
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thematic Photographic 84 - White

You're my destiny
New York, NY, November 2009
About this photo: Our new Thematic Photographic theme, white, is a simple one. I'm willing to bet y'all have tons of white pics hanging around the archives. Head here for more on how this insanity works.
There's a scene in the old, hasn't-aged-well film, Back to the Future, where the young George McFly (Crispin Glover) botches a line being fed to him by his much cooler, time-traveling son, Marty (Michael J. Fox). He tells his someday-wife that, "You are my density."

To this day, it's a line I jokingly use around my wife, another one of those phrases that somehow got stuck in my mind, and that somehow she inherently understands every time one of them escapes from my mouth. She gets me, and I'm thankful for that.

So as I stood dockside on a crisp New York morning and pondered the immense meaning of what I had just witnessed - the USS New York (LPD-21) on the morning of her commissioning - I found myself staring at this very lovely bow aside a nearby slip. The light was just right, and I thought my wife would find it amusing given how many times I've channeled BTTF.

She did. And I ended up with a picture that speaks to me. I hope it speaks to you, too.

Your turn: Two things, actually. First, please choose someone who means the world to you, and deliver the "You're my density" line to said person with as much humor as you can muster. Feel free to share the experience in a comment...we love happies here at Written Inc. Second, this is our Thematic Photographic launch entry, so I'm hoping you know what to do. If not, click here for guidance.


  1. That's hilarious, because the first thing I thought when I saw the ship's name was "you are my density," just like McFly did it. I, too, use that line on my wife occasionally.

    Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one.

  2. White is actually kind of hard. I have lots of white flowers, but not too many unusual or striking white things. But I'm giving it a try - here's one:

  3. I will test out the McFly quote and let you know. :)
    I revisited the garden..... and it made the cold winter night feel a little less daunting. thank you for the opportunity to revisit summer.

  4. Rather an enigmatic 'white' here:

  5. P.S

    And a particularly silly rhyme!

  6. That's funny. My husband and I say that to each other a lot and sometimes we get strange looks from others. But it makes us laugh every.single.time.

  7. I had to scramble a little to get this one together, and I'm still only up to v.2.0, but how tough can it be? I mean really?

    Anyway, I found this to open with.

    I once shared an office with a guy who had the same sort of sense of humor I do and when one of us would have one of those forehead smacking moments or something it was always "Hellooo? McFlyyyy?" a la Biff. That was pretty effective when relating a story about someone who just didn't get it too.

  8. Morning walks allow us to view the winter destiny of park trees.

  9. I agree with g...white is hard. Here's mine:

    (I hope the link works)

  10. We have had so much snow over the last few weeks its hard not to post something that isnt covered in the white stuff.

    Here is Mine

  11. Although I'm a bit later than usual, I love the white theme. Unlike others, I'm finding it easy, perhaps because I live in the snowy, rural northeastern U.S. Yesterday a shot was calling to me, but I was lazy & didn't go outside to get it. Maybe today will present the same shot?? That'd be too lucky.

    Anyway, here's my first one.

  12. More white on my blog, while I go check out others' postings.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. love the sweeping lines + the details on your shot

    My white offering is here

  15. There's some classic lines in that film though:

    'Roads, we're going where we don't need roads'

    'lightning will strike the clock tower, electrifying the cable as the connecting hook makes contact
    sending 1.21 gigawatts into the flux capacitor and sending you back to 1985'

    'No wonder your president has to be an actor. He has to look good on TV.'

    'This is truly amazing. A portable television studio.'

    and so on...

    I think I need to watch it again.

  16. Thanks for your comment on my site, Carmi!

    I always love looking at what others post. If only I had high-speed so it wasn't so painful, I'd leave more comments.

    Here's my second WHITE entry.

  17. Well, I didn't think I'd find much white things to photograph - but suddenly I see it everywhere!

    another one's up:

  18. I'm going to have to work on using that McFly quote ... "You are my density." HAHAHAHA...

    Here is my White photo:

    I'm sure it is no surprise to anyone it is SNOW.

  19. Yet another "white" photo for me here - this was taken this week before the rains came:


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