Thursday, September 21, 2006

Still wet

Thought I'd keep going with the theme of water and muted colors. My somewhat strange photographic mood continues.

Your turn: Should I keep sharing more of the same?


Anonymous said...

I like when you mix it up, Carmi. I never know what to expect when I pay you a visit.

I LOVE this photo, it makes me think of summer and of being a kid. It's a very happy picture!

Hope you have a good day today!

Ms Mac said...

Yes! It's long been proven that water is therapeutic. You are providing a valuable public service.

Karen said...

Uh....YEAH! Carmi,honestly. You could photograph dirt and we'd all look at it. Don't you know that by now?

Here via Michele's. Hope you're having a great day.

utenzi said...

Is this a sex thing, Carmi? I'm getting a strong impression here that you're staying home today and giving your wife a delayed birthday celebration.

Water is life, and all that. Of course bread is called the staff of life--or is that flour? In any case, pictures of water are often technically difficult to pull off but very soothing to the eye. Keep it up, Carmi. *giggle*

Michele sent me!

Anonymous said...

WOW! This is a fantastic picture, Carmi...
What kind of Camera do you have? To catch this in THAT moment! Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I cannot comment her cause I dob't have a password!!! UGH! It's Naomi...HELP!

Carli N. Wendell said...

nice photos. You're making me thirsty. And jealous, because my camera is a piece of garbage.

Anonymous said...

More of same, or different...who cares? It's your site and if you're feelin' it, go with it...the photos I've seen so far are great!

barbie2be said...

that is awesome!

here on my own this time but i am sure i'll be back via michele's at some point. :)

Jennifer said...

yes yes yes! go check out my wordless wednesday from yesterday... it's not quite water like your pix but the water in the pix adds a cool effect!

i like to think of it as tears in the pix... tears because summer is over and flowers are dying!

i have a few water pix that i might post this weekend too... you could start a whole new pix meme... i know you don't do them but... just a thought... have you ever done photo friday? i think you should start WWCP (what would carmi photograph)since i already have a few posts titled this... perhaps i will keep it as my own little meme!
oh and yes... keep posting pix, the water is therapeutic!!!!!
i agree with erin... you do post a good mix of pix! seems about time for a mystery photo huh?

Kara said...

I love this one, tried to comment yesterday but blogger was being a butt. I like water, i love the way it laps the peaceful..
I wish my camera hadn't died..sigh

Anonymous said...

Yes yes the cry came up from Denver

Mellie Helen said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: of COURSE keep sharing your wonderful images!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is one of my favorites that you've done. Very very nice!

David Edward said...

bring it on! its only a matter of months before I start again with the snow pictures. You ahave a good eye, friend!

Anonymous said...

oh, utenzi's comment makes me laugh so.. love the clouds in the background - it's the only thing that gives it away that the print isn't shot in black and white. (listen to me, stuck in analog speak: "Print", Ha!)

srp said...

Yes, continue, do please continue.
These are great.

Queen of Light and Joy said...

I think that although the content is interesting (when is water not interesting? hee hee) The muted colours are not for everyone... I personally like water in all its glory, sparkling, reflective, iridescent and blue. Did you use a flash with this image or did you alter it in a imaging program?
When I first saw this image I thought it would have been interesting if you had increased the contrast between the clouds and the water.
Also, although the image is centered I think because of the dynamic action of the h2o I think you can get away with it here, I personally would have experimented with taking the sprayer out completely or concentrating on the details of it. I have a feeling that had you left the sprayer out it would have raised the composition and given the eye a constant form to follow.
So, to answer you question, yah I think you should keep sharing more water pictures. :)

Azgreeneyes said...

Love that picture, and I love your current theme.