
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Caption This 8

[Please submit a caption for this photo. See below for details]
London, Ontario, February 2007 [Click to enlarge]

Welcome to another exciting edition of Written Inc.'s Caption This extravaganza. This week, we focus on one of London's now-famous (well, sort-of-famous) murals. Come up with a caption for this photo (which I'll announce next week) and you, too, can enjoy entire minutes of fame and phantom fortune.
  • Don't know what Caption This is all about? Click here to learn all there is to know.
  • Want to see all Caption This blog entries to-date? Click here.
Oh, before I forget, let's end the suspense around last week's entry. It featured a forlorn picture of a green apple lying all by its lonesome in a parking lot. My son, Noah, provided accompanying banter from the open minivan door as I crouched down and captured the surreal scene.

I had so many wonderfully creative suggestions that I had a difficult time choosing just one. In the end, I had to make the call: The nod goes to Dave, aka Utenzi, who came up with this week's topper:
"I've escaped! Now what?"
This erudite research scientist from North Carolina manages to make uber-complex cutting-edge concepts understandable to dorks like me, and he mixes in equal parts great photography and straightforward views of the world around us. All in all, one of the most compelling ongoing reads in blogdom. Please stop by his site and congratulate him.

Your turn: Feeling doggy? Submit a funny caption for this image and come back next Sunday for the big announcement...and the next entry in this never-ending adventure. (And if you want to come back before next Sunday, I won't complain. Promise.)


  1. ( musical)
    "shave and a hair cut, two bites."

  2. "Countin' doggies on the wall, doesn't bother me at all. Playin' "sit - don't move at all!" With a flowerpot as well..."

    Cheesy, but it's all I got.

    Thanks, Carmi, for all the great stuff you offered on my latest post. I appreciate your words more than I think you know. :)

  3. ha ha! what a great little pic

  4. Wow, I am actually speechless and wondering who would paint two large poodles in a fake window on the side of a building? that a caption? :)

  5. "Darling, that yellow scarf makes you look fat."

  6. He to She :
    "They say Man is Dog's best friend but watching them go by sometimes you wonder... We should choose our friends more wisely."

  7. Coming this summer... "Planet of the Poodles!"

  8. "What are those people looking at?"

  9. No wait..wait...wait I want to retract my las submission and submit this one :)

    "If that squirrell gets ONE STEP closer...."

  10. "Amos and Andy go uptown for the night"

    Michele sent me this morning, Carmi!

    (my cousin used to have two black standard poodles named Amos and Andy)

  11. The nerve of some people to just let their humans run wild in the streets!!!

  12. "Well my dear, can you imagine...some of them actually use a fire hydrant. How primitive."
    Fun stuff, as always, Carmi.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comments.

  13. Round two and still nothing! I'm getting closer though... Perhaps later today the perfet caption will hit me.

    And then again, maybe not!

    Here from Michele's this tim,


  14. "If we can't have a real window we'll have a painted one!"

    Here in Wales, in Portmeirion, there's a painted window with a figure stood watching. It's a bit creepy. I have a photo of it here somewhere.

  15. "I spy with my little eye..."

  16. Byline: Devine canine necklines

  17. Why is the flowerpot cracked if it hasn't been pushed out the window yet?

    I don't think that's my caption. I think it's just an observation.

  18. I'm sorry Carmi, I'm not in a creative place at the moment :-(

    Just popped by to say thanks for your suggestion. I hope they won't egt into my laptop though as I have put a password on it. Thanks again.

  19. "How much is that doggy in the window? woof woof"

  20. Utenzi also has a great photo blog that you need to check out!

  21. Quick there's that ginger tom from next door. give the flower pot a nudge!

  22. From Michele's of course!

  23. Here goes:

    "Babette and Pierre...trapped in a two-dimensional Twilight Zone."


    "Betcha five biscuits that pit bull smashes his head trying to catch us."

    Are two entries a violation of the rules?

  24. "do you think they've guessed we're only painted?....."

    what an interesting place you live in :)

  25. [to the familiar tune of 'how much is that doggy in the window?']
    'How real are those doggies in the window?'

    Came here for the caption contest, Carmi.


  26. "I wonder what the little people are doing today? Please pass the Gray Poupon."

    Michele sent me


  27. The battle between the crips and the bloods has really gone too far.

    Sorry, that's all I got, what is up with the bandanas????

  28. who let the dogs out? who whoo whoo who?

  29. "Next week on 'Desperate Canines'...Woofsteria Lane welcomes two new neighbors."

  30. The infamous Poodle Bandits planning their next heist.

  31. Erudite? Me?? LOL I almost missed your mention of me, Carmi. Thanks!! Your caption contest is always a lot of fun.

  32. Don't tell me to not know the flowerpot Petunia. I am not the one with so little self control as to wet the carpet.

    Ok, so that's realllly long for a caption.

  33. I hope these passers-by know we are both considered "Upper Class Poodles".

    (Personally, I liked the one that said "How much is that doggie in the window?")

  34. thought of this walking down the stairs to the train. . . not sure why. . . and I found out this morning I'm ALLERGIC to dogs.

    "No, no, no. I said, 'panting'--not 'painting'."

  35. "We've been here all day. Can we go visit the Fat Lady of Gryffindor now?"


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