Thursday, July 18, 2024

One cloudy Viper

The things we see in the sky
London, ON
May 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

On a stormy night in southern Ontario, I spot a cloud formation that, to me, anyway, looks suspiciously like an F-16 just after takeoff.

I’m standing alone in an elementary school parking lot, so it’s not as if I can ask anyone if they can see it, too.

But the longer I stare at it, the more I appreciate that it doesn’t matter whether or not someone may or may not see a fighter jet in the clouds.

What matters is that they look to the skies in the first place.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #sunset #cloudspotting #weather #wx #optimistpark #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Head in the clouds, October 2022

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Echoes of an ancient downtown storefront

Behind the curvy glass
St. Marys, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Once upon a time, a jeweller did business in an architectural gem on a downtown street of this Hallmark-esque small town, its ornate display windows filled with not only beautiful goods, but aspiration and dreams for those who stood on the outside looking in.

The jeweller is long gone, the building and its front display now empty. But one look through the green-glazed windows reveals the almost tangible echoes of what once was.

As convenient as buying from a smartphone has become, it will never feel the same as this - assuming it can ever feel anything at all, Apps can’t cast historic shadows on historic streetscapes, or prompt poignant reflection in those who happen to linger just outside the dirty panes of glass.

Indeed, I doubt tomorrow’s storytellers will look back with the same sense of reverence and loss when e-commerce, too, is eclipsed by something supposedly better.

These window displays told stories. And we lost a piece of ourselves when they were emptied for the last time.

#stmarys #ontario #canada #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #abstract #downtown #retail #history #anstett #glass #mirror #geometry #selfie #stilllife #photography

Deli meat under glass, January 2024
Literary, November 2008

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Riding into the corn

Field of cycling dreams
Denfield, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

How tall does the corn need to be before it’s ready for harvest?

I’m no corn expert, but I’m going to guess three bicycles.

#ldnont #london #denfield #ontario #canada #cycling #cyclist #cycle #orange #bicycle #bike #cyclinglife #bikelife #instabike #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

Monday, July 15, 2024

Dodging thunderstorms in farm country

Hay you
Arva, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Scene from a bike ride:

I’m spinning through farmland northwest of London, flying past fields of tall corn and soybeans - and wheat blowing in the wind like a perfect weathervane.

It’s a brilliantly sunny, blisteringly hot early morning, the heat shimmering off the country road asphalt like a mirage in a movie. I’ve got two water bottles on the frame, and I’ve already started working on the second one long before my expected turnaround point.

I’m feeling good, though, so I push deeper into the countryside. I can probably refill on the return leg, back at that Tim Hortons I passed in the last town before civilization faded from my rear-view mirror.

Suddenly I catch sight of it, a puffy wall cloud low on the horizon to the west. I keep riding, but make a mental note to keep track of it.

It doesn’t take long to realize what I thought was a rain-free ride is about to get wild as a thunderstorm cell boils closer and closer.

Uh oh.

I hit the turnaround point, then crank my way toward home, frantically doing the time/speed/distance math in my head and plotting routes home that’ll put me near potential safe shelter if I can’t make it all the way.

As the sky turns angry to my right, I can feel the air turn cold as I shift up and mash the pedals. As the strengthening crosswind shoves the bike to the left, I tighten my grip on the dancing handlebars, the thrum of the road strengthening as I accelerate.

I realize I’m not making it home, but thankfully Ilderton looms ahead like a friendly beacon.

I feel the first drop as I pull into the Tim’s and tuck the bike under an awning. The storm turns the roads into rivers, and later we learn it spawned a tornado a couple of towns over.

There’s another cyclist there seeking shelter, and soon enough a third rider rolls in, soaked to the bone.

Lots of friendly banter ensues while we wait it out over tea and muffins. They may be total strangers, but the bikes connect us - no matter where our paths may cross. Definitely a cyclist thing, and it’s one of the many things I love about this crazy sport.

