
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Thematic Photographic 39 - Transparent

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
London, ON, March 2009 [Click to embiggen]

I've made no secret of my love for tea. There's a spirit surrounding the process of making it, then nursing the mug along for a while that appeals to me. When you're wrestling with the world outside and time seems to be spinning out of control, it's comforting to be able to set everything aside for a bit so you can sit at the table with a warm mug and

This photo kicks off our latest Thematic Photographic theme, transparent. Why transparent? Because we often see more when we see through something. We often see something different than we initially expected. We're often surprised. Pleasantly, even. And we all need a little more pleasant, right?

Your turn: Please point your lens at something see-through - literal, figurative, whatever floats your boat - and share the link in a comment below. Repeat as often as you wish, as we strongly encourage serial theming. To wit, I present my friend, Mojo (seriously, his work is unreal. But you knew that already, right?) Here's how TP works:
  • Every Wednesday evening, at precisely 7 o'clock Eastern, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...transparent.
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry. Old or new, all photos are welcome.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.
  • And please accept my thanks for your enthusiasm. Your participation has made TP a true highlight for me each and every week.


  1. One see through object coming up. Actually two of them. Plus a follow up to yesterday's final installment on the "Winter" theme. You'll find out just how tough these pansies really are!
    Thematic Photographic 39: "Transparent" v.1.0 "Ready For My Close Up"

  2. I looked in my photo files and I don't have anything transparent, Carmi. Since my camera bit the dust this morning - it will be a while before I can shoot anything else.

    I love tea, and I've been drinking more of these days; the rain and snow seem to call for it instead of coffee.

  3. Okay, here's what I came up with. This is a photo I took some years ago outside the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, New York.

    As far as your requirement for transparency, I hope this qualifies. You can see through at least two glass window panes in this shot.

  4. I think I'm going to have to get my camera out and start looking around.

    I love tea too.


  5. I'm up!!!

  6. Photographic possibilities are endless aren't they! I wouldn't have thought the humble cup of tea would have been a good study...but it is. :)

  7. Translucent Tea!
    Ahhhhhhh- So pleasant to hold, to smell, to SIP!
    You are mentioned in my Thursday post - fair warning, Carmi
    Warm, fragrant Aloha!

  8. That was a hard one!

    Here's mine


  9. I can see through it
    my photo

  10. Love your weekly theme and thought I'd join:

  11. A glass tea .. nice ... count me in, I will post a photo of the new Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center ...

    Oh and today fits Winter's theme:

    Meanwhile I think a glass tea is a good idea ...

  12. Transparent Version 2.0 is posted, but I probably won't be able to link it until much later. I'm off to Greensboro to visit a friend in hospital this evening.

    But in case anyone comes back here looking for new entries...

    Thematic Photographic 39: "Transparent" v.2.0 "When My Arms Aren't Long Enough"

  13. Cool picture. I like the reflection.

  14. Shot "Earl Grey Tea" is amazing because of the reflection inside. It is in focus. Great idea. Nice job!
    Here is my attempt:

  15. oh bum! I knew the word from Little Old Me's site so went looking for possible pics in my library. I came up with this:
    and then came here to post it ... what did I find? Carmi's only gone and used something very similar!!
    Heigh ho! Great minds think alike!!

  16. This is my first time entering Thematic Photographic. Love the idea of a different theme every week.

    Here is my entry:

  17. being with my grandchildren makes me realize what is important, too.

    (hope this isn't duplicate comment, blogger is acting up)

  18. don't know if that glass table that is part of the image counts as transparent. could work, after the fact... :)

  19. guess it defaults to my blogger not the relevant blog for that comment.

  20. Makes you think... well here are my initial ramblings and images

  21. I'm glad to see that women like me aren't the only ones who appreciate the ritual that makes "tea" tea.

    Even the part of holding my special little cup in my hands and feeling the heat seep into my fingers ... oh yes. I love my cup of evening tea.

    Unfortunately, my cup isn't transparent.

    My transparent is up here!

  22. Hi! Whenever I stop by, I seem to be able to think of a picture that fits your theme. The following post was about one I shot through the screen in a window into the back yard flower bed.

  23. For those of you that have dogs, especially the large soppy variety you will know that you can see straight through them and that expression of adoration is solely related to their stomach and any food that they could encourage you to give them... so here is version 2 of Carmi's 'transparent'... yes the dog has a blog...

  24. I love tea too.. especially that blended in the Russian Tea Cafe in Chicago... great blend.

    I have two... or three if you count the cat... entries for the theme, here.

  25. These were taken today specifically for the transparent theme. Whilst i enjoy the idea of light and airy living and working I just feel that for me these are too much like being in a goldfish bowl!

  26. I've got one up so far...hopefully more on Monday!

  27. I like that there is a whole extra little world inside the teacup.

  28. Here is mine. This is a hard one!

  29. Posted! -

    Now to look through others :)

  30. Have you ever seen a transparent butterfly? Check this out!

  31. Here's my Transparent shot

  32. I have another up - wentup last night.

    More transluscent than transparent maybe - but pretty.

  33. Hola! Mine is up. I don't think you'll be too surprised. Carmi asked that we choose whatever floats our boat and I did. Happy Tuesday to everyone :)

  34. Almost couldn't come up with something! Come see what I chose!

    My transparent photo is really sweet.

    Really like your picture of "transparent" Carmi. Very creative - I would never thought of anything like it.

  35. I love the way the shades in your background look through the transparent cup of tea!

    Squeaking in at the last minute here with my transparent photos. Story of my life-always a day late and a dollar short...or at least it feels that way sometimes.

    I thought this week's challenge was a lot of fun.

    Here are my transparent photos.

  36. Mine is here, Carmi:

  37. Wanted to share one more.

    More transparent.


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