A (watery) brief moment in time
San Francisco, CA, March 2007 [Click to get wet]
Right across from the St. Regis Hotel is a neat place called the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. (Quick digression: because I'm a geek and this stuff is cool, here's the link to the Google Map so you can see it for yourself. Neat, huh? Now, back to the show...)
There's a pretty extensive set of water fountains facing the street. As the day progresses, the light plays differently on the dancing water. I didn't have much time to capture the aquatic fun, so when I had a few extra minutes, I scooted across the street and grabbed what I could.
I rather liked the sheet-like effect in this one. Of the dozens of images that I took in that very brief period, this was the only one where that weird effect presented itself. I can't explain it, and I can't even begin to wrap my head around the fact that this particular image lasted for barely a thousandth of a second, and was then gone forever.
Beauty is ephemeral, I guess. So I figure we need to capture it in our minds whenever it presents itself.
Your turn: Temporary loveliness. Please discuss.
One more thing: I've been nominated for a couple of Blogger's Choice Awards: best photo blog and best blog about stuff. I'm humbled and honored. The links are right over in my sidebar (look to the right...THERE!) If I ask really nicely, would you vote for me? Would you tell your friends, too? Sure, it's wonderful to be nominated. But it's wonderfuller (oops, I'm inventing words again) if I actually get votes. Or something like that.
I've also pasted the links here:

The lovely Indigomaia from North Carolina nominated me. Here's what she said:
Carmi is an incredible photographer, with a zest for life, for seeing beyond the obvious. His insights have often been like a breath of fresh air, giving hope to a hurting world. He uses his photographs to ask questions of his readers, questions that cause them to THINK on an introspective and meaningful level. When I read his entries, I can see that he has a hungry mind...and a caring spirit. I believe that he strives to make the world a better place, and that he and his wife are teaching their children to do the same. I find his blog to be personal and meaningful, and a true blessing to my life.Me again. I am deeply humbled when I realize that my simple words and images can have that sort of impact. It's all the incentive I need to keep at it.
Since u asked so nicely i shall go and vote for u Carmi :D
Congrats on the nominations!
On temporary loveliness... you post tough topics! I guess you can be proud that you caught this moment on film. Something you will never be able to do again. That's why I scrapbook; to preserve those moments. Not just the birthdays and special events, but the everyday moments. But that is what makes photography to important.
Now, I am off to vote!
Of course, I will vote for you!
Temporary Loveliness: A Kansas sunset
Temporary Loveliness. Hmmm.
We went camping last year up above 10,000 ft of elevation. Even though it was August, we woke up to find ice all over our chairs and tent. It had been a nasty cold night, and I hadn't slept well. I woke up before anyone, which is pretty odd because I'm a complete sleep hound.
I was feeling pretty bitter in the morning, and I knocked the ice off of my chair looking for a place to sit my tired, crabby self down.
And then I saw the sun coming up and hitting the mountain above our campsite. We were just below treeline, so most everything above us was "naked" rocks and scrub. And, it was beautiful to watch the sun moving over the mountain top, and then the trees, and then into our camp.
The day turned terrible, with a downpour that flooded our tent and forced us to pack out in the rain. But, for a few moments, that was the most amazing place in the world to be.
Is that what you meant?
I'll go vote for you...
OK, I was able to vote for you for best photography blog. But, I couldn't find you in the 100+ pages for best blog about stuff. Is there an easier way to figure out where you are?
I love this picture.
I am voting for you!
Sorry Carmi, can you delete that comment from my mom? That was mine, I was helping her put on her profile pic and forgot to sign out....
Totally need a towel after that image and and am off to vote for you. Congrats on the nominations....very well deserved! :)
Have a good one!
"Temporary loveliness" is the perfect phrase to describe a photographer's gift.
A few of mine:
Sunset #1
Enjoy. And best of luck with the vote.
Congrats Carmi. You sure keep it up, quality and regularity.
I've been thinking about this one- how flower petals fall off the stem so that it's beauty is now gone. However, I remember how beautiful it was at one time and therefore it remains that way in my mind.
Maybe as long as we have memories the temporary becomes permanent.
I don't have a caption, but I can't count the number of times my husband has said something this year about how the color of the sky plays against the water on the river with each change of the weather and/or season!
I can't begin to count the number of times my husband has commented on the beauty of how the colors of the sky and the changes in the weather or season play on the river behind our new house!
Just dropping by to say I've voted for you and man, that water looks refreshing! :D
Since you've been on a San Francisco binge, I'll discuss temporary loveliness in the context of SF.
Lovely weather--sans fog, sans cold breeze--is a much-savored rarity in the city. Unfortunately for many of us, the warming trend always falls on the weekday. So to call in sick or not to cut class, that's the question!
I'm a few of those who can plan the schedule flexibly so if I know there will be a warming trend and sunshine galore, I'll pack a sandwich, a book, a camera, and get my dog ready to go out as soon as class is over.
off to vote....
It is still raining here...since Sunday! The same rain I left my camera in....but my little baby is in the mail. I got the shipping confirmation earlier tonight!! Whew hoo
Hi Carmi...thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your phototgraphs! I love it that you take time to smell the roses or in this case, peep at the water! haha
Congrats on the blog award nominations.
Temporary loveliness: clouds in the sky, a fire's dancing flames, waves in the ocean (or lake in my case)
Congrats on the nominations! I voted for you :)
Reminds me of a very famous (and very short) poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay, called "Second Fig," which is really about ephemeral beauty, and how it is better to be resplendent and fleeting, than grounded and graceless...
Safe upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand:
Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand!
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