'm sure there's a story there just begging to be told.

  6. Hello Carmi!



    "A step up"


  7. My caption would be "Wouldn't want to be here alone at night"
    Happy Hannakah to your family Carmi. I hope your holiday season is filled with much love and joy and I am sure it will be.

  8. when I noticed the no parking sign I immediately thought, "sure come on in, you just can't stay long"

  9. New years resolution, no driving, more walking

  10. star light, star bright, oh no it's just a street light!

  11. no great ideas yet, I may come back

    Happy Hanukkah
    and Shalom

  12. to me it looks like

    "one long stairway just going up"

  13. I just wanted to say that I enjoy your blog because everytime I come to it you have an amazing picture on it - these are all great.

  14. i am glad you liked my contribution......that image was worth a shot !!!! ;D

    regarding the current one up for captions.....the image is very noir-ish......the only ones i can think of rightaway are:

    "shadow play"
    "dizzying steps!"

    or maybe something creepy on the lines of
    "murder on the first/second floor" depending on which country you live in ;DDD


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