Sunday, April 29, 2018

Reflections of an impending journey

So Much. Red. Light.
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
Whenever I drop off or pick someone up at the Via Rail station, I take my camera along because you never quite know when inspiration will strike. Sure, it's a predictable, familiar environment, and chances are I've picked the place over countless times with my lens. But the universe can still surprise you if you put yourself out there.

As I often do, I lingered behind after our daughter got on the train. As I walked slowly along the platform, I caught a glimpse of reflected light that seemed oddly surreal. It took a couple of minutes to compose this properly, because the optical window of opportunity was impossibly tiny and that glorious red reflection only showed itself if I moved my head and pointed my lens Just So.

The attendant was getting nervous, because everyone had already gone, yet here I was shooting away. I placated him by showing him this pic on the camera's screen. At the very least, I hope it inspired him to look at his workplace a little differently in future.

#ldnont #via #viarail #train #rail #cn #cp #station #travel #journey #leading #lines #stainless #steel #mirror #reflections #red #light #lights #perspective #photography #Nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #dslr #london #ontario #canada

Saturday, April 28, 2018

A plethora of blue bags

Abstract study in blue and white
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
The Promotions folks at work are always doing cool things - like stuffing bags with things to give away to listeners. But before they can be stuffed, they must be laid out in order. Which makes for a fun pattern, and a happy moment in the middle of the workday.

I've got red ones, too. Soon...

#ldnont #stilllife #photography #stilllifephotography #blue #white #repeat #pattern #abstract #abstractphotography #abstraction #spontaneous #photo #shoot #london #ontario #canada

Friday, April 27, 2018

Stainless steel, close-up

Classically sleek
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
Thank you @viarailcanada employees for allowing me to have a little fun with light on the #ldnont station platform just now.

#via #viarail #train #Rail #cn #cp #station #travel #journey #leading #lines #stainless #steel #mirror #reflections #perspective #everyday #photography #instagood #nofilter #nofilterneeded #london #ontario #canada

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Pounding surf on a windy day

Jensen Beach, FL
December 2017
This photo originally shared on Instagram
The bad news: moments like this are gone in an instant.

The good news: the next wave is already on its way in.

#jensen #beach #jensenbeach #florida #fl #Fla #Atlantic #ocean #surf #waves #water #splash #never #gets #old #vacation #Nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #high #speed #photography #dslr #nofilter #nofilterneeded #photooftheday #instagood

Monday, April 16, 2018

Donuts by Tim

Eat sparingly
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
One of our clients brings donuts to the front desk every couple of weeks. It's a kind gesture that adds just the right amount of sweetness to a workplace that, by virtue of what happens here - news, radio, life - is often witness to the exact opposite.

We appreciate the gesture, and him. So the least I can do, aside from shnarfing my favorite Tim Hortons creation, is shoot the scene before everyone else realizes they're here.

Mission accomplished. Eat up!

#ldnont #sugar #snack #hungry #donuts #timhortons #not #remotely #health #food #foodporn #geometry #texture #stilllife #just #shoot #london #ontario #canada

Frozen, not the movie

Icing conditions
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
This tree's seeming sense of defiance is inspiring.

Whatever you do today, look for that inspiration, wherever it may be lurking.

#ldnont #onstorm #ice #storm #icestorm #winter #tree #trees #nature #naturephotography #landscape #photography #Nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #dslr #monochrome #london #ontario #canada

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Branches in the cold

There's life in there
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
Nature decided to put on a show this weekend. Hope you were safe, warm, and surrounded.

#ldnont #onstorm #ice #storm #icestorm #winter #tree #trees #nature #naturephotography #landscape #photography #Nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #dslr #monochrome #london #ontario #canada

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Breakfast for one at IHOP

Waiting for his wife
Delray Beach, FL
December 2017
This photo originally shared on Instagram
I still wrestle with the ethics of shooting photos of strangers in public spaces, as well as the ethics of sharing them online. By virtue of the fact that I'm sharing this photo here, it's clear I'm still grappling with the issue, but it doesn't stop me from hitting the shutter, then the publish button.

There was something Rockwell-esque about this man eating his breakfast while he waited for his wife to return. I'm glad he seemed to enjoy the experience, both alone and with her.

#delray #beach #delraybeach #ihop #international #house #pancakes #stranger #urban #street #photography #random #strangers #canon #canonphotography #travel #zoom #food #foodporn #vacation #Florida #fl #Fla

Friday, April 13, 2018

Bet you can't stop at one

Too much choice
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram

You know you want some. Go ahead: I won't tell anyone.

#ldnont #nutrition #nutritious #not #really #who #cares #food #foodporn #pastry #junkfood #stilllife #always #shoot #celebrate #dessert #sweet #sugar #decadent #instagood #nofilter #nofilterneeded #random #act #kindness #london #ontario #canada

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Hashtag Parking Lot

London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
The rains have now melted the snow, but that can't erase the memories of small wonders taking place under our feet.

