
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pierce the darkness

Shine the light on me
Laval, QC, August 2009

About this photo: Thematic Photographic explores the shiny theme this week. If you've got one in mind, head here to share it.
There's something memorable about the way a single light can paint an otherwise pitch black landscape. A scene that looks utterly forgettable by day is somehow infused with drama and texture. All because of a simple bulb.

So as I stood on my in-laws' balcony and (carefully) pointed my camera downward, I reminded myself that I need to spend more time shining light on things that would otherwise remain hidden. Because the results are almost always eye opening.

Your turn: Why do we feel the need to light up the darkness?


  1. Something you've described as casual has become a work of art!

  2. red and green, piercing the darkness, reminding me of the running lights on the bow of a boat

  3. Whilst darkness can be a place to stay for a while, I could argue that it's not an ideal, long term situation....for anyone.

    ...and i think the best piercing moments come when we're not expecting them

  4. This would have worked extremely well in last week's "Perspective" theme too. It's taken me a good 15 minutes to figure out what I was looking at.

    On a practical level, piercing the darkness is a necessity because we don't see well in the darkness. Not literally, not metaphorically. It represents the unknown and therefore we fear it. Sometimes I think it really is just that simple.

    And since I clearly have some catching up to do, here are a couple of shiny entries from the animal kingdom.

    Thematic Photographic 66: "Shiny" v.3.0 - Someone Was Busy Last Night

    Thematic Photographic 66: "Shiny" v.4.0 - Don't Be Koi With Me


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