Monday, July 15, 2024

Dodging thunderstorms in farm country

Hay you
Arva, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Scene from a bike ride:

I’m spinning through farmland northwest of London, flying past fields of tall corn and soybeans - and wheat blowing in the wind like a perfect weathervane.

It’s a brilliantly sunny, blisteringly hot early morning, the heat shimmering off the country road asphalt like a mirage in a movie. I’ve got two water bottles on the frame, and I’ve already started working on the second one long before my expected turnaround point.

I’m feeling good, though, so I push deeper into the countryside. I can probably refill on the return leg, back at that Tim Hortons I passed in the last town before civilization faded from my rear-view mirror.

Suddenly I catch sight of it, a puffy wall cloud low on the horizon to the west. I keep riding, but make a mental note to keep track of it.

It doesn’t take long to realize what I thought was a rain-free ride is about to get wild as a thunderstorm cell boils closer and closer.

Uh oh.

I hit the turnaround point, then crank my way toward home, frantically doing the time/speed/distance math in my head and plotting routes home that’ll put me near potential safe shelter if I can’t make it all the way.

As the sky turns angry to my right, I can feel the air turn cold as I shift up and mash the pedals. As the strengthening crosswind shoves the bike to the left, I tighten my grip on the dancing handlebars, the thrum of the road strengthening as I accelerate.

I realize I’m not making it home, but thankfully Ilderton looms ahead like a friendly beacon.

I feel the first drop as I pull into the Tim’s and tuck the bike under an awning. The storm turns the roads into rivers, and later we learn it spawned a tornado a couple of towns over.

There’s another cyclist there seeking shelter, and soon enough a third rider rolls in, soaked to the bone.

Lots of friendly banter ensues while we wait it out over tea and muffins. They may be total strangers, but the bikes connect us - no matter where our paths may cross. Definitely a cyclist thing, and it’s one of the many things I love about this crazy sport.

Soon enough, the storm passes, the roads begin to dry off, and I get back on and head for home. Carefully.

It turned out to be nothing like the journey I originally planned. But I’m guessing that’s just as true in cycling as it is in life.

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