15 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
Challah-lujah, that's good bread!I read BG because she writes with honesty and empathy about how she simply wants to have a good life for her family. Like me, she uprooted to a new city far from home, and she writes about the challenges of everyday life in a strange new place. If you haven't yet read her, drop by. She's a worthy addition to the blogroll.
Your roses have faded,Your turn: In a comment, please submit your suggestion for a caption for the challah picture above. I'll select the best of the bunch and announce it next week. Fame and pseudo-fortune could be yours, all for the investment of 15 seconds of thought for a catchy phrase. Enjoy!
You're tattered and torn.
Your springs have all sprung.
Now you're weary and worn.
There's no firm in your fill.
There's no posh in your pad.
Though it pains me to say this,
I think you've been had.
"They look like an H, dad," he said, pointing with that wide-eyed look of wonder of a six-year-old.Not wanting to disappoint him, I dashed back into the house and grabbed the camera. In a scene that we seem to repeat fairly often, I took a few rapid-fire pictures as he chattered with me from his booster seat. While the rest of the world seemingly played out the same old morning routine, we found one of those in-between moments that seem to present themselves almost at random.
"They are, indeed," I answered.
"Are you going to take a picture?"
"Quick there's that ginger tom from next door. give the flower pot a nudge!"If you haven't visited her site, Past Imperfect, please do so and tell her I send my best.
"I've escaped! Now what?"This erudite research scientist from North Carolina manages to make uber-complex cutting-edge concepts understandable to dorks like me, and he mixes in equal parts great photography and straightforward views of the world around us. All in all, one of the most compelling ongoing reads in blogdom. Please stop by his site and congratulate him.