The next time you're out and about, I hope you'll try this simple exercise in perspective: form a rectangle using the index finger and thumb from each hand. Then use this crude device to crop out details of things around you.
Aside from looking like a total geek - which becomes more enjoyable over time, I promise you - you will over time realize that stuff looks different when it's cropped away from everything around it.
My big mistake when I first started shooting was thinking I had to get everything into the frame. And so my early albums are filled with images where the real focal point is but a tiny dot in the middle, too small to have any storytelling effect. The context does nothing to explain what the picture is all about. Most folks would yawn through the experience.
These days, I try to get in a little closer to see the pictures that most people would miss because they're too embarrassed to lift their fingers up in front of their face and view the world with a slightly offset eye. Viewers may not always know what they're looking at, but it makes for a much more interesting conversation.
Your turn: Anyone want to hazard a guess re. what this is and/or where this might have been taken?
Hume Cronyn Memorial Observatory?
Perspective is everything. Perhaps my mind is in the stars today.
and inside view of the spaceship during your alien abduction...
of course you took your camera along!
Another airport lobby?
It also reminds me of the Canada Place in Vancouver BC.
Space Needle?
Although I have to say, I think Nicole had a great guess. ;)
Cora: It sure felt spacey.
Nicole: Sometimes, I look at pictures I've taken and think the same thing!
Matt: Getting warmer.
BSTS: Good guess! Sometimes I wonder if I could find an interesting photo in that place.
Sandy: No, but I DO have pictures from that site, and I'll get those posted soon, too.
You are all great guessers. I'll narrow things down: it IS in an airport, and it DOES use the same architectural technique as Vancouver's Canada Place.
The airport!
i have no clue... but thanks for the hint in taking pix from a different perspective!!!!!
Geek! When I do that I think I look like Fellini! The trick to all art is choosing what to leave out and what to leave in. This is why there is a polarizing debate as to whether photography is a fine art--like painting, dance, drama, etc. I assure you I have no opinion on this! I love taking photographs, and find my limited ability often results in accidental art.
That foto, obviously, is the kitchen ceiling of Toronto's fabled Polastro Dome.
Enjoy your Sunday,
I'll end the suspense:
It's the roof of the Denver International Airport (DEN). The unique use of sailcloth makes the entire space incredibly bright and vibrant. If I had had more time, I would have liked to hang out there for a while longer.
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