Saturday, April 08, 2006

The day breaks reflectively in Beantown

Boston, April 7, 2006, 6:07 a.m.
View from my hotel room.

I got home from Boston late last night. My first flight was delayed, which caused me to miss my connecting flight to London - though I did get to wave at the Dash-8 as it took off and banked over the shuttle bus that was taking me to the terminal.

The delay gave me time to sit quietly at the gate as I awaited the next flight home. I thought about what I was bringing back with me, and what I learned while I was away. I think I figured it out:

Although business travel can wear on the body and mind, I try to make the most of the experience by focusing on the fact that I'm in a cool, new place that allows me to tell cool, new stories upon my return.

My philosophy is simple: if you don't take the time to get out of a conference room and explore a bit, you've missed a great opportunity to learn and to broaden your perspectives a little. You've missed the chance to get yourself lost in a neighborhood that looks completely different than any you're used to. You've missed the chance to bring back visions and images that may inspire your friends and family back home.

I took two great walkabouts while I was in Boston this week. I captured well over 350 pictures (advice to all: carry big memory cards and lots of replacable NiMH batteries) and am starting to upload them to the companion Flickr site - find it in the sidebar to the right, and click More of carmizvi's photos to view the photostream.)

Each image has a story associated with it. Admittedly, most are mundane. But a few are poignant, and every one serves as a window for my family, a glimpse at what I was experiencing when I couldn't be home with them. I somehow felt connected with my family as I took each picture. I tried to remember what was going through my head as I tripped the shutter so that I'd be able to talk to it when I got home. It's not just a picture; it's a story that I hope others want to hear.

They say storytelling is a dying art. I'd like to think that it's alive and well, that it's simply taking on new forms as technology and business force us to connect with each other in increasingly creative ways.

Your turn: What stories will you bring back the next time you're away from home?


Lazy Daisy said...

Beautifully expressed. How wonderful to look at each of your pictures as a piece of your life and as a story of it's own. You have an amazing mind and are a gifted writer. Michele sent me today but I know the way very well.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful photo - I love the reflection :)

Nice to be at home now, I bet.

Enjoy your weekend.

Here via Michele's :)

kenju said...

Lazy Daisy said it well, Carmi. You are one in a million and I hope your family knows how lucky they are.

I am going to DisneyWorld in 10 days, with my daughter and her 4 children. Who knows what gems I will return with?

Thanks for your always astute comments; I will take all the prayer I can get and THANK you for it!

utenzi said...

Michele sent me to see you, Carmi.

I love that picture, Carmi. It looks like a building near where I work but my zoom just isn't strong enough for me to get up close like that from the ground.

I don't travel much so I have no stories to bring home. I just stay home. Very much unlike you since you're on the road for work so often, Carmi.

Panthergirl said...

LOL... that question is hilarious in light of what I just posted today...

Great photos! Were you staying at the Marriott in Cambridge?

Anonymous said...

Probably tales of what I ate! My favorite trips have always included wonderful food, whether it be coffee and a bagel in Times Square or fresh ono in Lahaina, Maui. I pretty much want to eat my way through wonderful locales.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I've missed you Carmi..I've been out of the loop with sickness...I'm much better now, though not quite 100% yet.

I so agree with you about traveling and trying to see things you might not...I'm going to take a gander at those pictures on your Flicker Stream, after I leave this comment, my dear...

I don't travel at all anymore so nothing of interest to share except what's close at hand...

I'm here from Michele today, but I am usually here when I'm well. (lol)

art-sweet said...

here from Michele's

Steph said...

Great photo! I agree about taking in your surroundings, wherever you are. It's one of tghe greatest parts of travel - opening your eyes to new experiences. And it's amazing how many different cultures we have on just one continent.

Anonymous said...

Hi from Michele's, Carmi

The picture you posted is beautiful - I love tall glass skyscrapers. When I move to Champaign Ill, I am really going to miss them!

Stories I tell when I leave, huh? Well, that almost never happens, but they are usually about the people I've met and how they impacted me.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo and a great attitude! One would think that with business travel as it is these days that more would want to do just what you did. Thanks for the inspiration!
Here from Michele's.

kontan said...

Here from Michele's enjoying your pictures. I love the top pic! When we travel I am fascinated with the architecture, particularly the doors of old buildings. I love colonial and antebellum homes. We just do not build homes with our imaginations anymore.

Dak-Ind said...

thats a great picture!

Anonymous said...

I spent an hour this morning looking at your travel pictures, they are great. I was thinking, hey I want to hear all those stories that go along with them too!

You're the best "dad!"


David Edward said...

hey - great pic, im reating up today...

Anonymous said...

You've got not only the shutterbug but some great shots in there.

srp said...

Since I haven't gotten out much for a while I am looking forward to two weeks in NYC this summer. Apartment sitting but enjoying art museums and botanical gardens and other things. This time I will take my daughter with me. Also the cameras. What fun.

Michele sent me.

Mike said...

That's another great Picture. I have never been to Boston so I will have to look at all your pictures.

Michele sent me.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Carmi, my dear...
Your words to me are soooo deeply appreciated.

Your pictures are awesome! I looked at all your "travel" photo's and there are so many that are MAHNIFICENT! ART! That's what they are....pure Art!

Lisa said...

That is an absolutely amazing picture. Just beautiful. I'm traveling to San Francisco next week, so I'm hoping to bring home some of my own pictures and stories...

Anonymous said...

When I travel, I almost always end up checking out schools. I don't know why, it just interests me to see the different types of school architecture there is around the world.

Can't wait to look at your whole photo set later on.

Her via Michele

Sandy said...

This is an important reminder. Typically when I do travel for business I'm left with so very little time to do more than work. I have been guilty of spending meals in my room, ordering room service and collapsing upon the bed when the tray arrives. What a great reminder to recharge by going out and experiencing instead of holing up and hiding.

rob said...

The next time I journey away from home will be a trip to San Diego to try to sell a book. Hopefully, the stories will be of great success and awesomeness. Most likely, however, they will involve more poop.

We'll see.

rob said...

Forgot to mention: I love the shot of the building. Your eye slays me.