I spend so much time shooting closeup objects that don't have the ability to run away that sometimes I forget what it's like to shoot in the wide open spaces.
I saw this scene in, of all places, the parking lot of the nearby Wal-Mart. To regular visitors, I know this seems like a recurring theme: when I find myself in the middle of retail hell, I turn to my lens for a little bit of cultural salvation.
Whatever the source, it often leads to workable pictures. In this case, I thought the thin, high-level clouds made for a neat vista. My intention was to simply shoot the sky in the hope of getting a decent backdrop for my Windows desktop.
But plans are always subject to change. An invisible airplane drew a contrail across the sky, and then the gulls started to criss-cross the asphalt wasteland. With a bit of wide-angle and some patience, I had my keeper image.
It isn't much useful for the desktop of an operating system. But I think it's a neat picture anyway.
Your turn: How do you cope with the boobs who seem to populate the aisles of your local Wal-Mart, Target, or [fill in your own oversized retail big box store here]? Does common courtesy disappear as soon as folks take control of a shopping cart?
1 day ago
Beautiful picture!
My husband and I make up stories about the rude people. The ruder you are, the more I'm going to be laughing! Plus, we just take everything with a grain of salt. I can find just as many jerks at the Louis Vuitton store as I can at Wal-Mart, just with different "class" levels.
I put embarrassing items in their cart when they're not looking: tampons, condoms, hemmorrhoid cream, Britney Spears CD's, etc.
I don't know what it is like in your area, but here it has always seemed to me that at wal mart the customers act very clueless and drive me crazy..but the workers are all very helpful and nice. At target it seems to be the opposite, the workers are mean and unhelpful and the customers at least stay out of my way. I avoid costco at all costs, puts me in a very bad mood and gives me a headache. Darling husband always takes the kids to costco and gives me time to myself...God bless the man.
Jenny in Ca
You have touched on one of my pet peeves, Carmi. Rude people! They're everywhere and, as you know, I'm often likely to blog about them. I try to ignore them and sometimes fabricate stories about them to make them seem more tolerable. Like, perhaps they just got a phone call that their dear Aunt Millie died and they're very unfocused and therefore, rude. I know, it's not really plausible, but sometimes it helps me deal. I also use my stay-at-home mom advantage and visit those stores when they open on weekdays. Then, the only problem I have is getting service from the employees!
Stopping by to say hello this morning. Happy Halloween!
I know the feeling! Trust me!~ jb///
We become the invisible family. Why just this last Sunday, my daughter was down an aisle & said excuse me to a couple of women so she could reach the hair moose & one of them said back to her yes excuse you. They did not move. My daughter was upset & came & told me the story. Will, I went over & said excuse me, looked them in the eye, as they barely moved. Said it again as I pushed their cart into them and looked them in the eye again. They said nothing & cast their glances away. As now they have been caught being ugly to some poor little kid. Don't mess with a momma in a crowed super store in Texas, we carry ya know? At least you better think we do.
How do I cope, I try not to go after the hour of 8 am
In general I am not rude until they are.
Have to agree on the rudeness...it's like all of these large stores now proclaim "Rude R Us"
I try to overlook it...but many times, I find myself getting annoyed and I just move faster to exit.
Great photo!
My dad loves to go to Costco. He tries to go the days with the most "samples"; the little ladies fix samples of food items... anything from grilled salmon to pizza rolls. He can't resist the free food bites. I agree with the commenter that said Target isn't very helpful and K-mart basically has none at all. Walmart is best done before 8AM when you can get in and out.
What about the people that bump into you and do not say anything? Or cuts right in front of you without saying - excuse me! Take it a step further - What about mean drivers that do not give you space and ride your rear - I slow down, smile and wave.
I really like the spiritual feeling of this pic! Worth the set-up wait, thanks!
I don't lounge at Walmart. I quickly run in, grab what I need n get the Heck out, ASAP!
I very seldom go. I live in a small town and I try to get everything I can locally where all the people are friendly. I even frequent the 2nd hand stores in town. I take my old clothes there and then end up coming back with a few things too!
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