Soon enough, the storm passes, the roads begin to dry off, and I get back on and head for home. Carefully.

It turned out to be nothing like the journey I originally planned. But I’m guessing that’s just as true in cycling as it is in life.

#ldnont #london #denfield #ontario #canada #sky #clouds #cloudspotting #weather #wx #onstorm #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #ninemile #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Where the lawn and the sun play together

London, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

At 8:24 on a Saturday morning, our dog stops to sniff the grass under the sun. Because I happen to be holding the other end of her leash, I stop, too.

As I watch her superpowered nose do its thing, I catch sight of the long shadows being cast by the overgrown lawn onto the concrete sidewalk. It’s a tiny detail I probably would have missed out on had I not sauntered by with an overly curious Schnauzer.

That chance thing again.

I quietly compose the scene with my smartphone as she just as quietly does her thing. It’s a wordless dance of ours, something we’ve slowly evolved in the seven years since she found us.

I see a lot of things when we’re out here, all because she always seems to point us both in the right direction. She’s got quite the vision, this little one, and I’m certain tomorrow’s walk will serve up its own eye-opening moments.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #sidewalk #shadow #roadside #grass #concrete #stilllife #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

Shadows on brick, October 2022

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Gender reveal party gone bad?

Road hazard
London, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Calli the Wonderschnauzer and I come across all sorts of weird sights during our meandering walks through the neighbourhood. But this one feels even weirder than most.

I’m guessing this may have been a gender reveal party gone bad, but it’s still early yet and I haven’t had my tea.

What do you think?

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #sidewalk #roadside #stilllife #balloons #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography


Friday, July 12, 2024

Bird, air, water

Port Stanley, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

I’ll apologize in advance, as I’m about to get slightly photo-nerdy. But please trust me when I say there’s a valid reason.

Here’s the deal: When I shoot bird photos, I often like to use my long-ish lens to cover the distance. I have another lens, a mid-range zoom, for everyday, general-purpose pics. And for reasons that elude me, I decided to stick with the shorter glass before we headed for the beach.

Now, beaches being what they are, I try to avoid changing lenses while we’re there. I don’t want to gunk my camera up, and I figure if I end up with the “wrong” lens for a given scenario, I’ll just have to suck it up and figure out a way to shoot something fun with what I’ve got.

Which is my long-winded way of explaining how I ended up with the wrong lens that day, without enough reach to really bring the birds in close.

So I stood with my feet in the wet sand, the waves lapping over my ankles, and thought about it. And the more I thought, the more I realized how wrong I had been.

The more I shot with the so-called “wrong” lens, the more I realized how much I had been missing. Instead of zooming in so close that I could see their freaking eyes, I had the freedom to explore out to the horizon line and everything in between.

In doing so, I saw things through the lens that I had never seen before. It felt…different. And good.

Eventually I came across this gull who seemed intent on beaning me with her beak. She eventually turned away to scream at some of her flock mates, but not before I snagged this image, easily my favourite of the day.

I learned a lot from this seemingly trivial experience. About forcing yourself to see the world through a different lens. And pushing through any doubts you might have when you’re a little outside your comfort zone.

Because whether we’re talking about photography or anything else, we all carry different tools at different moments, and it’s up to us to give them all - even the underused ones - a little more exercise.

We just might learn something in the process.

#portstanley #beach #ldnont #ontario #canada #great #lake #erie #bird #gull #seagull #flight #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rainy recycling day

Water, water everywhere
London, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

When the remnants of a hurricane wander across the continent and leave epic rains and floods in their wake, it feels like the right thing to do to remember it in pixels.

Fortunately it’s recycling day, and our green bin has been cold soaking in the driving rain for hours by the time the (miserably wet) dog and I return from our walk.

She patiently stands off to the side while I quickly grab a few frames. Soon enough, we head in so I can dry her off and give her a well-earned treat for enduring her first named storm.

This photography thing isn’t so much about the images themselves as it is about the moments we don’t want to forget.

