Thursday, July 20, 2006

The CBC video

If you weren't able to catch the CBC report on exploding laptops - where I managed to get the word "sexier" broadcast on Canada's national network - I think I may have some good news. I've been busy playing with YouTube in a rather convoluted attempt to get the resulting video content posted to the blog, and I think I sorta succeeded. Here it is:

Your turn: Were you able to view it from your end? What did you think?

One more thing: If this process works, I'll do the same thing with yesterday's CTV Canada AM interview after I get the original video file.


Anonymous said...

Hi Carmi, I was so excited to see you suddenly appear on CBC so I was glad to see you had it online as well.

I am getting a lot of people asking me if their laptops are safe now, and yet someone still didn't understand that when their system "melted" it wasn't because the laptop was defective, it's because you shouldn't put it on a pillow to work!


Karen said...

Carmi, nice interview! That was a really interesting story. My laptop is dead to the world, but if we replace it, it will be something to consider.

I think you have a great future as a "talking head" for technology. You have such poise, such presence. Great work. Thanks for sharing!

Hope your day is going well!

Kara said...

Ah, look at YOU! You did great. Of course, I couldn't hear a word you were saying because i'm at work and couldnt put on the sound in case the spys heard it..but you LOOKED great! lol..really

kenju said...

Carmi, thanks for putting this up where we could see it. I keep telling you that you are better looking than the photo you have on your blog (I am sure Morah Mommy agrees) - so won't you change it?

I don't have a lap top, so I don't really care about them heating up. Somebody sure needs to care, though!!

Tracie Nall said...

You did a great job!! Very poised and professional. This made me think of all the times you see someone on a tv show using a laptop-it is usually sitting on their bed....a big no-no!

keda said...

ack! thats so scary. have you seen the picture of the lets watching a dvd on a laptop outside on my site?? better talk with their baba i guess.

you looked fabulous. shame we couldn't see your cords. i loved that you said 'sexier' good work. and i LOVED that you had a cheeky smile throughout ;)HAha.
excellent work.

srp said...

That was much easier to hear than the whole broadcast the other night. I'll be checking our laptops closely.

Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

Wow, I know a famous person!

I still want a laptop.

Greetings from Michele's!

Carli N. Wendell said...

Hello. Michele sent me.
Congrats on your tv appearance.

Queen of Light and Joy said...

Sexy? Do you know who's sexy? YOU! That green shirt is you, you you you!
Oh yah Michele sent me.

Carli N. Wendell said...

The video worked on my end. It's my favorite Canadian show since Degrassi!

~A~ said...

An instant classic. The words geek and sexier in the same interview.

Obviously the youtube worked for me. I have issues with it working on my site and Rob is like the only one who gets screwed in not being able to see it. I think he's in California for a comic book convention, the nerd, otherwise I would have him take a look.

Tracie Nall said...

This time Michele sent me!
Your tv appearence is just as good the second time!

Carli N. Wendell said...

always the first to comment, eh?

kenju said...

See, I don't have one......but if someone wants to correct that....I'm up for that! LOL

Michele sent me back.

Joe said...

Scary story. Great job on your piece.

Here via Michele.

JoeinVegas said...

Yes, looked pretty professional up there. Maybe you can become their regular technology reporter (or are you already?)

Anonymous said...

Lookitchoo! Great job!

My only complaint? Why didn't they put your name on the screen? Boooooo.

Sarie said...

Wow. Awesome! I can put a voice to the name now. hahahah

Cool interview!!!

L said...

I heart YouTube....

Joan said...

I have to agree with the Queen of Light and Joy, (what a title that is, by the way) If anything or anyone was sexy in that piece, it was YOU!

I know you are a married family man and all, but you were just too cute! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I got to see it perfectly. And not only did you use the word sexier, but you WERE sexier than anyone else in that interview, by far.

I think people should be warned about not using laptops in bed. Pretty much every blogger I know with a laptop posts in bed.

Great story!

Here from Miss Michele

Florence Forrest said...

Wow! Carmi in Colour:) The youTube film looked just fine. Good stuff.

Here via Michele's

Sandy said...

Worked for me. Great job on the interview, by the way. I'm back tonight via Michele's and glad I had the reminder to catch up on my reading. This interview is one I want to pass on to the laptop using folks in my life.

Young Lady said...

lol betcha your wife wishes you'd come back down to earth and get your head out of the clouds right about now, am I right or am I right? hehehehe I know I would be thinking that if it was my hubby lol

Sandy J said...

This was great, Carmi!!! You did so well. Hope you will keep it up for those of us who can't see your broadcasts on television.

Anonymous said...

Cool, I am glad i get to see it. my computer runs pretty hot (thanks to photoshop) but hopefully my battery will hold containment.

Anonymous said...

lovely to see you in motion and action btw.

Anonymous said...

That's a dell laptop...kaboom!

Anonymous said...

My day job is 'in computers', too, so actually I remember very well seeing that 'exploding laptop' item on CBC Newsworld. I also recall seeing the 'guy from InfoTech', because I'm familiar with the London connection, but I didn't make the connection with the speaker's name shown on the screen.

Hey, where was the ballcap!

PS. I know my 'voices', and you have a good one -- you ought to do a radio show next, Carmi.

Steve Garry, Founder

Pat said...

Carmi, that was so interesting to watch. I don't remember seeing it on TV but great to see it this way!

I want a "sexy" laptop! :) LOL

Pat's Photos and
Guelph Daily Photo