Thursday, January 26, 2006

Tea time

Thanks to you all for taking the time to wish me and my brood well after this week's dance with the viral fairies. I am touched by your kindness during this fun little adventure of ours.

I don't know how much weight I've lost this week, but colleagues were commenting on my return to work today that the difference in my face was noticeable. Oops...I hate when that happens.

So I need to fatten myself up. Problem is, I'm still afraid to eat - a typical post-flu response of mine. I often take days to build up the courage to start eating regular food. (Anyone who knows me knows how much I usually eat. No one, however, seems to understand where I seem to put it all.)

Which explains tonight's photo. I'm megadosing on tea for now. Sugar and caffeine will keep me awake and sorta functional until I'm back to my usual pantry- and fridge-raiding self.

Your turn: Coffee? Tea? Neither? Why?


Misti said...

coffee, of course. I try to drink tea but can't. just doesn't do it for me.

hoping this gets through. i have tried to comment several times and it never works. I hope you and yours feel better.

Misti said...

heehee never mind, i see your message at the top. how did you do that?

Lisa said...

LOVE that tea cup! Anyway, both coffee and tea for me. Coffee througout the morning for a jump start. Maybe a nice cup of decaf following a meal out. Tea usually when I need to unwind before bed, or when I don't feel well.
Lots of cream in both. :-)

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Tea if I must but for the most part I get my caffeine from Coca-Cola.

Have a great weekend Carmi!

Sharon said...

Hmmm, that's a tough one. Tea is very soothing. I rely on it when I'm feeling cold, or frail.

Take care. Please continue to rest and recover.

Karen said...

Excuse me, may I please have your metabolism? Just kidding.

Well, I normally hate tea unless I'm ill. Coffee's a little rough on the stomach.

Get better soon and be glad you're done with the bad stuff early in the season.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

I've never been much of a coffee person, even though I really do like the smell of it.

I use Diet Mt. Dew for my caffeine delivery system, though that stuff really isn't that good for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Diet Coke drinker. Pretty much my only vice. However, I'm going to be giving it up in my quest for better health. Ack!

Green Tea, here I come - yuck!

Kara said...

Hmmm, why doesn't anyone ever say I need to skinny up?
I like Coffee at work and tea at home...with milk...
Tea is comfort food for me because it's what mom made me when I was sick and Coffee is get my ass moving fuel.

Spock said...

Sorry you've been sick. In answer to your question,..... you mean they make something other than Dr. Pepper?!?!

srp said...

I gather the stomach flu viral fairy visited. Hmm. This seems to have made the rounds all over North America.

My RX: Hot tea, dry toast, Ginger ale. Then chicken broth and then add the noodles. By this time it should be better although I would go light on the dairy products for a little while. Perhaps use acidophilus milk or yogurt.

Forgot to say here from Michele.

Use this therapy myself.

Anonymous said...

Coffee, nope. Tea, if decaf and green or lady grey.

Michele sent me, doncha know?

thanks for coming by Carmi, always a pleasure to see ya.

Anonymous said...

Tea. Or diet coke. Just out of curiosity, did you guys get the flu shot? I know lots of people who get it and still get sick...

I like your philosophy, and wow - your children are your spitting image!

Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

oh man, i remember that "afraid to eat syndrome" when i had a 3 day exorcism given to be by Father Salmonella

kenju said...

Prefer hot, black, decaf coffee, but love hot tea or cold tea as well.

You need to keep yourself hydrated and your glucose levels up - so drink sweet tea, Carmi, and I hope you'll be back to eating soon.

utenzi said...

I'm sorry to hear that you and your family were sick, Carmi. There's been a bug going around here too but I've been lucky enough to avoid it so far.

To answer your question, I can't drink coffee. Gives me horrible belly cramps. Hot tea doesn't do anything for me but I like ice tea--very sweet--it's a southern thing. Personally tho, Pepsi is my true love where beverages are concerned.

Michele sent me. Stay warm and get well, Carmi.

Valbee said...

I absolutely need my coffee in the morning. In fact, I have a psychological connection to it as well. I didn't come into work today until 3 p.m., but the moment I walked into my office, I wanted my travel mug - long after I'd switched to a colder source of caffeine for the day.

I drink hot tea when I'm feeling under the weather, though. And I'm a big fan of iced tea in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Glad you have all survived the cruds. I'm STILL coughing and have laryngitis, 3 weeks post pneumonia.

I drink both coffee and tea. I love coffee but it's bad for my heart so I'm supposed to drink decaf, which is kinda blah. Ditto for decaf tea, so I stick to the less flowery herbals. But I much prefer black tea to green tea, and earl grey to some celestial seasonings mix.

But water, that's MY mainstay.

Michele sent me.

YellowRose said...

Glad you are feeling better! It seems that this year has been horrible for the flu! I have had my share with it and so have my family. I prefer iced tea, something about it makes me feel better. But when I need something hot I usually go with coffee, if it's late, decaf. so not to keep me up all night.

Stay well! Here via Michele's!

Twist of Kate said...

Mmmmmmmm, I'm a coffee girl. I have tried many times to drink tea but I just don't like it. Glad you are feeling better, good luck with your search for food and the weight you lost :)

Here via Michele today...

Anonymous said...

Glad you are better. Since I was born and raised in Minnesota, it is coffee (strong coffee) all the way. Glad to see you have added other and anonymous to your comment area. I hated when it was blogger only and I was excluded.

Bill C said...

Tea-Totally. :-P

Caffeine on the side.

Glad to see you're on your way back to Better.

Anonymous said...

glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you are like my husband, people I hate, you lose 2 lbs and you can tell. Only gain maybe 1 pound during the holidays...must be nice. Michele sent me tonight.

Lisa said...

hope everyone is feeling better at the Carmi house!! Here via Michele this time. :-)

Anonymous said...

Twice in one day! Michele sent me. Have a great weekend.

kenju said...

It is NICE to know you are feeling better, Carmi. I think I will go downstairs and make a cup of hot green tea!

Michele sent me.

jennypenny said...

I am definitely a coffee girl. coffee coffee coffee. mmm.... sorry i got distracted there. haha Although michele sent me tonight I have finally added you to my blogroll after months of enjoying your site! I'm wondering now what the heck took me so long??

kontan said...

thought it was a giant coffee and had to resist the urge to go make some...

The Sylph said...

I start the day with one cup of coffee with cream to get me going. Without the coffee, I just don't feel right all day. But more than that, than I am peeing all morning. After the coffee, I drink about 6 to 8 cups of mint tea, black, over the course of the day. The tea calms and soothes. Mint tea is my drink of choice any time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carmi! Here from Michele's this morning, haven't been here in a while. I was reading a bit and felt the need to comment on this post because I'm drinking coffee right now and mmmmmmmm it's so good.

I like tea once in awhile, but I definitely choose coffee over tea.

Cool picture, by the way. Have a fabulous weekend.

Anonymous said...

Both. All though tea is much better for sickness. Tea can fix anything (according to the Brits.) Example - Your house just burned wanna cuppa?