Tuesday, December 31, 2024

On dogs, NYE, and (non)resolutions

London, ON
December 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

I’ll apologize in advance if this seems curmudgeonly. I’ve never subscribed to the notion that the ending of one year and the beginning of the next is somehow worthy of celebration.

And please don’t get me started on resolutions. We’ve established such artificially predictable traditions around arbitrarily defined “special” days that we’ve forgotten to focus on all the other days.

Calli the Wonderschnauzer thankfully knows none of this, and as one year segues into another, I think she’s onto something.

I happened across her napping form on an otherwise ordinary Saturday afternoon. She was dreaming something fierce - her giant eyebrows always betray her - and I sat on the floor for a bit and just watched her.

When she finally woke up, snacks were had, balls were tossed and retrieved, and I may or may not have given her a Schnu hug.

It was a spontaneous moment that reminded me why we’re so lucky to have her. She makes every day special in its own crazy way, and thanks to her we never know when the next moment of whimsy will happen.

None of this finds its way onto a calendar, and none of it is ever planned. It’s just life, unscripted and unexpected, and she - and we - would have it no other way.

And while some of us will resolve to do things differently in the coming year, I’ll instead resolve to fill in those unheralded in-between days like this one with more moments that make our dog - and by extension us - happy.

Sounds like a fun way to spend any day of any year, no?

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #newyear #calli #callitheschnauzer #dog #actofdog #schnauzerpuppy #schnauzersofinstagram #schnauzergram #schnauzers #dogsofinstagram #instapuppy #photography #apple #iphone #iphone16 #shotoniphone

Canine sphinx, November 2024
Our dog the photo model, September 2024
That Schnauzer stare, December 2023
Boop the snoot, October 2023
Sleepy puppy stare, November 2022
The king at rest, December 2014

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