Thursday, July 19, 2007

Purely beautiful

Perfection, to me
Grand Bend, Ontario, July 2007

I'd like you to meet my wife. I took this picture earlier this month, on our anniversary (July 5th, if you're advance-scheduling the FedEx delivery for next year.) I've been looking at it a lot lately because she's been away tending to her mother, doing the things that adult children of aging parents do when they get sick.

The kids and I have missed her immensely. Although we've fared pretty well - I've managed to cook meals that did not poison them, I have kept up with the laundry, I didn't destroy the kitchen and the house is pretty darn tidy - I'll be the first to admit it's not easy without her here. It extends beyond the day-to-day challenges of running a busy family's life, to the fact that I don't get to stare at her while she sleeps, or hear her voice as I slowly open my eyes in the morning. It's not as much fun when your partner and best friend isn't there.

So I've been staring at pictures like this one to help me feel like she's not so far away. Just one of the little reasons why taking pictures of the people who matter to me is an activity far more involved than simply snapping away with a camera.

Your turn: We pick her up from the airport in the morning. Do you think she'll kill me for posting this?


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

I think she'll plant a big kiss and give a bear hug instead...i'm sure she misses u as much....beautiful post and she's incredibly beautiful, Carmi:)

Anonymous said...

Her first instinct may be to smack you, but once she reads your lovely words, that will be furthest from her mind.

And she's lovely, Carmi.

Susan said...

I dont see why she would be upset. The photo is breathraking and your words speak only of possitive things. You are such a nice couple.
I hope the care she is giving her ailing parent doesnt take too much out of her.

Anna said...

You may get more than a kiss Carmi...lovely sentiments about your better half! This is such a peaceful and serene moment.

I hope she sees herself the way you see her!

Tabor said...

Oh no. She may fake dismay, but she will be filled to the brim with warm love.

sage said...

that's hard--being pulled in two places and having to take care of an aging parent. But you don't have to worry, for I think she's going to kill you at the airport! (at least I'm pretty sure mine would kill me)

Anonymous said...

Hey howdy!!

Lol, being a good hubby eh!! Umm, me thinks it would start a lil why did you post my pic followed by you sooo cuuuuuutttttee kinda thingy!! :P

Anonymous said...

Well you are just too cute!

Rax said...

initially you might see her blush really deeply but then she will break into a smile/laugh or a slight pinch/smack which will then lead to a warm hug and lasting kisses.

beautiful shot that captures her beauty perfectly. she'll be proud of you too. (secretly even)

[came by gautami's blog, wonderful site you have here]

mamashine said...

I think this is a lovely picture and even nicer commentary. I don't see how she could stay angry after she read it, even if it annoys her to begin with.

And on a purely objective female point of view, I see nothing to pick at. :) No chins or wrinkles or anything to see that would make me complain if it was a picture of ME. You took a great shot and said sweet things.

Anonymous said...

Oh, she may be a tad embarrassed, but deep down I would imagine that she will be deeply touched by this beautiful love letter from an obviously wonderful and loving husband.

Enchanting photo!

Linda said...

I honestly hope not - it is a gorgeous picture, and she looks so wonderfully at peace. I yearn for moments like that!

Holly Schwendiman said...

Not once she reads your beautiful tribute. ;) Glad you're getting her home soon. I hate being alone, and I'm worse at single parenting. ;)


Paula said...

Lovely photo! I hope her mom is feeling better.

tommie said...

after reading that post, she probably will probably give you a great big hug. Being a pseudo single parent is one of the hardest things I have ever done. It truly makes you appreciate what you have when your spouse is gone even for a short period of time.

Anonymous said...

Even if you get killed, it would be for a good cause.

Like letting us see how beautiful she is.

Jodi said...

I think she will kill you. Or at least get revenge. She has a blog too. ;)

She is very pretty and that is a lovely photo of her though. And how sweet that you miss her so much.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

It's a stunning picture, Carmi. No wonder you're staring at it so often.

If she gets revenge... well, be a good sport. She'll only do it 'cause she loves you.

Jennifer said...

I don't think she'll kill you. She looks beautiful even with her eyes closed. I do have to say, though, that in the pictures I've seen of her in the past, she has just incredible eyes...I'm sure they're one of your favorite photo subjects! I'm glad she's coming home again...I know you've missed her :)

JC said...

Don't know if she'd want to kill you... depends on how she feels about you sharing intimacies with the public and if your idea of keeping tidy is a bit like her own ;-)

You seem to have a lovely family... you should both be proud. Take care.

kenju said...

