Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Brilliance in the dark

Shedding light
London, ON, October 2007 [Click to enlarge]

I've saved this picture as the backdrop on my BlackBerry. Every time I check my e-mail, I'm inspired to look for the wonder in the simple things around me. This may be just a tree. But it's our maple tree, the one that's been growing steadily on our front lawn ever since we can remember, the one that shades the big rock that the kids play on and that the dog tries to climb when he's chasing squirrels, the one that happily escaped damage during last week's freak snowstorm (see my Flickr set for more on that.)

This photo continues last week's Thematic Photographic theme, night. It's not too late to submit yours - we're always happy to have oodles of participants - by clicking here.

Looking ahead, I'll be posting the new TP entry on Wednesday evening at precisely 7:00 p.m. ET. Per our new tradition, I'm happy to give you a sneak peek at the next theme to give you a chance to mull over what you'd like to submit. Our next theme is...autumn!

Have fun...and thanks!

Your turn:
Got a picture that inspires you in some way? Do tell!


Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Beautiful shot. I can see why it's inspiring to you.

Apparently I was hanging out in your brain a bit, because I've already jumped the gun on TP this week with my WW entry. :D

HektikLyfe said...

Great shot. I like keeping photos of our neighborhood and home around the house and as wallpapers. My iPhone currently has one of our trip to Maui but the Blackberry I think I left as a default. I hate using that desktop manager.

Gabriel said...

That was a fantastic picture, Carmi. And with a 'Crackberry'... what a talent! I can use the best camera available and I won't get even close to that... :-)

Happy WW day!

My WW post...

MorahMommy said...

"Let the sun shine in, meet it with a grin..."

Those from the Flintstone's era will remember this song!

As always, my sweet you capture beauty through your lense!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I love this picture!

I have yet to figure out the night settings on my bridge camera.

Happy WW!

Wendy said...

I like capturing light on a tree or flower. It looks so ethereal!

Mystic Thistle said...

Wonderful. Wonderful.

tommie said...

Amazing how one simple little reminder can help you to focus on the important things in life.

I was able to find a little night this week. Not sure if I did it justice though!

Happy Tuesday!

Mojo said...

That's the kind of shot the word "gobsmacking" was invented for!

My WW follows the Thematic prompt today too. And I have one more offering for Thematic Photographic:
Thematic Photographic 22: Night v.7.0 - Drive-By Lighting

What is today anway? I can get another one in can't I?

Oh, and those sad pictures at the ACC? You can start shooting any time now. The Canes just took a 5-4 OT win from the Leafs.

Unknown said...

Happy WW! That is a truly remarkable image. YES WE CAN!

I invite your blog readers to see America's First Family!

peace, Villager

Heather said...

Oh that is absolutely stunning!!! Happy ww to you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I really love this shot! It's like I'm in heaven. Happy WW!

Mine are here:

My Precious Niche
Just Me.. Eds
Mommy Life

sweetytots said...

nice sunshine shot.. Please Visit my entry Little J with the witches here and kids at the party here

2nd part of Halloween Trick or treat at Rockwell

Catherine said...

I really like this photo.
Autumn? I'll have to dig in my archives for that one, it's six months away here.

catsynth said...

Wow, that is a beautiful photo. The lights coming through the leaves are amazing.

Anonymous said...

I looooove how the rays pass through the branches!

Happy WW!

smarmoofus said...

Just stunning, Carmi. Those rays shining through are brilliant.

Now if you will excuse me, I'm about to go to bed happier than I have been in 8 years.

Happy WW!

Bobbie said...

Lovely photograph. You can view my WW HERE

bobbie said...

A beautiful picture. I'm glad you keep it on your Blackberry. It must be a great source of pleasure for you

Deanna said...

Very nice shot! Inspiring! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

JO said...

wow! perfect photo!

Here's my entry. Thanks!

Robin said...

What a beautiful shot. The kind of thing you couldn't plan better if you tried.

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get a fall shot, we don't get much fall around here.

How is Zach feeling this week?

Holly Schwendiman said...

What a fitting picture for today - and every day. :)


The Bumbles said...

Very beautiful and inspiring. I had autumn on my mind when I posted my first WW here - and a little winter preview too!

Red Lotus Mama said...

What an inspiring shot! I am thinking of Hawaii: http://tinyurl.com/6dnheq. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Oh, lovely! Since you like trees, you might like the photo I posted: http://holeinthedonut.com - some pretty fabulous fall colors out there this year.

photowannabe said...

A picture that signifies hope. I love the rays shining through. Great background for your blackberry.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

oh i love this shot....very inspirational, indeed.

Anonymous said...

wow! amazing shot!

Jennifer Chasse said...

That would be a very nice background. Very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! Happy WW.

Robin M said...

It is inspiring. Beautiful shots as always.

Robin of mytwoblessings

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Carmi, I think this image desreves a place in this theme at JPG