Another in an occasional series of photos from our trip to Florida last December.
I have nothing substantial to say here. I just love this tree, and I love the peace of its location.
Your turn: What places bring you peace? What is it about them that makes this so?
13 hours ago
The cabin my family goes to brings me peace. Its right on the water. And in the woods, its quiet, tranquil, the smell of the salt in the breeze off the water is relaxing to the senses. It quiets the mind. Allows you to breathe.
I love when I walk my dog down the river near our house. It's so close to nature and just helps me get things in perspective.
The ocean brings me peace; its'enormity puts me in my place.
The mountains bring me peace; their durability brings me hope for the future.
Michele sent me.
Great blog.
I find it peaceful where there are no mobile phones and people talking into them!
Okay dude...this is better than coffee! I just wish I could be there...with my coffee ;0)
Hi from Michele's today!! Nice to meet you!
Peace? Please share with me first what exactly that is??? I have 3 kids! I forgot peace long ago! :) ahahahahahah Hi via Michele's lovley site, glad she sent me!
nice photo (as usual)
it's amazing to think that there are still some lovely places left in Florida at all, with the way the developers are running amok...
Carmi, this is another beautiful picture from you. I love the angle and the framing.
In the city in which I live, there is a wonderful park called Maymont. On one of the little walking trails, there is a large, flat rock. I think of it as my rock. I go there sometimes and just enjoy the scenery, to watch people, or to read. This is the place I think of most often when I need a peaceful respite.
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