
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Dusky streetscape

London, ON, March 2009

About this photo: We're wrapping up our exploration of dusk-themed perspectives and getting ready for our next big Thematic Photographic theme. What will it be? Scroll down for the big news. And if you still want to post something dusky, click here.
Our city has a relatively compact, relatively old - a century, give or take - downtown area that always seems to offer up a worthwhile camera angle or two. What it often lacks is people. Even at the height of the workday, the sidewalks here remain easy to navigate. With relatively few exceptions, you can meander to your heart's content without getting jostled along the way.

As much as I dislike close contact with complete strangers, I can't help but think that these streets seem to vacuum the spirit out of anyone who walks here. Maybe this place needs a transfusion.

Your turn: Obviously, nothing's going on on the sidewalk. So let's look inward and guess what's going on behind these sunset-painted windows.

Coming up tomorrow: Every Wednesday at precisely 7:00 p.m. EDT, I post the new Thematic Photographic theme and entry for the coming week. Every Tuesday, I give y'all a sneak peek at the theme because I want everyone to have a chance to consider their submissions. So without further ado, it will be:

Happy pondering. See ya after we go live tomorrow at 7!


  1. Actually I like the scene this way. It has a gritty, earthy almost post-apocalyptic feel to it without all those pesky people cluttering things up. Besides, that lighting is wicked cool! Those folks don't know what they're missing.

    I opted for something sort of similar, albeit for different reasons, for my finale. In my case, it was more the time of year than the time of day that left the scene unpopulated.

    Thematic Photographic 52: "Dusk" v.7.0

  2. This is a mood-producing photo, Carmi. Lots of texture there.

  3. I like to see people when I'm out and about. But when I'm taking photos outside, people always seem to pop out of nowhere. Nice photo. I like all the different shades of brown.

  4. Wow I love all the different textures you've captured here Carmi.

    Somehow this photo makes my heart feel a little sad. Just feels forlorn. Hmmm.

  5. Thats what I like about london and why I moved here from Toronto. not crowded.

    And isn't 'Thematic Photographic theme' from the Department of redundancy department? ;)

  6. The lighting and texture is stunning. In this particular case, people would just be in the way, distracting from the beauty. Nice capture.

  7. I love the coppery-chocolate colors in this photograph.

  8. That is a very beautiful street scene. I love street is so raw and real.

    What does go on behind closed doors and windows...who knows? I ask a similar question on my post.

  9. What a lovely photo. I can feel the mood, if you will, of that street just by looking at it. Beautifully taken photo.

    Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

  10. It's perfect for the theme ;)

    Good job! Happy WW!

  11. I actually like the scene. Nice job for the theme.

    Happy WW!
    Mariposa's WW

  12. I'm with Mojo, I like the gritty almost sinister feel.

  13. I would love to take a walk down this street. It seems to have a lot of stories to tell.

  14. The gritty feeling in this photo is still far better than the city that I was born in. That city has slipped away into irreversable decline with drug trafficking, violence and worse. You photo reminds me there are places of light and color that feed our souls and that is why I moved to Arizona. Thanks for a great post, Carmi. I'll be watching.

  15. I don't think it looks gritty or sad at all - I think it is one of those moments where a very drab ordinary scene is transformed with the heavy light from dusk to something more warm and lively. It looks rich and the stone glitters - as if it just rained and the sun is peeking out. And the streets are so clean it feels like a small village instead of a city street. As Borat would say - "very niiiice."


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