I’ll remember this one.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #green #water #droplet #weather #wx #hurricaneberyl #abstract #stilllife #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

A single drop, May 2020
Blink and you'll miss it, September 2015
After the rain falls, January 2010

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Fresh crayons, for all of us

Colour outside the lines
London, ON
April 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

When we were kids, if we were lucky we’d get to go to restaurants. If we were really lucky, the tables would be covered with paper, and crayons would magically appear as soon as we sat down. Somewhat unbelievably, we’d be encouraged to scribble on the furniture.

So imagine my pleasant surprise when I walked into a local eatery one recent night and came across this colourful scene.

To the best of my knowledge, I’m no longer a kid (we’ll reserve the “acts like one” discussion for another time), but something about these crayons on this particular restaurant table spoke to me. Because at any age, I’d like to think we’re all creative creatures in one way or another. I’d also like to think that idle doodling is more important to our development as human beings than we’d been led to believe.

I often think about the no-scribbling-on-the-furniture rules many of us grew up with, and the impact that rules like this might have had on our creativity.

Of course, no one wanted walls covered with crayon - there’s a time and a place for everything, and Mom and Dad’s rules ensured we knew how to pick our spots. But in this restaurant, on this night, I could hear a faint childhood whisper in my ear, encouraging me to pick up the crayons and have a little fun.

The paper-covered table in a restaurant is a safe space, a place where anyone of any age can doodle to their heart’s content before the poutine or chicken nuggets make their way over from the kitchen. The results may not be remotely worth saving, but simply having that space at all is a crucial reminder of the power of random expression.

Turns out Mom and Dad were right all along.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #jackastors #restaurant #stilllife #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

Scene from a diner, March 2018

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Ready for takeoff

Port Stanley, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

There’s a moment at the start of every long journey where everything is loaded up, the arrangements have been made, and all that’s left is to take that first step into the unknown road.

Many of us have our own pre-travel rituals, tiny little habits we’ve evolved over the years - or maybe even the generations. Some of us are impatient to get going. Others may be more hesitant.

Count me among the latter group. As much as I enjoy a good road trip with my favourite peeps, I can’t stop thinking about that fleeting moment before home begins to recede into the rearview, and what it feels like to pause it all before time turns into distance.

Every tangent - in travel and in life - deserves reflection. That last moment before departure? Especially so.

Apparently I’m not the only one who feels this way, as this single gull way out on the water seems to be taking her time, too. I have no way of knowing what’s going through her mind as she leaves the waves behind and begins her climb into the sky.

But I imagine whether we’re birds or humans or whatever else, we all share the ability to appreciate where we are, where we’re headed, and how it feels to write our own journey’s story.

Fly safely, sweet bird.

#portstanley #beach #ldnont #ontario #canada #great #lake #erie #bird #gull #seagull #flight #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Headed out to sea, January 2018

Monday, July 08, 2024

Purple and salmon sky

Just wait a little bit longer
London, ON
May 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Wait long enough after sunset - 11 minutes, in this case - and Mother Nature hauls out an entirely new box of crayons and splays them randomly across the still vibrant sky.

It’s a critical lesson in patience, a subtle reminder that things aren’t over until long after we might have still thought.

Sky, life, it’s all the same, isn’t it?

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #purple #salmon #sunset #cloudspotting #weather #wx #silhouette #optimistpark #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Seagulls get the munchies

Flying under the radar
Port Stanley, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

So apparently seagulls like Doritos. Who knew?

#portstanley #beach #ldnont #ontario #canada #great #lake #erie #bird #gulls #flight #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Beach bird brain, August 2022
Dirty bird, April 2019

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Where we dig our feet into the sand

Port Stanley, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

When pondering all that’s preceded this moment and all that might yet be, there are worse places to be than here.

Where do you go to reflect?

