
Saturday, August 17, 2024

4 decades of us

This photo originally shared on Instagram

August 17, 1984 turned out to be a pretty good day in Carmi’s world, as it was the day this beauty agreed to be my girlfriend.

We’ll leave the debate over how I managed to convince someone so clearly out of my league to go out with me for some other time, as for now I’d rather focus on how I got so lucky to get 40 years with her.

Actually, I have no idea how I got so lucky. The universe smiled on us, I think.

Or maybe it’s because as easy on the eyes as she’s always been, it was the fact that we started out as friends that hooked me.

We’d sit well into the night - on the phone, on her front porch, anywhere, really - and just talk. About everything, anything, even nothing at all. I’d never had a friend like her, or since, and more than once I’d pinch myself to ensure I wasn’t just making it all up.

We still talk into the night, still relish moments of complete quiet, still think the same thing, often at the same time. As if the universe deemed it so.

I realize none of this just happens, that it takes work, empathy, trust, an open heart. And a lot of patience - because I’ve never been remotely normal or predictable.

And yet.

If I knew 40 years ago today what I know now, I would have tried to find her sooner. Because I’ll always want more time with her.

If you’re lucky enough to know her, you’ll understand why.

#LiveLaughLevy #anniversary #throwback #lifeinthemargins #family #everything

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