
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - New life together

Just married
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2008

About this photo: We've been sharing new-themed photos all week in support of Thematic Photographic. Today's shot touches on a new life for two strangers who happened to cross my path just before New Year's. Click here if you'd like to participate in the "new" theme. Scroll down if you'd like a sneak peek at the next Thematic Photographic theme.
When you're at the beach and you spot a bride and groom walking on the boardwalk, there's only one thing to do: grab your camera and run after them. Why? Because neat stuff like this happens so rarely. Because photography captures moments and freezes them forever. Because you never want to forget what it felt like Right Then.

So, with the blessing of my more-than-understanding wife, I sprinted in bare feet and just managed to breathlessly call out to them before they turned the corner on the next leg of their life's journey. I'm glad I did, and hope this is only the first of many such happies for this blessed couple.

Your turn: Ever have a truly spontaneous moment with your camera?

Almost forgot: At 7:00 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, I'll be posting the first entry for the new Thematic Photographic theme. They stay up for an entire week, so you'll have lots of time to share one photo - or as many photos as you wish. To give you a chance to rev up your creative engine, I like to advance-post the theme. So without further ado, the new theme will be...

It's a nice counterpoint to our previous theme. Speaking of which, we're still accepting contributions to last week's "new" theme. Click here for that, and drop back in Wed. at 7 p.m. for something aged.


  1. That's such a sweet photo...they look so happy!

  2. Since I used to shoot a lot of sports -- especially hockey -- I pretty much lived and breathed spontaneity.

    But really, aren't almost all photographic moments spontaneous? Other than carefully staged still life shots, the difference between squeezing the trigger and not is fractional. Who knows why we hit the shutter in this moment rather than that one?

    But on to the photo of the happy couple. Since I only shoot weddings under a very narrow set of circumstances, I don't have a lot of experience with what makes good "wedding photography". But I'd like to think that if I were to shoot a wedding I'd get something very much like this one.

  3. Very nice picture, Carmi. I especially like the fact that it looks so well done even though it's obvious that it couldn't have been more spontaneous. The mark of a great photographer...

    My post will be up in a few hours.

    Happy WW!

  4. That is an adorable picture, Carmi. I can't believe you ran after them to take it. That took guts! I'm sure they'd love it!

  5. Charming couple - I love that he's carrying the bouquet. They do look happy!

  6. What a fun picture. They're both beaming and obviously delighted, and sharing that joy with you, the photographer.

    Great catch. Definitely worth the sprint.

  7. Hey, I show 'new life', too for my WW, TP

  8. What a sweet photo and very in the moment. The only spontaneous photo I can think of is one that I asked a stranger to take for me rather than one I took. He couldn't get my camera to work so he took it with his, got my email address and sent it to me that way. It was of my mom and I at a state park during a weekend trip together. It was the first photo we had done together in several years. It's still precious to me!

    Happy WW!

  9. Keep seeing the good. I WISH I always had my camera as you do, you are providing a service to human kind :)

  10. What a great shot! I love being spontaneous with my photography. As a matter of fact, I am doing a "shooting from the hip while driving" series right now on my photoblog! Check it out:

  11. What a great photo. It brings out all kinds of thoughts and emotions.

  12. Wonderful shot, Carmi! You've really caught their joy.

  13. I love that you got this shot. Look how spectacularly happy they seem! What a great moment in time to capture.

  14. Great spur of the moment shot. Love that they're looking back over their shoulders.

  15. What an awesome, candid shot. I love how happy they look. Beautiful bride, beautiful moment.

  16. Lovely photo. They do look happy to be starting a new life together. My hubby and I were in Barbados a number of years ago. One morning I got up early (I love to watch the sunrise over the ocean). Peeking over our balcony, I looked down upon a wedding in progress, with the rising sun and a bower of flowers as a background. No, I didn't have my camera. Too bad.

  17. Congrats;))

    wish you both a happy life.

    and do not forget to respect each others. Allways.

    like you can see us here. (the last photo)

    have an excellent week together

  18. I like this shot Carmi it sort of breaks with tradition and the smiles are natural not posed (I prefer natural to a posed smile any day!)

  19. sweet! I always love wedding photos and this one is just so candid it reflects the couple's happiness.

  20. This is such a great shot. How sweet! I never get shots like this. When I point a camera at people they look like deer caught in the headlights. Waah!


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