A year ago today, the Jewish people added another date, October 7th, to a history filled with dates we’d rather forget, but can’t.
The butchery of the Hamas attack is almost too heartbreaking to watch, but watch we must so that the world will understand the real story that’s been playing out in the Middle East and the world since long before there was a State of Israel.
Hamas issued an interesting statement in the wake of an attack so barbaric it makes animals look civilized in comparison. They said they’d keep repeating these attacks until the entire country was wiped off the face of the Earth.
This from an organization whose schools teach kids as soon as they can walk to fire a gun and kill Jews, from a terrorist group whose Jihadist goals include wiping out any non-believers, anywhere, who militarize civilian infrastructure as a matter of policy, whose entire raison-d’être is killing Jews, then celebrating their butchery.
I’m not naive. I’m well aware of how Jew-hatred works in the social media age. I’m also well aware of the lovely double-standards that anti-Semites conveniently use to shield themselves from accusations of Jew-hatred.
It’s a fight we’ll likely never win, because peace is not, and never has been, the goal of proxy terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Houthis. Nor is it, and never has been, on Iran’s agenda, either. Instead, an evil regime that brutally suppresses its own people has become the world’s foremost sponsor of Islamist terrorism - and the western world happily buys into Iran’s game plan.
So it isn’t something we argue, because even once-moderate voices who preached a form of detente and tolerance now ride the wave of populist hate. This will never end.
So if I disappear into the woods every once in a while to escape from the insanity, now you’ll know why. Do remember, though: after they come for the Jews, they’ll be setting their targets on whoever’s left.
#ldnont #October7 #EndJewHatred #NeverAgain