I think this may be my very favorite photo you've ever posted. How very lovely she is.

talj said...

Oh Carmi, I think you could be in trouble! But it's so worth it! What a beautiful portrait! You're wife is lovely!

I hope she has a safe journey home and that you all enjoy some family time {{HUGS}}

diyadear said...

she will be very happy n u have a lovely wife :)

Moon said...

It's a beautiful testiment of your love...even if she does say ARGHHH..why did u have to post a pic!!..(with a twitch to her lip I bet) lol,
Hope her mom is doing better and glad she will be home with all of you.

Anonymous said...

No, because is utterly flattering and a tribute. And what the heck, you were missing her.

MorahMommy said...

How can I be angry when you wrote such lovely words.

The house looked even better than when I left, the kids had a great time with you...sniff, I don't think you guys really need me! :-)

The greetings at the airport were wonderful! It was nice to be missed!

I love you, big guy!

talj said...

Hey Carmi, me again!

I just wanted to let you know that I have posted something for you over in my blog today, please pop over and CHECK IT OUT

{{HUGS}} xx

Anonymous said...

Oh I doubt it! She's probably missing you too after all & people are very forgiving when they finally get back with people they miss (In my experience, that is)
Michele sent me tonight.

awareness said...

I'm a little late in responding to your question.....and see you have your real answer :)

Enjoy your time together.

I love this photo.......complete trust in the photographer who was lurking about as she closed her eyes :)

Sara said...

I doubt that she would be made at you!!! Your wife is very beautiful and that is a great photo of her!!!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful, but I knew that because I've visited her blog before and hace seen a hoto. Reading her posts made me see what a strong, strong bond two have. Best friends, indeed.

By the way, she looks so much like your son...I'm not sure of the name.

BreadBox said...

Hi there Carmi --- Michele sent me to tell you that I made a real fool of myself the other day -- I asked your one-letter-neighbour how she was dealing with single-daddy-hood: I felt so silly later --- but anyway --- how did the week of single-daddy-hood go?

Wow, that is one pretty lady you have there! Lucky couple:-)
And I suspect, lucky kids:-)


David Edward said...

a great shot, and such a lovely face. you are both blessed by G-d.

Anonymous said...

I would be flattered if my husband put a photo of me on his blog...if he had a blog that is. lol I would love him for it. Heck if he had a blog I would EXPECT to have photos of me every-freaking-where LOL

How utterly beautiful she is...and she looks so peaceful and tranquil, with a little Mona Lisa smile. Love it!

Michele sent me to be jealous of your wife today ;) *grin*

Chad Oneil Myers said...

It's a good image. She won't kill you, Carmi ;)

Anonymous said...

Why would she kill you when you've just written such lovely things about her? The photo is beautiful Carmi

Michele sent me, but I would have stopped by anyways

jsdaughter said...

Both the picture and the words are beautiful. Your reference to your wife as your best friend brought tears to my eyes.. It's what every marriage should be..You're both blessed.

JP (mom) said...

I think it's a beautiful picture and I'm sure she'll forgive you the indulgence. ~JP

Sweetstickychewy said...


Kill you for this? No way..Its too sweet and overwhelming. I am sure she would smile the most beautiful smile and realise what a wonderful man she has in her life.

Really wowEd by the wonderful expression of love you have for your beautiful wife.:D


Catherine said...

She'll probably forgive you after reading your beautifully tender words :)

Anonymous said...

She'll forgive once she is done killing you.

She is beautiful.

We know how hard it is to care for aging parents. Sending healthy vibes your way.

Anonymous said...

Aw you have a beautiful wife! And she's got a very loving husband. I don't think she'll kill you. ;)

utenzi said...

What a great picture of your wife, Carmi. It's been a while since I've seen a picture of her on your blog--but since I don't visit everyday I might have missed a few. It's good that she's back to take care of you and the kids, Carmi.

Michael K. Althouse said...

That's a tough one. I think if she reads the narrative, there is a good chance you'll survive!

On a deeper note, I couldn't help but remember what it was like when I was married. There was a team effort, a camaraderie that I haven't experience since doing it all on my own. I guess that although the marriage was a disaster, I still miss certain aspects of it.

Michele sent me,


Elizabeth McQuern said...

Your wife is a beautiful woman...and you photograph her with such obvious love. I hope someday someone sees me through eyes so full of appreciation.

P.S. Thanks for turning me on to the "recent comments" widget. Very cool.