#ldnont #parking #lot #photography #take #the #time #you #never #know #winter #snow #weather #wx #white #texture #london #ontario #canada

Monday, April 09, 2018

The night we put a stick out

London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram

There will never be enough words in the universe to explain how something like this can happen. But when an entire country gathers around its own, the flickering light at the end of that long, dark tunnel seems to flicker just a little more brightly.

#PutYourSticksOut #Humboldt #Canada #hockey #lives #here

Friday, April 06, 2018

Oasis of learning

Toronto, ON
February 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
It hangs over Yonge St. like a shining beacon of warmth and community. Educational architecture done right.

#Toronto #yyz #random #urban #street #photography #Ryerson #university #yonge #st #architecture #architectureporn #buildings #buildingporn #mirror #glass #curtain #wall #light #canon #canonphotography #ontario #canada

Take this snow and shove it. Or...

I live in southern Ontario, a part of Canada where the weather can be somewhat unpredictable. And since this is Canada, it should surprise no one that this winter has been a pretty crazy one. Tons of snow, lots of storms, and unrelenting cold long after the calendar ticked over into spring.

To wit, we woke up this morning, April 6th, to a few cms of snow on the ground. After I walked our silly little pup, Calli - she loves snow, and bounds through it with an energy that reinforces my belief in the goodness of all dogs - I came back into the house for a quick breakfast and peek at my phone before I had to head out into the real world.

I immediately regretted my choice to read my social feeds. I saw post after post in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram about how awful the weather was, how unfair it was that Mother Nature decided to make it snow on April 6th, how terribly upset they were that they had to pull on their boots and woolies. The horrors!

So I picked up my phone and jotted this, because when I'm disappointed in the human condition, I like to write. Here's what I shared on Facebook:
Hey #LdnONT, it snowed last night. As much as I'd like to join the FFS-it's-April-6th-enough-winter-already brigade, I won't. I'll happily brush the car off, shovel the walkway and drive more slowly than usual on the office commute.
Because I, like you, got another day today. Maybe not the sunny, warm, picture-perfect day we all hoped for, but a day nonetheless. I'm not in hospital today. I'm not worrying about a loved one's - or my - next 12 hours. I can walk, talk, and write whiny posts on social media. I'm not redrawing the rest of my life based on a conversation I might have just had with someone who knows far more about medicine than I do. 
I'm just cleaning my freaking car and going to a workplace where I get to do neat things with neat people. A little snow doesn't change any of it. 
Happy Friday. Shabbat Shalom if you're into it.
I've been getting comments all day. Some funny, but all positive. And the word that keeps coming back to me is "perspective". Because the world needs more of it now than ever before, and not only when it comes to something as seemingly trivial as a little bit of snow this late in the season.

Your turn: Why do we care about the weather so much?

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Orange jelly, in my belly

Always shoot before eating
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
Not exactly the healthiest orange slice I've had of late, but it's still a touchstone of Passover that reaches way back to my childhood. Chag sameach, y'all!

#ldnont #orange #jelly #sugar #snack #hungry #food #foodporn #geometry #texture #stilllife #just #shoot #passover #pesach #holiday #tradition #london #ontario #canada

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

A lousy place to do radio

Office in a backpack
London, ON
April 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
This is what it looks like when you're about to do a live radio interview, the winds are howling and you need to find a quiet spot now, Now, NOW.

Media is such a glam biz, no? #ldnont #thanks #brescia #college #uwo #western #university #campus #radio #media #life #weather #wx #onstorm #mobile #office #london #ontario #canada

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

When a puppy naps

To be a dog...
London, ON
March 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
Don't you wish you, too, could shape yourself into a cuddly little ball?

#ldnont #Calli #CalliTheSchnauzer #LittleMissCalli #519ldn #puppy #pup #puppylove #puppiesofinstagram #instapuppy #dog #actofdog #miniatureschnauzer #schnauzer #schnauzerpuppy #schnauzersofinstagram #schnauzer_planet #schnauzerlove #followforfollow #pet #doglover #petstagram #instadog #ilovemydog #doglovegram #london #Ontario #canada

Monday, April 02, 2018

Thematic Photographic 418 - Trees

Where the fog paints the trees
London, ON
February 2018
Photo originally posted to Instagram
The world isn't always as clear as it could be. But if you peer through the murk, your path eventually becomes clear. Or so I'd like to believe.

Your turn: This week's Thematic theme is trees, because it occurred to me as I was cycling to work this morning that they're about to put on something of a show - at least in the northern hemisphere. So I hope over the next week you'll get out there, shoot pics of trees, share 'em, leave a comment here letting folks know where to find your awesome work, and then visit other Thematic participants, because sharing and learning are what this thing is all about. Are you in? Still need convincing? Go here to learn more. Or just grab your camera and have at it.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

The smoking room

Maybe it's time to quit
London, ON
January 2018
This photo originally shared on Instagram
Another in our strangers-from-afar series.

This time I'm pretty sure she was onto me.

#ldnont #kipps #lane #walkabout #busted #urban #street #photography #shooting #strangers #Nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #zoom #telephoto #long #lens #paparazzi #dslr #throwback #london #ontario #canada