#portstanley #beach #ldnont #ontario #canada #greatlake #erie #grey #sky #water #waves #horizon #cloudspotting #naturephotography #landscapephotography #nikon #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

Water in many forms, December 2020
A ship on the horizon, December 2020

Friday, July 05, 2024

32 years...

Laval, QC
July 5, 1992
This photo originally shared on Instagram

32 years ago today, a beautiful woman took a leap of faith with a barely-out-of-his-childhood doofus.

I know anniversaries are good days for reflecting, for being thankful, for taking stock of the journey so far, for hoping for more of the journey ahead.

But I’ll be frank: I reflect every day. On her, on us, on how I’m still bewildered at my good fortune. At some point during any given day, I’ll just stop and ponder how we got here.

I take none of this, of us, for granted. Because I know how precious it all is, how nothing is ever guaranteed. How time is finite. How it feels like both forever and a blink. Together.

They say you should marry your best friend. And while all these years later I still struggle with who, precisely, “they” are, I can’t argue with that logic. We started out by sitting on her front porch, or on the phone, or under the nearest tree, or wherever we could find the space. And we’d talk. About anything and everything. Or about nothing at all. Until all hours of the night.

We still do. The stories have evolved - now including kids and grandkids who we couldn’t have even begun to imagine when we stood, kids ourselves, under the chuppah - but they flow just as easily, her voice dancing with mine as if we’ve been doing this forever.

Whatever I’m cooking up in my tumultuous brain, she’s the one I want to share it with first. She’s my muse, my editor, my litmus tester, my shadow, my mirror, my wingwoman, my all.

She was fearless then, leaping into a life with me that neither of us had even begun to author. And she’s fearless now, continuously laying down the roadmap for us to follow, always setting the tone for who we are and how we move through the days and years.

I look at photos from on and around that incredible day and I cherish all we’ve experienced together in the days since. At the same time I ache for who we’ve lost since then, for the stories that had to end before we wanted them to.

Then I remind myself that this is how this life thing works. Change is inevitable, and the lucky ones get to ride all that change - and opportunity, and joy, and success, and grief, and hellos, and goodbyes - with someone who gets them. Who speaks in words and silence.

She is the love of my life. I’ll never feel worthy of being so ridiculously lucky to have crossed her path and captured her orbit, but I’ll be forever thankful.

Because of her, I focus that much more on squeezing tiny joys out of tiny moments. Not everyone gets that, but she does. Implicitly. And I wouldn’t be who I am if she hadn’t said yes, hadn’t put on a dress, hadn’t agreed to leap into the unknown.

If I could go back in time, I’d change nothing. I’d grab her hand and jump as hard and as far and as fearlessly as we did then. As we’ve done every day since: together.

It’s one of the many things she’s taught me along the way. And one of the countless reasons I love her more with each passing day.

Happy anniversary, my love.

#montreal #ldnont #july5 #blink #LiveLaughLevy #family #everything

31 years of us, July 2023
30 years... July 2022
29 years... July 2021
28 years... July 2020
27 years... July 2019
23 years on, July 2015
22 years... July 2014
21 years on... July 2013
20 years on... July 2012
Sweet 16, July 2008
How many years? July 2007

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Follow the path over the river

Safe passage
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #thames #river #tvp #springbank #bridge #green #perspective #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

A bridge (not) too far, December 2021
Sun-striped bridge, October 2021

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Not Charlotte's Web - but close

Scene from a bridge
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Spider fixer-upper.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #nature #naturephotography #stilllife #spider #web #thames #river #tvp #springbank #bridge #green #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Back to the Spiderverse, September 2021
Quasi-Charlotte's Web, September 2020
Spiderman's lair, November 2017

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Pausing to appreciate the ride

Tangerine Dream at rest
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Every so often while cycling, I’ll find a lovely place to stop the bike so I can take in the scenery.

Pausing in this way does nothing to boost my performance data, but I learned long ago that cycling, for me at least, shouldn’t be a process based on strictly chasing numbers.

