Every once in a while, I write about the folks who populate the world of journalism, what they mean to me, and why. I'd like to think this helps paint a more complete picture of what motivates me to write, and incents you all to find your own mentors out there. Here goes...
The Washington Post's Joel Achenbach once again serves up a winning entry in his Achenblog. The topic is, unfortunately, sad. Pulitzer prize-winning reporter and editor, and mentor to generations, Gene Miller, died on Thursday. Achenbach writes about it in this entry. Mr. Miller's obituary - which he wrote himself - is printed in the Miami Herald, and is available here. (Note: you may need to register for free to read it.)
Although I never met Mr. Miller, his passing leaves me wondering who the next generation of writers will look up to as they seek the guidance of their elders. I can't help feel that Mr. Miller's generation - which so ably supported me as I took my first steps in the world of writing - isn't being replaced.
It is the loss of the next generation of writers who won't achieve the levels of greatness that they would have otherwise achieved, and the loss of readers who will never know what they're missing.
1 day ago
Hi Carmi, I know I'm one of your lurkers, but I wanted to stop by today and wish you a happy Father's day. I always love your posts where you share about your children. I hope your day is wonderful, you deserve it!
Today I don't believe what I see or read in newspapers, because there has been so many lies, so I don't read or watch them anymore.
I haven't read newspapers for a long time. The last thing I read was the Never Ending Story, which I thought would never end, but it did, so I don't know what that author was talking bout.
Thanks for visiting my blog, Carmi! I hope you have a great weekend, and sorry bout your loss.
Happy Father's Day Carmi!
Lately it seems some writers are more concerned with their by "Celebrity" then the words that they write! When this happens - the reading public suffers.
What's the difference between a journalist and a columnist? I've written lost of commentaries that have been published, in The Roanoke Times as well as our local free press, but I'm not sure how to refer to that part of what I do. Here via the meet and greet.
Michele says Howdy!
Happy father's day....!
I'm another one that has become weary of what I read... Never can be sure what is truth or just a means to the writer's ends these days.... But I hate to hear of anyone's passing though....
Hi Carmi,
Yes, your answer helped. I guess my work has been a mix of both...journalistic because I report and back up what I say with sources...but my take on it is spun into it too. So far I have just said "I write political commentary," which is different than a columnist. My commentaries aren't listed on my blog, but are on my website. I haven't written one in a while though. I got pretty fed up after the recent election and the blog was a way to to something different . Thanks and nice to meet ya.
hello via Michele. Happy Father's day to you!
I think this is the case in many other categories as well as writing. At the risk of sounding fuddy-duddy, I feel like our culture places an emphasis on other things these days, such as sports, movie stars and the 'thug' culture. Books, writers, scientists and classical musicians seem to fade in the background.
Happy Father's Day Carmi!
and i'm from Micheles today!
First let me say Happy Fathers Day to you!
I don't read new books much. I love the old writers....the books we had to read in school really were the best.
I am here via Michele
Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Father's Day. Although the way you live your life, I imagine every day is a happy father's day for you :)
Happy Father's Day. Michele sent me today.
Happy Father's Day, Carmi. Michele sent me tonight.
Happy Fathers Day CArmi!!!!!:)
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