
Monday, July 29, 2024

Wild grasses amid the traffic

Feel the wind
London, ON
May 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

The simple things are often the ones that intrigue us the most.

Like this stretch of overgrown grass blowing in the wind beside a four-lane arterial road, surrounded by one big box retail store after another, stitched together by endless parking lots.

I stare at the out-of-place greenery for a few minutes as it swishes one way, then another, under the late afternoon gusts. There isn’t much to the scene, yet I still can’t look away.

I don’t quite know why this weedy stretch of low-rent greenery can’t or won’t - or maybe it’s both - release its hold on me, but as my smartwatch beeps me out of my reverie and reminds me it’s time to head back to reality, I accept that it’s a question that doesn’t need to be answered. A little bit of mystery is entirely called for.

So I shoot a single frame and pack the camera away, my digital reminder to appreciate the simple moments safely stored on its memory card.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #hydepark #green #grass #road #texture #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Leave the grass alone, January 2024
Bent but not broken, October 2023

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