So I go the other way, stopping to smell the flowers or, in this case, to watch the river flow under a bridge I haven’t visited in a while. On this breezy Sunday morning, I listen intently to the rustling leaves, and watch an angry goose squawking away on the far bank. I also take some weird pictures of my surroundings, and my newly rained-on bike. Just because.

I have a Garmin computer on the handlebars that tracks my rides. Speeds, distances, paces, routes, all that stuff that I could probably share on Strava if I cared enough to do so. I like having it, as it motivates me to keep pedalling when I’d otherwise be ready to call it a day.

What that Garmin can’t capture is the feeling I get when the wind blows in my face, or the weird sense of control I have as I roll into a curve, then mash the pedals as I exit the other side. It doesn’t smell the flowers, either, nor does it have a goose setting.

On this day, because I’ve been stopping at all the spots that pop into my mind, the data that the Garmin does capture is, to be blunt, laughable. I suppose I could ride harder tomorrow, and my numbers would be less embarrassing to share.

But I won’t share those, either, because I’ll remember the things I see and hear and feel, and the conversations I have on the path with fellow cyclists far longer than I’ll ever remember what our bike computers were programmed to share with us.

I’ll never win any Strava King/Queen of the Mountain or Course Record trophies. I’d like to think I’m playing a very different game these days, and hope we get to chat about it on a ride sometime. I’ll be the guy on the orange bike. Maybe we’ll see a goose.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #cycling #cyclist #cycle #bicycle #bike #cyclinglife #bikelife #instabike #uwo #university #tvp #thames #river #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

Monday, July 01, 2024

Have some national birthday cake

Tattered and beautiful, all at once
May 2024
London, ON
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Canada celebrates its 157th birthday today, which means a day filled with fireworks, flags, BBQs, red and white merch, and countless proclamations of what an amazing country this is.

In so many ways, it is, and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

But national days like this have always felt somewhat empty to me. We sing the national anthem at the top of our lungs, yet fail to appreciate the meaning of the words, who wrote them, and why. We revel in our awesomeness as we ignore the creeping flaws that darken life for so many.

Like any nation, Canada is far from perfect. Systemic inequality, deepening hatred, political leadership more interested in its own interests than the public’s, slipping moral compass. The notion of Canada as a globally renowned beacon of goodness feels somewhat tarnished amid the shattered glass and empty promises that now litter our communities.

But, still, we celebrate. Because so many others have it so much worse than we do.

And amid the unchecked jingoism and flag-waving, perhaps we’ll resolve to work on those failings after we tuck the flags away for another year.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #canadaday #ohcanada #madeincanada #iamcanadian #fêteducanada #holiday #mapleleaf #Nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Canada Day, Eh? July 2007
Canada Day, Eh? July 2004

Sunday, June 30, 2024

At the edge of the wheat field

Almost ready for harvest
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

They say farmers feed cities, and that’s particularly obvious here in London, which sits in the middle of one of the most productive agricultural regions on the planet.

We live near the edge of town, so I could be hanging out with cows and horses just a few minutes after leaving home. In fact, I plan most of my bike rides that way, because cows and horses are delightful.

So is a wheat field. Or anything else that grows from the ground. So sometimes I’ll stop by the road and carefully step to the edge of the ditch for some bizarro photography.

As is often the case when I have a camera in my hand, the goal isn’t so much to capture a particular image. Rather, the image becomes the trigger for the experience that led to its capture.

And on a grey afternoon with cars whipping past me at near-triple-digit speeds, it occurred to me as I tried to avoid tumbling into a water-filled moat that this wasn’t going to be my best photographic day. In fact, maybe I need to be picking my spots a little more carefully.

But that wasn’t the point, anyway. I got out there and played with light for a bit. That alone made it worthwhile.

This picture? I’ll call it a bonus.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #nissouri #road #farm #wheat #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #street #streetphotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Leave the grass alone, January 2024
Bent but not broken, October 2023
Random straw poll, October 2023
The corn grows tall here, September 2021
Wheat, chaff and light, November 2006

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Speed. I am speed.

