
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Fresh crayons, for all of us

Colour outside the lines
London, ON
April 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

When we were kids, if we were lucky we’d get to go to restaurants. If we were really lucky, the tables would be covered with paper, and crayons would magically appear as soon as we sat down. Somewhat unbelievably, we’d be encouraged to scribble on the furniture.

So imagine my pleasant surprise when I walked into a local eatery one recent night and came across this colourful scene.

To the best of my knowledge, I’m no longer a kid (we’ll reserve the “acts like one” discussion for another time), but something about these crayons on this particular restaurant table spoke to me. Because at any age, I’d like to think we’re all creative creatures in one way or another. I’d also like to think that idle doodling is more important to our development as human beings than we’d been led to believe.

I often think about the no-scribbling-on-the-furniture rules many of us grew up with, and the impact that rules like this might have had on our creativity.

Of course, no one wanted walls covered with crayon - there’s a time and a place for everything, and Mom and Dad’s rules ensured we knew how to pick our spots. But in this restaurant, on this night, I could hear a faint childhood whisper in my ear, encouraging me to pick up the crayons and have a little fun.

The paper-covered table in a restaurant is a safe space, a place where anyone of any age can doodle to their heart’s content before the poutine or chicken nuggets make their way over from the kitchen. The results may not be remotely worth saving, but simply having that space at all is a crucial reminder of the power of random expression.

Turns out Mom and Dad were right all along.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #jackastors #restaurant #stilllife #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

Scene from a diner, March 2018

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