Blink and you miss it
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Can cars fly?

Based on our understanding of currently available motive technologies, it’s easy to conclude that decades after George Jetson signed off for the last time, the vast majority of consumers still can’t walk into a dealership and order their own bubble-topped flying cruiser.

This is criminal, and humanity deserves better.

Be that as it may, if you stand beside a ruler-straight country road and play with light just so, there’s a just as reasonable chance that we’ll see things a little differently.

No, the cars aren’t actually flying, but they sure look like they could be.

Which, to an adult who still dreams of flying cars, will have to be good enough for now.

So, yes, dear motorists, I was the weirdo standing in the ditch beside a farmer’s field yesterday taking longish exposures of speeding cars. The blur was indeed the point, and I played with different shutter speeds for a while before I started to capture some interesting results. Well, to me, anyway.

I call it playing with light. And there is no plan beyond a vague idea, followed by severely improvised experimentation that usually goes nowhere. Every once in a long while, though, the fumbling pays off.

I hear the iconic whirring sound mixed in with Lightning McQueen’s “I am speed” monologue. I feel every dream of every kid who ever wondered what it would feel like to grab the wheel and control their own destiny. I imagine a future better than the present.

Not a bad haul for an afternoon spent walking in dusty gravel mere feet from high-speed traffic, wondering if any of this was worthwhile.

For the record, it’s always worthwhile. Because even if the cars aren’t actually flying just yet, I’m not yet ready to give up on an indelible childhood dream.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #car #carporn #automotive #nissouri #road #street #streetphotography #speed #blur #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Life is a highway, September 2021
Trainspotting, August 2018
The open road, October 2009
The open road - redux, October 2009

Friday, June 28, 2024

I've been staring at balconies again

They only look empty
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

The one where we stand on a busy street corner and play with angles and lines.

It’s therapeutic.


#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #building #architecture #architecturephotography #buildingporn #architectureporn #concrete #balconville #monochrome #sky #geometry #springbank #wonderland #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Balconville redux, February 2018

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Written Inc. turns 20

The story of a lifetime
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Does anyone still blog? For what it’s worth, I do. In fact, today marks 20 years since I launched my blog, Written Inc.

It’s difficult to remember what the digital world was like before blogs came along. We were just a few years into the commercial internet, and while the web was well on its way toward maturing into a broadly used, everyday platform, it was still largely a read-only affair for most of us not blessed with the developer gene.

Blogging changed the narrative, as it put easy-to-use publishing tools into the hands of millions of people. You didn’t need to know code or be a nerd. If you could write, or take pictures, or create any form of content, blogging was your jam.

Blogging’s shift into the mainstream just predated a little thing we now call social media, and many of the community connections that took root in the blogosphere set the tone for the larger-scale conversations that eventually transitioned over to Facebook and others.

Of course, once social media went mainstream, blogging felt increasingly quaint. Eventually the comment numbers trailed off as we shifted our time into socialmedialand.

But here’s the thing: we still want and need to connect. And while social media apps are far more efficient at networking, they come with their own algorithmic baggage - as well as increasingly Draconian rules about what can and cannot be posted or shared.

Which is why I still regularly post to my blog. Sure, it’s largely a mirror of my regular social media posts. But as a platform of record, a journey of my digital life, a searchable story that I’ll often dig back into when I need a warm fuzzy, nothing tops it.

While the blogging era might have been brief, it set the stage for so much of what we consider routine today. In so many ways, its simplicity explains why we gaze into the rearview so fondly.

What’s your blog story? What did this medium mean to you? What does it still mean to you?

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #blog #blogging #blogger #writteninc #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #abstract #stilllife #monochrome #photography


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Drink up, little ones

The water cycle, pictured
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

After the rains have come and gone, they leave behind a gift that is as vital as it is simple.

We can choose to walk on past the droplet-covered leaves.

Doesn’t make them any less remarkable, though.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #green #leaf #leaves #nature #naturephotography #abstract #stilllife #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

One leaf. One zoo. January 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024

Chasing Canada's Stanley Cup dreams

Feel the history
Toronto, ON
August 2019
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Tonight, most of Canada - the hockey-mad part, anyway - holds its breath as the Edmonton Oilers face off against the Florida Panthers in game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final.

The Oilers have fought back to tie the series at 3 games apiece after losing the first 3 matches - a feat that has forced sportscasters to dig through the history books.

For the record, no team has evened a series in this manner since 1945, and no team - the Toronto Maple Leafs - has done so, and won the series, since 1942.

If we’re being frank, I wouldn’t describe myself as a dyed-in-the-wool fan of any sport. It strikes me as odd that anyone would devote so much energy to the pursuit of one group of strangers scoring more points than another group of strangers. Fandom is awesome when you’re sharing a common experience with your community - and a bit less so when it becomes a kind-of religion that drives the kinds of behaviours that no one would be proud of.

But, still, I’m a fan of community, and it’s been inspiring to watch Canadians - most of whom wouldn’t have called themselves Oilers fans before their Cinderella run - find common ground around a team that’s [this close] to bringing the cup back north of the border for the first time since 1993.

If sports can give us all a brightly coloured experience to share amid a modern world consistently stained with darkness, then who wouldn’t be moved in some way by the hype?

On my last visit to the Hockey Hall of Fame in downtown Toronto, I stood next to the glass display and hovered over the Stanley Cup for what seemed like entirely too much time.

I carefully read the engraved names and traced back the years to my childhood when my hometown Montreal Canadiens could do no wrong. It felt strangely comforting to connect to each community that stood behind each team that brought the Cup home. The pride they all must have felt while the world churned outside.

We all need a reason or six to just be fans, to simply take in the game.

When the dust settles after tonight’s game, either Edmonton or Florida will be added to this storied artifact.

For now, though, it’s enough to ponder the magic of an historic trophy, the reasons teams give it their all to bring it home, and the reasons ordinary folks like us put life on pause for a bit so we can wrap ourselves in that very same dream.

#toronto #yyz #ontario #canada #throwback #hhof #hockey #hockeyhalloffame #sports #stanleycup #stilllife #photography #history #canon #canonphotography #canon_photogrpahy #photography

A hometown hockey hero, November 2021
They play hockey here, February 2021

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Steampunk abstract mystery

Frozen in time
London, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Where am I? Or what the heck is this?

Creative guesses only.


#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #abstract #stilllife #monochrome #photography

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Soaring seagull seeks the sun

Yes, I'm posing
Port Stanley, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Dear human friends,

I’m sure you’ve heard the story of Icarus, the guy who strapped makeshift wings to himself using wax, only to have them fall off when he flew too close to the sun.

I’m just a seagull, so we’ll set aside the physics lesson for another day.

But for now, all I ask is for you to behold the sight of wings that were built for flight.

Of a being crafted by evolution to live in the sky.

Of structure so light you can see through it, but so strong it can reach heights few could ever dream of.

We all have our gifts.

I’m lucky enough to know mine.

With love,

Sierra the Seagull

#portstanley #beach #ldnont #ontario #canada #great #lake #erie #bird #gulls #flight #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Friday, June 21, 2024

Harnessing the power of the wind

A grand day out
Port Stanley, ON
June 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Everyone’s on some kind of journey.

Some are near.

Some are far.

Some point in this direction.

Or that.

But the good ones always seem to find a way to look out for each other.

#portstanley #beach #ldnont #ontario #canada #greatlake #erie #sailing #sailinglife #sail #boat #sailingphotography #sky #water #waves #nature #nature #photography #landscape #landscapephotography #nikon #nikonphotography #nikon_photography #photography

Sailing symmetry, July 2023
A ship on the horizon, December 2020